35.1932, Calls: The Fifth Cultural Linguistics International Conference: Present and Emerging Trends in Research on Language and Culture

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1932. Tue Jul 02 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.1932, Calls: The Fifth Cultural Linguistics International Conference: Present and Emerging Trends in Research on Language and Culture

Moderator: Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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LINGUIST List is hosted by Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences.

Date: 29-Jun-2024
From: Anastasiia Carisio [anacaris at ucm.es]
Subject: The Fifth Cultural Linguistics International Conference: Present and Emerging Trends in Research on Language and Culture

Full Title: The Fifth Cultural Linguistics International Conference:
Present and Emerging Trends in Research on Language and Culture
Short Title: CLIC 2025

Date: 16-Jun-2025 - 18-Jun-2025
Location: Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Contact Person: Anastasiia Carisio
Meeting Email: clic2025 at ucm.es

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Cognitive Science;
Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics; Semantics

Call Deadline: 10-Oct-2024

Meeting Description:

The Cultural Linguistics International Conference series provides a
dialog between language and a variety of fields, including
anthropology, psychology, sociology, and education. Its
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary orientation primarily examines
the relationship between language and culture, especially with
particular emphasis on cultural cognition.

Call for Papers:

The 5th Cultural Linguistics International Conference (CLIC 2025)
supports research that enhances our understanding of how languages
encode culturally constructed experience. CLIC 2025 welcomes
presentations focused on the relationship between language and
culture, preferably with the interface of cognition. The conference is
not limited to any specific school or model.
CLIC 2025 is intended as a platform for scholars working in research
areas particularly in relation to research areas connected with
language, culture, society, and cognition. Possible topics include but
are not limited to the following subject areas:

 - Language, culture, and categorisation
 - Metaphors across languages and cultures
 - Cultural stereotypes
 - Language, culture and emotions / religion / kinship / naming /
animals etc.
 - Intercultural re-conceptualisation
 - Cultural conceptualisations in sign languages
 - Cultural conceptualisations and syntax
 - Cultural conceptualisations and semantics
 - Cultural conceptualisations and pragmatics
 - Cultural linguistics, anthropological linguistics, and
 - Cultural linguistics and intercultural communication
 - Cultural linguistics and political discourse analysis
 - Cultural linguistics, computational and corpus linguistics
 - Cultural linguistics and gesture studies
 - Cultural linguistics and (im)politeness
 - Cultural linguistics and World Englishes
 - Research methods in cultural linguistics
 - Cultural linguistics and language learning and teaching
 - Cultural Linguistics and teaching English as an International
Language (TEIL)
 - Cultural Linguistics and translation/interpreting
 - Diachronic cultural linguistics
 - The relations between language and culture in minority ethnic
groups of America, Africa, Asia, etc.

The conference is open to session proposals. Theme session proposals
should contain: the session title, the name and affiliation of the
theme session organizer, an introduction of approximately 400-500
words explaining the theme session, a list of the authors and titles
of four to six individual papers. Please send your theme session
proposal to: clic2025 at ucm.es

Important dates:
30 September 2024: Deadline for theme session proposals
10 October 2024: Deadline for abstract submissions
31 October 2024: Notification of acceptance
16 March 2025: Registration closes

Submission guidelines:
The submission should include: author’s name, affiliation, e-mail
address, presentation title. Anonymized abstracts of 400-500 words
including references should be submitted in a separate Word document
and be sent to clic2025 at ucm.es

Contact e-mail: clic2025 at ucm.es

Languages of the conference: English and Spanish

Please note that information about logistic, accommodations, etc.,
will be included later.


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Cambridge University Press http://www.cambridge.org/linguistics

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Lincom GmbH https://lincom-shop.eu/

Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1932

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