35.3515, Calls: EPITHETS & STAL-2025 Workshop
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Tue Dec 10 19:05:09 UTC 2024
LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3515. Tue Dec 10 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.3515, Calls: EPITHETS & STAL-2025 Workshop
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 06-Dec-2024
From: Nicolò D'Agruma [nico.dagruma at gmail.com]
Subject: EPITHETS & STAL-2025 Workshop
Full Title: EPITHETS & STAL-2025 Workshop
Date: 07-May-2025 - 08-May-2025
Location: Genoa, Italy
Contact Person: Filippo Domaneschi
Meeting Email: stalepithets2025 at gmail.com
Web Site: https://stalepithets.weebly.com
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Philosophy of Language; Pragmatics; Semantics
Call Deadline: 10-Dec-2024
Meeting Description:
We are thrilled to announce the EPITHETS & STAL 2025 Workshop - Genoa,
May 7th-8th 2025 on (negative and positive) expressives and slurs
across languages.
EPITHETS (Explaining Pejoratives In THeoretical and Experimental
TermS) is a multi-center project (UniGE, UniMiB, UniSR) that combines
theoretical and experimental methods in philosophy, linguistics, and
psychology to investigate negative expressives.
STAL (Slurring Terms Across Languages) is an international and
interdisciplinary workshop whose primary aim is to gather work on
slurs from languages that have been seldom discussed and less studied
phenomena in the recent philosophical and semantic literature, and in
particular, from sign languages and non-Indo-European languages.
Invited Speakers
• Masha Esipova (Bar-Ilan University)
• Elsi Kaiser (University of Southern California)
Program Committee
• Bianca Cepollaro (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
• Filippo Domaneschi (DAFIST, Università di Genova)
• Dan Zeman (University of Porto and MLAG)
• Isidora Stojanovic (Pompeu Fabra University)
Organizing Committee
• Alessandra Zappoli (University of Genoa)
• Veronica Repetti (University of Genoa)
• Nicolò D'Agruma (University Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
• Giulia Giunta (University of Milano Bicocca)
All questions about submissions should be emailed to
stalepithets2025 at gmail.com.
Final Call for Papers:
(Deadline: 10-Dec-2024): EPITHETS & STAL 2025 – Workshop on (negative
and positive) expressives and slurs across languages, Genoa, 7-8 May
Conference website:
Submission link:
Abstract registration deadline December 10, 2024
Submission deadline December 10, 2024
EPITHETS (Explaining Pejoratives In THeoretical and Experimental
TermS) is a multi-center project (UniGE, UniMiB, UniSR) that combines
theoretical and experimental methods in philosophy, linguistics, and
psychology to investigate negative expressives.
STAL (Slurring Terms Across Languages) is an international and
interdisciplinary network whose primary aim is to gather work on slurs
from languages that have been seldom discussed and less studied
phenomena in the recent philosophical and semantic literature, and in
particular, from sign languages and non-Indo-European languages
Invited Speakers
- Masha Esipova (Bar-Ilan University)
- Elsi Kaiser (University of Southern California)
Submission Guidelines
We invite submission of abstracts for 50-minute talks (30-minute
presentation + 20 minutes for Q&A). Abstracts should be anonymous, the
main text should be 2 pages long, with an optional third page for
glossed examples, references, or figures (Note: use a third page for
examples only when they are non-English examples and are glossed.)
Abstracts are due before December 10, 2024, and should be submitted
via EasyChair. We expect to notify the authors of their acceptance by
(NOTE: We are aware that mentioning terms like slurs is a
controversial issue. We will not, however, take a stance on this
matter, but we'd like to ask submitters to be sensitive to the issue.)
We especially encourage people from underrepresented groups to apply.
Special Session
EPITHETS & STAL-2025 will include a special session Valence
asymmetries in expressive language, sponsored by Isidora Stojanovic's
ERC Advanced Grant VALENCE ASYMMETRIES n°101142133
(https://www.upf.edu/web/valence-asymmetries); we will pay for the
travel and accommodation of the contributor(s).
For this session, we invite contributions on issues concerned with the
positive, negative, or ambivalent valence of expressive terms. In
particular, we encourage: (1) empirical studies (experimental, corpus
and field studies) concerned with the valence of expressive terms
(incl. slurs, pejoratives, amelioratives); (2) analyses of how the
valence of a term can shift (as, for example, in slur reclamation).
Please specify if you'd like your submission to qualify for the
special session. (Submissions deemed insufficiently relevant to this
session will still be considered for the general session.)
Program Committee
- Bianca Cepollaro (University Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
- Filippo Domaneschi (DAFIST, Università di Genova)
- Isidora Stojanovic (Pompeu Fabra University)
- Dan Zeman (University of Porto
Scientific Committee
- Heather Burnett (CNRS/Paris Cité University)
- Bianca Cepollaro (University Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
- Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa)
- Leopold Hess (Jagiellonian University)
- Elsi Kaiser (University of Southern California)
- Chang Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Andrés Saab (SADAF/University of Buenos Aires)
- Isidora Stojanovic (Pompeu Fabra University)
- Dan Zeman (University of Porto and MLAG)
Organizing Committee
- Nicolò D'Agruma (University Vita-Salute San Raffaele)
- Giulia Giunta (University of Milano Bicocca)
- Veronica Repetti (University of Genoa)
- Alessandra Zappoli (University of Genoa)
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