35.2952, Books: Ancient Greek and Latin in the linguistic context of the Ancient Mediterranean: Viti (ed.) (2024)

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Wed Oct 23 05:05:06 UTC 2024

LINGUIST List: Vol-35-2952. Wed Oct 23 2024. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 35.2952, Books: Ancient Greek and Latin in the linguistic context of the Ancient Mediterranean: Viti (ed.) (2024)

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Joel Jenkins <joel at linguistlist.org>


Date: 22-Oct-2024
From: Maren Köpp [koepp at narr.de]
Subject: Ancient Greek and Latin in the linguistic context of the Ancient Mediterranean: Viti (ed.) (2024)

Title: Ancient Greek and Latin in the linguistic context of the
Ancient Mediterranean
Series Title: Sprachvergleich
Publication Year: 2024
Publisher: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
Book URL:

Editor: Carlotta Viti
Hardback: ISBN: 9783823385851 Pages: 460 Price: Europe EURO 98
eBook: ISBN: 9783823395850 Pages: 460 Price: Europe EURO 78,99

This collective volume examines Latin and Ancient Greek from the
perspective of language contact, a topic that is particularly relevant
in our globalized and multi-ethnic society. Specialists from various
universities and countries investigate, among other things, the
linguistic variation of the Greek dialects, Greek-Latin bilingualism,
language contact in ancient Italy, in the Near East and in the
Mediterranean, as well as problems of translations and glosses. Maps
and images of old inscriptions and manuscripts enrich the discussion.
>From an interdisciplinary point of view, Greek and Latin linguistics
is also discussed in relation to epigraphy, philology, textual
criticism and grammatical theory. In addition to Latin and Greek, data
from numerous ancient and modern languages are presented.

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics
                     Historical Linguistics

Written In: English (eng)


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