35.3414, Calls: English; Applied Linguistics / International Journal of Multilingualism - "Writer agency during multilingual writing" (Jrnl)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3414. Tue Dec 03 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3414, Calls: English; Applied Linguistics / International Journal of Multilingualism - "Writer agency during multilingual writing" (Jrnl)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 27-Nov-2024
From: Maarit Mutta [maamut at utu.fi]
Subject: English; Applied Linguistics / International Journal of Multilingualism - "Writer agency during multilingual writing" (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:

Writer agency during multilingual writing

Special Issue Editors:
 • Maarit Mutta (University of Turku, Finland, maarit.mutta at utu.fi)
 • Katja Mäntylä (University of Jyväskylä, Finland,
katja.mantyla at jyu.fi)
 • Outi Toropainen (University of Turku, Finland,
outi.toropainen at utu.fi)

Deadlines for submissions:

The deadline for one-page paper proposals: January 15, 2025
The deadline for submission: August 31, 2025
Tentative publication date: Summer 2026

The editors and editorial board of International Journal of
Multilingualism invite article submissions for a special issue on
Writer agency during multilingual writing.

The aim of this special issue is to bring together studies interested
in writer agency. The focus is on how multilingual writers operate in
multiple languages and how processes differ depending on writer’s
linguistic background and proficiency.

In writing research, the final product has been a common source of
data and the focus of many empirical studies. In addition, the
language learning process has often been approached by comparing
learners or produced work from different stages (Bulté & Housen, 2014;
Baaijen & Galbraith, 2018). The aim of this proposed issue is to
follow the process-oriented approach and directly focus on writing
processes in different languages. The process of writing differs from
that of speech: speech is produced linearly, but in the writing
process, writers move linearly in time but not in space: they can move
between sections of the text very quickly and modify text in different
orders depending on the context or the writer (Roca de Larios, Coyle &
Nicolás-Conesa, 2016).

Multilingual writing processes have raised some interest in recent
years, albeit the tradition is longer for first language writing.
There are various methodological alternatives to investigate the
process of writing. Earlier approaches to processes have used, for
instance, think-aloud protocols to investigate writers’ actions,
motivations and strategies during the writing process. This method is
important as such and has brought new information into academic
dialogue between researchers of multilingual writing. However,
methodological development has introduced new online methods to
chronologically investigate multilingual writing process by, for
instance, keystroke logging or eye-tracking, sometimes in combination
with non-chronological think-aloud methods. Chronological methods have
been used to examine variation between learners, to identify learner
profiles, or to investigate how the knowledge of various languages or
(il)literacies affect multilingual writing processes. However, there
is a need for studies that combine different methods providing a
mixed-method approach to increase researchers' and teachers’
understanding of multilingual writing processes (Davoodifard, 2022;
Galbraith, & Baaijen, 2019; Révész, et al., 2022).

Building on this recent tradition, the aim of this special issue is to
focus on studies that investigate writer agency during multilingual
writing. We seek proposals within this theme. A wide range of
approaches and topical foci are welcome.

Each submission should, however, discuss the relevance of their topic
to multilingual writing processes and its eventual contribution to the
larger framework of multilingual language learning and/or use.
Theoretical contributions can be considered but data-driven empirical
studies are preferred.

One-page paper proposals should be submitted via email to Maarit Mutta
(maarit.mutta at utu.fi) by January 15, 2025. Authors of selected
proposals will be invited to submit their full papers by August 31,
2025. The invited papers will undergo the standard International
Journal of Multilingualism review process.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3414

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