35.3569, Jobs: Assistant professor (50 %) in speech therapy, University of Neuchâtel

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Wed Dec 18 18:05:04 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3569. Wed Dec 18 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3569, Jobs: Assistant professor (50 %) in speech therapy, University of Neuchâtel

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Justin Fuller <justin at linguistlist.org>


Date: 18-Dec-2024
From: Katrin Skoruppa [katrin.skoruppa at unine.ch]
Subject: Assistant professor (50 %) in speech therapy, University of Neuchâtel

University or Organization: University of Neuchâtel
Department: Institut des sciences logopédiques
Job Location: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Web Address: https://www.unine.ch/islo/
Job Title: Assistant professor (50 %) in speech therapy
Job Rank: Assistant Professor

Specialty Areas: Not Applicable; Speech Therapy


The position will have a scientific orientation within the field of
speech therapy, with a focus on motor aspects, in particular disorders
concerning the oral-lingual-facial sphere (including facial
paralysis), oral feeding, swallowing, speech and/or fluency in
children and/or adults. The successful candidate will have a teaching
load of 2 hours per week (at Bachelor's and Master's level), and will
supervise doctoral students and Master's projects.

In addition, he/she will:
- demonstrate an interest in, and aptitude for, collaboration and
interdisciplinary work, in particular with psychology and cognitive
- offer an orientation compatible with, and complementary to, the work
carried out at the Institute of Speech and Language Therapy Sciences
at UniNE and the Institute of Language and Communication at the HfH
(Hochschule für Heilpädagogik/ University of Applied Sciences for
Curative Education, Zürich).
- be willing to engage in dialogue with the larger local community
(cantons, hospitals, other higher education institutions in

Education: Candidates must have a doctorate, at least two years of
research experience since their doctorate, academic management
experience and a record of diversified, high-level publications. The
status of Assistant Professor implies that the doctorate must have
been obtained less than 10 years before the date of appointment (see
starting date).

Teaching: Two hours per week in speech and language therapy, divided
between BA and MA, including teaching in the area of specialization,
as well as methodological and/or practical/clinical teaching,
depending on the profile

Supervision: participation in student supervision, particularly of
dissertations and doctoral theses, at UniNE and HfH.

Research: development of research in speech and language therapy;
participation in the research and activities of Institute of Speech
and Language Therapy Sciences at UniNE and the Institute of Language
and Communication at the HfH, as well as in national and international
collaborations; ability to obtain research funding.

Administration: participation in the administration and representation
of the Institute of Speech and Language Therapy Sciences and the
Faculty of Humanities, as well as the Institute of Language and
Communication and and the Institute of Language and Communication at
the HfH.

The position is also open to non-French-speaking candidates, who may
temporarily teach in English, and who must undertake to organize
examinations in French and master the French language within two years
of taking up the post. Proficiency in German, or a willingness to
perfect it, is required in order to supervise German-speaking doctoral
students from the HfH, and to offer occasional teaching there.

Starting date: August 1, 2025 or to be agreed

Duration: 4 years (renewable once for 2 years)

Salary: according to law

Obligations: according to law

Applications must include the following: a) letter of motivation; b)
curriculum vitae; c) list of publications; d) copy of degrees obtained
(doctorate and highest degree); e) scientific vision of the field and
activities that the candidate intends to develop as a PA professor; f)
three reference persons with details of their relationship to the

Candidates are invited to submit their application electronically via
www.unine.ch/candis (FLSH_LOGO) until 31.01.2025. No publications
should be sent at this stage.

Further information can be obtained from Prof. Katrin Skoruppa
(katrin.skoruppa at unine.ch ) or at www.unine.ch/islo.

The University of Neuchâtel is committed to promoting diversity among
its staff and to offering non-discriminatory working conditions. It
encourages applications from all countries, both European and
non-European. You are also strongly advised to refer to the
regulations governing the procedure for appointing professors, which
can be accessed from the University.

Application Deadline: 31-Jan-2025
Mailing Address for Applications:
Web Address for Applications: https://www.unine.ch/emploi/candis/
Contact Information:
        Prof. Katrin Skoruppa
        Email: katrin.skoruppa at unine.ch


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3569

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