35.3310, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée - "Reporting interviews for mediated communication: Exploring professional linguistic and semiotic practices" (Jrnl)

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Thu Nov 21 04:05:08 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3310. Thu Nov 21 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.3310, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée - "Reporting interviews for mediated communication: Exploring professional linguistic and semiotic practices" (Jrnl)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 19-Nov-2024
From: Sarah Josefine Schaefer [sarah.schaefer at ul.ie]
Subject: Applied Linguistics / Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée - "Reporting interviews for mediated communication: Exploring professional linguistic and semiotic practices" (Jrnl)

Call for Papers:

CfP: Bulletin VALS-ASLA 121 "Reporting interviews for mediated
communication: Exploring professional linguistic and semiotic

Abstract submission deadline: 30 January 2025

The next issue of the Bulletin VALS-ASLA – "Reporting interviews for
mediated communication: Exploring professional linguistic and semiotic
practices" – aims to address the complex relationship between the
information that is elicited during the interview process by
professional communicators and what remains once this information is
reported in different forms of mediated communication. This issue is
guest-edited by Lauri Haapanen (University of Jyväskylä), Gilles
Merminod (University of Lausanne) and Sarah Josefine Schaefer
(University of Limerick).

The editors invite contributions that explore the transformation from
interview to reports/outputs in mediated communication from an applied
linguistics perspective, either on a theoretical/general level or
within a domain of professional communication. The contributions to
this issue should aim to contribute significantly to our understanding
of the professional practices of reporting interviews in mediated
communication. Contributions could address questions such as:

    How do practitioners in different domains of mediated
communication prepare interviews?
    Why do they prepare it in a certain way? And what semiotic and
linguistic resources do they use?
    What are the collaboration practices between interviewers and
    Does the fact that the interview is made to be reported impact on
their meaning-making practices? And if so, how?
    What are the practical tasks at play in the process of
entextualising interviews?
    How are new digital technologies employed, and why and how does
this shape communication?

Contributions can employ different methodologies and data sets to
consider the linguistic and semiotic practices of reporting interviews
by professional communicators, such as:

    Ethnographic observations of preparing and re(con)textualising
    Critical discourse analysis to explore power dynamics and
representation in interview interactions;
    Examination of archival material to understand historical changes
in reporting on interviews;
    Cross-cultural comparisons of interviewing practices, reporting
styles and techniques.

The contributions (up to 8000 words) can be written in English, German
or French.

    The deadline for the submission of abstracts (up to 500 words, in
English, German or French) is 30 January, 2025;
    The notification for acceptance of abstracts will be sent in
    The deadline for submission of contributions is 15 July, 2025.
    Both abstracts and full papers should be sent to
gilles.merminod at unil.ch, lauri.m.haapanen at jyu.fi and
sarah.schaefer at ul.ie.
    The Special Issue is expected to be published in 2026.

More information on the CfP in
and French:


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LINGUIST List: Vol-35-3310

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