36.649, Calls: Workshop on the Syntax and Semantics of Auxiliaries / France
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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-649. Wed Feb 19 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 36.649, Calls: Workshop on the Syntax and Semantics of Auxiliaries / France
Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>
Date: 19-Feb-2025
From: Patricia Cabredo Hofherr [patricia.cabredo-hofherr at cnrs.fr]
Subject: Workshop on the Syntax and Semantics of Auxiliaries
Full Title: Workshop on the Syntax and Semantics of Auxiliaries
Date: 23-Jun-2025 - 24-Jun-2025
Location: Paris, France
Call Deadline: 25-Mar-2025
2nd Call for Papers:
Organised by the Syntax and Semantics group of the UMR 7023 Structures
Formelles du Langage
In hybrid format at UPS Pouchet, 59 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris and on
Invited speakers
- Denis Creissels (DDL Lyon)
- Anabela Gonçalves (U. de Lisboa)
- Maria Rita Manzini (U. Florence)
- Jozina Vander Klok (Humboldt U. Berlin)
Deadline for submissions 25 March 2025
Workshop topics
We invite contributions on any aspect of the grammar of auxiliaries,
including but not limited to the following questions:
(i) What are the sources of auxiliaries in grammaticalization?
(ii) What are the syntactic and semantic differences between auxiliary
and homophonous lexical verbs?
(iii) What is the syntax of argument increasing auxiliaries as in
causative constructions?
(iv) What are the morphological restrictions for auxiliaries (Benincà
& Poletto 1997, Berizzi & Rossi 2011, Laca 2021)
(v) What are the semantic restrictions on complements of auxiliairies?
(Squartini 1998, Laca 2005, Laca 2021)
(vi) What influence has the type of complement (infinitive, gerund,
participles) on the syntax and semantics of the auxiliary
construction? (Manzini & Lorusso 2022, Manzini 2024, Gonçalves;
Santos; Duarte; Justino 2018, Oliveira; Cunha; Gonçalves 2004)
(vii) What other categories may display auxiliary-like behaviour?
(Vander Klok & Matthewson 2015)
Benincà/Poletto 1997. The diachronic development of a modal verb of
necessity, in: van Kemenade/ Vincent (eds.), Parameters of
Morphosyntactic Change, CUP, 94–118.
Berizzi/Rossi 2011. Deontic “ghe vol” with past participle in some
varieties of eastern Veneto, in: Mariachiara Berizzi/Silvia Rossi
(edd.), Quaderni di Lavoro ASIt 12. Atti della XVI Giornata di
Dialettologia, 41–62.
Gonçalves; Santos; Duarte; Justino 2018. The acquisition of
infinitival complements to causative verbs in Mozambican Portuguese.
In Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Santos& Gonçalves
(eds), 295-320. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing
Company, 2018.
Laca 2005. Périphrases aspectuelles et temps grammatical dans les
langues romanes. In Bat Zeev Schyldkrot & Le Querler (Eds.). (pp.
Laca 2021. Non-passive Verbal Periphrases in the Romance Languages.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.
Manzini 2024. Italian and Arbëresh (Albanian) causatives. Isogloss 10:
Manzini; Lorusso 2022. A bisentential syntax for a/bare finite
complements in South Italian varieties: Motion verbs and the
progressive. In: Giusti, et al (eds). Pseudo-Coordination and Multiple
Agreement Constructions, pp. 65-98 John Benjamins
Oliveira; Cunha; Gonçalves 2004. Aspectual Verbs in European and
Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 3 1: 141-173.
Squartini 1998. Verbal periphrases in Romance: Aspect, actionality,
and´grammaticalization. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Vander Klok & Matthewson 2015. ‘Distinguishing already from perfect
aspect: A case study on Javanese wis. Oceanic Linguistics
Contact: wsauxiliaries2025paris at gmail.com
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