35.2014, Calls: 1st International Congress on Phonetics and Poetics / I Congreso Internacional de Fonética y Poética (FyP) / I Congresso Internazionale di Fonetica e Poesia (FyP)

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Jul 12 18:05:07 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2014. Fri Jul 12 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2014, Calls: 1st International Congress on Phonetics and Poetics / I Congreso Internacional de Fonética y Poética (FyP) / I Congresso Internazionale di Fonetica e Poesia (FyP)

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Date: 10-Jul-2024
From: Federico Lo Iacono [federico.loiacono at unito.it]
Subject: 1st International Congress on Phonetics and Poetics / I Congreso Internacional de Fonética y Poética (FyP) / I Congresso Internazionale di Fonetica e Poesia (FyP)

Full Title: 1st International Congress on Phonetics and Poetics / I
Congreso Internacional de Fonética y Poética (FyP) / I Congresso
Internazionale di Fonetica e Poesia (FyP)
Short Title: FyP

Date: 14-Nov-2024 - 15-Nov-2024
Location: Online, Chile
Contact Person: Valentina Colonna
Meeting Email: foneticaypoetica at usach.cl
Web Site: https://foneticaypoetica.usach.cl/en/

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Ling & Literature;
Phonetics; Phonology; Psycholinguistics

Call Deadline: 02-Sep-2024

Meeting Description:


The Acoustic Dimension of Poetry: Instrumental and Interdisciplinary

The 1st International Congress on Phonetics and Poetics has been
created by the homonymous international group, which connects the
University of Granada, University of Santiago de Chile and University
of  Concepción, in collaboration with the European project Voices of
Spanish Poets. It is the first scientific meeting dedicated to the
dissemination of the phonetic-acoustic study of poetry and from an
interdisciplinary perspective.


La dimensión acústica de la poesía: perspectivas instrumentales e

El I Congreso Internacional de Fonética y Poética — creado por el
grupo homónimo que conecta las universidades de Granada, de Santiago
de Chile y de Concepción, en colaboración con el proyecto europeo
Voices of Spanish Poets — constituye el primer encuentro científico —
del último tiempo — dedicado a la divulgación del estudio
fonético-acústico de la poesía y desde una perspectiva
interdisciplinar. Su modalidad será completamente virtual y gratuita,
para favorecer la participación de todos los investigadores de esta
área de estudios y que se encuentran desplegados por el mundo.


La dimensione acustica della poesia: prospettive strumentali e

Il Congresso Internazionale di Fonetica e Poetica, creato dall'omonimo
gruppo che unisce le università di Granada, Santiago del Cile e
Concepción, in collaborazione con il progetto europeo Voices of
Spanish Poets, è il primo incontro scientifico dedicato in tempi
recenti alla divulgazione dello studio fonetico-acustico della poesia
in una prospettiva interdisciplinare. Sarà completamente virtuale e
gratuito, per favorire la partecipazione di tutti i ricercatori di
quest'area di studio sparsi in tutto il mondo.

Call for Papers:

>From the early 20th century, phonetics was closely related to poetic
studies and even to the instrumental analysis of speech (Mustazza,
2019), and the relationship between linguistics and poetry has been
shown to be strongly connected, as Jakobson (1966) demonstrates.
However, despite the growing number of vocal archives and strategies
for preserving poetic speech internationally (see Colonna, 2021,
Mistrorigo 2019), this branch of research has been understudied.

In recent years, this gap has been relegated to various international
areas, such as, theoretical approaches that have opened the debate on
the subject of the scientific understandings of poetry reading  in
connection with the text (Bernstein, 1999), encompassing various
disciplinary branches, which is allowing the beginning of awareness,
sensitization, and an increase in the instrumental and
interdisciplinary study of this specific and very complex form of
speech and its relationship with the written text (e.g., Byers 1979;
MacArthur et al. 2018; Colonna, 2022; Barbosa, 2023). This congress
aims to contribute to this specific branch of research.

For this reason, the recently created international research group
Phonetics and Poetics, in collaboration with the Voices of Spanish
Poets project, cordially invites all those interested in this area of
research to participate in the first edition of the International
Congress on Phonetics and Poetics, to be held on November 14-15, 2024,

We invite all researchers working on the acoustic dimension of poetry
from various perspectives to submit a proposal within one of the
following thematic areas:

 • Phonetics and Poetry: dedicated to the phonetic study of recordings
of read or oral poetry
 • Phonetics and Applied Poetics (Didactics): dedicated to the
applications of teaching poetry through phonetics at different levels
of instruction
 • Phonetics, Cognition, and Poetics: dedicated to the study of the
results of the acoustic and perceptive dimension of poetic reading
through psycholinguistic, cognitive, and psychophysiological
correlates methodologies
 • Phonetics and Metrics: dedicated to the prosodic dimension of the
poetic text in relation to its execution and interpretation aloud

Start of proposal reception 02 July 2024
End of proposal reception 02 September 2024
Communication of acceptance 02 October 2024
Date of the congress 14-15 November 2024
Modality: online


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2014

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