35.2005, Calls: New Ways of Analyzing Ancient Greek 2

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2005. Thu Jul 11 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2005, Calls: New Ways of Analyzing Ancient Greek 2

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Date: 09-Jul-2024
From: Vassilios Spyropoulos [vspyrop at phil.uoa.gr]
Subject: New Ways of Analyzing Ancient Greek 2

Full Title: New Ways of Analyzing Ancient Greek 2
Short Title: NWAAG 2

Date: 26-Sep-2024 - 27-Sep-2024
Location: Athens, Greece
Contact Person: Vassilios Spyropoulos
Meeting Email: vspyrop at phil.uoa.gr
Web Site: https://linguistics.phil.uoa.gr/synedria/alff/new_ways_of_an

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Phonology;
Semantics; Syntax
Subject Language(s): Greek, Ancient (grc)

Call Deadline: 07-Jul-2024

Meeting Description:

New Ways of Analyzing Ancient Greek 2 (NWAAG 2) is the second meeting
of a workshop series initiated in Göttingen 13-14 Dec 2019. The reason
for initiating this workshop series was to establish a network of
linguists applying analytical tools of current linguistic theories to
the research of Ancient Greek. This aim encompasses any framework of
modern linguistics at any layer of grammar, phonology, morphology,
syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. We also particularly welcome
contributions that make use of new resources such as annotated
corpora, treebanks, etc. to advance our understanding of Ancient Greek

Ancient Greek and Latin were certainly among the best-studied
languages a hundred years ago, biasing our understanding of
grammatical categories and structures. In the realm of modern
linguistics the perspective was shifted towards modern languages,
which gave rise to an interesting situation: the grammars and
dictionaries of Classical languages are still among the most detailed
linguistic descriptions available, but these languages are severely
underrepresented in modern linguistic research. In the recent years,
numerous studies on Ancient Greek explored various aspects of the
grammar in the light of modern linguistic frameworks and typological
insights. In parallel, linguists and philologists created significant
resources (online corpora, various types of databases, treebanks,
tools for programming Classicists, etc.) that enhance our possibility
to test linguistic hypotheses in larger data sets. Thus, within the
empirical turn in linguistics, various methodological approaches have
been developed for gaining new insights from such resources. This
state of affairs offers the following challenges:
 • What can we learn from languages such as Ancient Greek for the
generalizations gained within modern linguistic frameworks?
 • How can we advance our understanding of Ancient Greek by applying
the analytic tools of modern linguistic theory?
 • How can we exploit modern resources and tools to test hypotheses on
Ancient Greek grammar?

Jointly organized by the National Kapodistrian University of Athens
(Vassilios Spyropoulos) and the Georg-August University of Göttingen
(Stavros Skopeteas).

Organizing Committee:
Vassilios Spyropoulos
Stavros Skopeteas
Christianna Antonopoulou

Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submissions: 07/07/2024
Notification of acceptance: end of July 2024
Workshop Dates: 26-27 September 2024

NWAAG 2 is part of Athens Linguistics Fall Fest 2024 (A.L.F.F. 2024)
hosted by the Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Philology,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

2nd Call for Papers (extended deadline):

We invite abstracts for 30-minute presentations on any aspect of
Ancient Greek grammar and we particularly welcome contributions that
utilize empirical methodological approaches that make use of new
resources. Abstracts should be up to 2 pages long, including
references and examples, with the following specifications:
 - 12pt Times New Roman
 - single space
 - margins 2,54 all around

Abstracts should be submitted as pdf files via email to Vassilios
Spyropoulos (vspyrop at phil.uoa.gr) and Stavros Skopeteas
(stavros.skopeteas at uni-goettingen.de)

Deadline for abstract submissions: 28/07/2024


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2005

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