36.665, Calls: 53rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting / Poland

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Thu Feb 20 19:05:02 UTC 2025

LINGUIST List: Vol-36-665. Thu Feb 20 2025. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 36.665, Calls: 53rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting / Poland

Moderator: Steven Moran (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Joel Jenkins, Daniel Swanson, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>


Date: 20-Feb-2025
From: Ewelina Wojtkowiak [plm at wa.amu.edu.pl]
Subject: 53rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting

Full Title: 53rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting
Short Title: PLM2025

Date: 21-Sep-2025 - 24-Sep-2025
Location: Poznań, Poland
Contact Person: Ewelina Wojtkowiak
Meeting Email: plm at wa.amu.edu.pl

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Language Acquisition; Linguistic Theories

Call Deadline: 30-Mar-2025

2nd Call for Papers:
“Human language: Is it unique?”
WWW: http://wa.amu.edu.pl/plm
We are pleased to invite submissions for the 53rd edition of the
Poznań Linguistic Meeting, taking place on 21–24 September 2025,
organized by the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University,
Poznań, Poland.
For the 53rd Poznań Linguistic Meeting, we invite you to reflect on
the fascinating question: “Human language: is it unique?” Linguists
have long debated whether language is a universal human trait,
distinct in its complexity and structure from all other forms of
animal communication. This year, we ask: What makes human language
stand apart, if anything? Is its creativity, generativity, and syntax
truly without parallel in the animal kingdom? Or are there aspects of
language that share common ground with other communicative systems? We
welcome submissions from all linguistic domains and perspectives that
explore the nature of human language, its universality, and its
potential uniqueness.
Plenary events:
Keynote address:
• Andrea Ravignani (Sapienza University, Roma): Vocal learning and the
origins of human rhythm: A comparative approach
Plenary speakers:
• Neil Cohn (Tilburg University): Reimagining linguistic uniqueness in
multimodal paradigm
• Wolfgang U. Dressler (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Human language
vs. communication of the bees
• Daniel Everett (Bentley University): Speculative grammar and the
nonuniqueness of human language
• Magdalena Wrembel (Adam Mickiewicz University): To be or not to be
multilingual: What makes L3 phonological acquisition unique?
As is our tradition, we will conclude with a Grand Debate related to
the leitmotif.
Thematic sessions:
• Going beyond L2 speech: Multilingual production and perception –
convened by Magdalena Wrembel, Anna Balas, Jolanta Sypiańska, and
Zuzanna Cal (Adam Mickiewicz University)
• Rethinking the semantics of classifiers – convened by Marcin
Kilarski (Adam Mickiewicz University), Marc Allassonnière-Tang (CNRS),
and Éva Dékány (HUN-REN)
Submission guidelines
Proposals of papers are invited for both oral and poster presentations
related to the leitmotif, as well as to other topics within modern
Each paper in the general oral sessions will be given 30 minutes,
including 10 minutes for discussion. Poster sessions will form an
integral part of the conference programme. The number of submissions
is limited to one single-authored plus one co-authored abstract per
author (or two co-authored ones). The language of the conference is
English. All abstracts will be processed using the Microsoft CMT
management system.
The submissions will be reviewed by our International Advisory Board.
Please visit our website for more detailed abstract submission
guidelines, along with abstract review criteria:
• The special early-career poster session (to take place on Sunday,
This session will be geared towards researchers at the early stages of
their academic journey, including undergraduate, MA, PhD, and
early-career post-PhD scholars, wishing to present their projects to a
larger scientific community and, thus, receive valuable feedback on
their work. Proposals are welcome from individuals at any stage of
their career. Researchers should submit their abstracts via the online
submission system following the same criteria as for regular oral and
poster presentations, selecting 'early-career poster session' where
appropriate. To add value to this experience, we encourage
participants to provide the names of three experts (together with
their affiliations) who might potentially make a significant
contribution to their projects.
Important dates
• Submission deadline for general session abstracts (oral and poster
sessions): 28 February 2025 extended deadline: 30.03.2025
• (Individual thematic and special sessions may have their own
• Notification of acceptance: April 2025 5.05. 2025
• Conference: 21-24 September 2025
Looking forward to seeing you in Poznań!
PLM2025 Organising Committee
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk
Jarosław Weckwerth
Ewelina Wojtkowiak
Zuzanna Cal
Paulina Rozkrut


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LINGUIST List: Vol-36-665

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