35.1691, FYI: TEL PhD program: call is out!
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1691. Fri Jun 07 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 35.1691, FYI: TEL PhD program: call is out!
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Date: 07-Jun-2024
From: Luca Bischetti [luca.bischetti at iusspavia.it]
Subject: TEL PhD program: call is out!
The University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, Italy is
opening a call for 6 PhD positions within the PhD program in
Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics (TEL).
TEL aims at training scholars in the field of linguistics, considering
both theoretical and experimental approaches. In particular, the
program focuses on studies in the areas of theoretical syntax,
experimental pragmatics, and computational linguistics, taking into
account both formal descriptions and psycho/neurolinguistic
The call is now available on the PhD website:
Of the 6 positions:
3 positions are funded by IUSS
Projects will deal with one or more of the PhD topics, with special
reference to theoretical syntax (e.g., configurational correlates of
the subject-predicate link; copular sentences, role of symmetry and
symmetry-breaking phenomena), experimental syntax and neurosyntax
(e.g., grammaticality judgments, reaction times, eye-tracking,
neurophysiology or invasive techniques), experimental pragmatics and
neuropragmatics (metaphor and non-literal language, also at the
interface with computational modelling of behavioral and brain data),
clinical and developmental pragmatics, language disorders (e.g., in
psychosis and with NLP approaches).
n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and
Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 4.1 Public
Administration, on the following topic: Linguistic and communicative
skills in children and adolescents in social disadvantage and other
underserved populations
Institution involved: Tribunale per i Minorenni di Milano
n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and
Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 4.1 Public
Administration, on the following topic: Language and its impact in
communicating science and medicine
Institution involved: Center for Ethics in Science and Journalism
n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by National Recovery and
Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3. Innovative
Doctorates, on the following topic: Atypical language development:
neurophysiological correlates and implications for intervention
Company involved: IRCSS Besta
Teaching Board
Valentina Bambini, IUSS Pavia (Coordinator)
Valentina Bianchi, University of Siena
Adriana Belletti, University of Siena
Marta Bosia, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan
Robyn Carston, UCL
Eleonora Catricalà, IUSS Pavia
Cristiano Chesi, IUSS Pavia
Matteo Paolo Greco, IUSS Pavia
Andrea Moro, IUSS Pavia
Ira Noveck, CNRS Paris
Marco Riva, Humanitas University, Milan
Luigi Rizzi, Collège de France, Paris
Ian Roberts, IUSS Pavia
Andrea Sereni, IUSS Pavia
Deadline for application: July 1, 2024, 1:00 p.m. CEST.
For administrative information: postlaurea at iusspavia.it
For scientific information: valentina.bambini at iusspavia.it
IUSS promotes freedom of research and teaching, is committed to
integrity, impartiality and equal treatment to all members of its
Community, and rejects all kinds of discrimination and harmful
behavior, providing Trusted and Confidential Counselors to safely
address any issue in academic life. The School Statute, its Code
Ethics and Conduct, and the Regulation for Doctoral Courses can be
found here: https://www.iusspavia.it/en/university-school/regulations
Linguistic Field(s): Clinical Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-1691
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