35.3631, Calls: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (PolyU-CALLS)

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Sun Dec 22 00:05:02 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3631. Sun Dec 22 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3631, Calls: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (PolyU-CALLS)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 19-Dec-2024
From: Max Diaz [max.diaz at polyu.edu.hk]
Subject: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (PolyU-CALLS)

Full Title: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Undergraduate
Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Studies (PolyU-CALLS)
Short Title: PolyU-CALLS

Date: 29-Mar-2025 - 29-Mar-2025
Location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Contact Person: Max Diaz
Meeting Email: max.diaz at polyu.edu.hk
Web Site: https://events.polyu.edu.hk/polyucalls2025/home

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; General
Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 07-Feb-2025

Meeting Description:

On Saturday, 29 March 2025, the Department of English and
Communication (ENGL) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
will host the PolyU Undergraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics
and Language Studies (PolyU-CALLS). PolyU-CALLS is an annual all-day,
in-person conference featuring the work of current undergraduate
students in Applied Linguistics, Communication, and related
disciplines from universities in Hong Kong and across the globe. Last
year’s PolyU-CALLS saw around 150 attendees from throughout Hong Kong,
mainland China, Korea, and Thailand, as covered in this news feature
article. Please note that in-person attendance is mandatory for all
presenters. Remote participation will not be accommodated.

Current undergraduate students are invited to present papers
encompassing basic research, methodological development, critical
essays, or other scholarly activities they have worked on during their
studies. Presentation topics include:

•    Applied Language Studies
•    AI and Language Technologies
•    Language Education (Teaching and Learning)
•    Navigating Communication in the Digital World, the Internet, and
Social Media
•    Next Generation Workplaces, Healthcare, Public Health, and
Multicultural Business
•    Linguistic Landscape and Urban Spaces
•    Intercultural Communication and Migration
•    Language in Pop Culture

PolyU-CALLS provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to
showcase their research and creative and academic work to an audience
of peers, instructors, and scholars. Students who are accepted to
PolyU-CALLS 2025 will give an oral presentation of around 15 minutes,
with an additional 10 minutes for Q&A. Submission of a completed
written paper is not required.

Application Guidelines to Present at PolyU-CALLS 2025

Submit your proposal! Your proposal can reflect the efforts of a
single individual or a collaboration of up to 5 students (as
co-authors). All presentations must be by students currently enrolled
in an undergraduate programme. We encourage students to seek guidance
from instructors or professors from their own universities to help
ensure they submit their very best work.

Prior to acceptance, the PolyU-CALLS Advisory Board will review all
proposals. Submission does not guarantee acceptance.

Proposals should be submitted through the PolyU-CALLS proposal
submission page.

Before you begin the proposal submission process, please be sure you
•    A title for your presentation
•    An abstract (150 to 200 words) saved in .doc file.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 7 February 2025 (Friday)
Notice of decision: by 28 February 2025 (Friday)
Conference date: 29 March 2025 (Saturday) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3631

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