35.1911, Confs: From Empirical Research to Foreign Language Classroom Practice and Vice Versa

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1911. Mon Jul 01 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1911, Confs: From Empirical Research to Foreign Language Classroom Practice and Vice Versa

Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Date: 28-Jun-2024
From: Audrey Bonvin [audrey.bonvin01 at edufr.ch]
Subject: From Empirical Research to Foreign Language Classroom Practice and Vice Versa

>From Empirical Research to Foreign Language Classroom Practice and
Vice Versa

Date: 06-Sep-2024 - 07-Sep-2024
Location: Fribourg, Switzerland
Contact: Audrey Bonvin
Contact Email: audrey.bonvin01 at edufr.ch
Meeting URL: https://cedile.ch/de/tagung-von-der-empirischen-forschung

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition

Meeting Description:

This congress addresses researchers, teachers and teacher trainers who
want to share their insights on the links between the discovery, the
implementation, and the practical uses of knowledge about foreign and
second language acquisition and instruction.

In addition to presentations on empirical and pedagogical research,
the conference will host an expert panel, followed by the conference
dinner on Friday evening, and a workshop on Saturday afternoon. It is
the aim of the organisers to facilitate networking and discussions
between the various proponents in foreign and second language

Registration open:

Preleminary program:

2 Keynotes:
 -  Prof. Dr. Sabine Doff (Universität Bremen): Educational Research:
Teachning Practice - Nurturing relationships in difficult times
 - Isabelle Udry (Institute of Multilingualism and PH Zürich):
Navigating the Landscape of Research and Practice in Foreign Language
Education - Bridging Gaps or Building Bridges?

1 roundtable "Forschung und Praxis am selben Tisch"

2 workshops:
 - Dr. Elisabeth Peyer und Gabriela Lüthi (Institute of
Multilingualism): Mündliche Paar-Prüfungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht:
von der Aufgabenstellung zum Lehrpersonenverhalten
 - Prof. Dr. Patrick Roy (HEP|PH Fribourg/Freiburg): Des ingénieries
didactiques coopératives pour construire des ressources didactiques
innovantes et développer la professionnalité des enseignants

And project presentations!


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LINGUIST List is supported by the following publishers:

Cambridge University Press http://www.cambridge.org/linguistics

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1911

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