35.2039, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Journal of Responsible Technology - "Digital Learning Environments and Authenticity in Language Education" (Jrnl)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2039. Tue Jul 16 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2039, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Journal of Responsible Technology - "Digital Learning Environments and Authenticity in Language Education" (Jrnl)

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LINGUIST List is hosted by Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences.

Date: 13-Jul-2024
From: Ana Luís [aluis at fl.uc.pt]
Subject: Applied Linguistics / Journal of Responsible Technology - "Digital Learning Environments and Authenticity in Language Education" (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:

The Journal of Responsible Technology invites researchers working on
“Digital Learning Environments, Authenticity and Language Education”
to submit an article for its thematic issue to be published in 2025.
The guest editors are Ana R. Luís, Tanara Z. Kuhn and Mónica Lourenço
(University of Coimbra, Portugal).

In contemporary language teaching and learning, the conventional
notion of authenticity has undergone a significant transformation,
becoming a dynamic concept that extends to a wide array of digital
tools. This evolution is particularly evident in the incorporation of
interactive platforms and collaborative behaviours, marked by ongoing
interaction and constant response (Gilmore, 2019). This paradigm
shift, which aligns seamlessly with authentic digital exchanges, has
become a key factor in redefining authenticity (Buendgens-Kosten,
2013; Kukulska-Hulme, 2009, 2017; Ifenthaler, 2016; Mishan, 2017).

The integration of Artificial Intelligence introduces a further
dimension to authenticity: AI-powered tools generate and personalize
content, tailoring language learning experiences to individual
interests and proficiency levels (Pack & Maloney, 2023; Simonsen,
2019). While this opens up possibilities for tailored and engaging
learning experiences, it also introduces questions about the
authenticity of AI-generated materials compared to human-created
content (Godwin-Jones, 2022; Hockly, 2023). These developments not
only transform the learning landscape but also demands a thoughtful
examination of teacher development and citizenship in the digital era
(Akgün & Greenhow, 2021).

With this evolving perspective on authenticity in mind, this Special
Issue welcomes original research, critical, empirical or theoretical
research papers, case studies, or literature reviews, theoretical
papers, and practical contributions addressing, but not limited to,
the following main topics:

• The re-conceptualization of authenticity in language education
• The integration of authentic digital experiences into language
• AI and authenticity in language education
• The intersection of AI, ethics and digital citizenship

Articles may come from language teaching and learning, applied
linguistics, teacher development, computational linguistics, corpus
linguistics, educational technology, or any other related discipline.

ABSTRACT submission deadline: September 1, 2024
This Special Issue does not charge APCs.

For more details: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-res


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2039

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