36.504, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, General Linguistics, Lexicography, Sociolinguistics / Italy

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Feb 6 08:05:05 UTC 2025

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-504. Thu Feb 06 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.504, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, General Linguistics, Lexicography, Sociolinguistics / Italy

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 06-Feb-2025
From: Anita Perra [anita.perra at unifi.it]
Subject: Idee e forme del tradĕre: tradizione e tradimento / Ideas and forms of tradĕre: tradition and betrayal

Full Title: Idee e forme del tradĕre: tradizione e tradimento / Ideas
and forms of tradĕre: tradition and betrayal

Date: 25-Jun-2025 - 27-Jun-2025
Location: Florence, Italy
Contact Person: Anita Perra
Meeting Email: anita.perra at unifi.it

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; General
Linguistics; Lexicography; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 26-Mar-2025

2nd Call for Papers:
The students of the PhD program in Philology, Italian Literature,
Linguistics and Digital Humanities at the University of Florence
announce the opening of the Call for Papers for the FLUI 2025
International Doctoral Conference. The Conference theme explores the
semantic developments of the Latin verb tradĕre, originally used in
the sense of ‘to hand over, entrust, transmit’ an assignment, an
object, or a payment. Over time, the term evolved to denote the
transmission of memories, information, and testimonies across
generations. More broadly, through the noun tradition, it conveys the
transfer of systems of knowledge, beliefs, values, customs and
Participants are invited to reflect on the various uses that fall
within this semantic spectrum, developing their contributions from a
philological, literary, or linguistic perspective and/or through the
methodologies and tools of digital humanities.
Please refer to the Conference website for the full CFP and
bibliographic references: https://sites.google.com/unifi.it/flui
Guidelines for participation:
- The Conference is open to PhD candidates, early-career researchers
who have obtained their Master’s degree within the past three years,
and those who have completed their PhD within the past five years;
- Participants may submit up to two proposals: one as a single author
and the other as a co-author, or
two proposals as a co-author;
- Presentations are expected to last no longer than 20 minutes, and
proposals will be accepted in both
Italian and English;
- To apply, candidates must complete the application form uploading an
anonymous abstract in PDF format of no more than 300 words (excluding
the title, tables, graphs, and bibliography), the application form can
be found in the CFP;
- The deadline for proposal submission is 26/03/2025.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the first week of May. The
conference will be held in person.
Keynote speakers will be announced on the Conference website.
For further information please contact the Organizing Committee at
convegnoflui at gmail.com.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-504

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