Appel: Evolang

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu Apr 15 15:53:16 UTC 1999

From: Conference Evolang <evolang at>

( Apologies for multiple copies )       [First announcement]

Preliminary CALL FOR PAPERS     [deadline: November 8, 1999]

conference: T H E   E V O L U T I O N   O F   L A N G U A G E
	    Paris April 3-6, 2000
	    Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications
	    Paris - France

ORGANISED BY: Professor Jean Aitchison (Oxford University),
Dr. Jean-Louis Dessalles (ENST Paris), Professor Jim Hurford
(Department of Linguistics, University of Edinburgh),
Dr. Chris Knight (Department of Sociology, University of
East London), Professor Luc Steels (Sony CSL and Vrije
Universiteit Brussel).

LOCAL ORGANISATION: Jean-Louis Dessalles (ENST), Laleh Ghadakpour (CREA),
Frédéric Kaplan (Sony CSL), Luc Steels (Sony CSL),  François Yvon (ENST).

	This will be the third conference in a series concerned
	with the evolutionary emergence of speech. From a wide
	range of disciplines, we seek to attract researchers
	willing to integrate their perspectives with those of
	modern Darwinism.

	The aim is to bring together linguists, computer scientists,
	anthropologists, palaeontologists, ethologists, geneticists,
	neuroscientists, and other scientists who are concerned with
	the question of the origin and evolution of language.

Jean Aitchison (Worcester College), Robert C. Berwick (M.I.T.),
Derek Bickerton (Univ. Hawaï), Melissa Bowerman* (Max Planck Institute
for Psycholinguistics), Ted Briscoe (University of Cambridge Computer
Laboratory), René Carré (ENST), Bernard Comrie (University of Southern
California), Jean-Louis Dessalles (ENST), Jean-Marie Hombert* (MSH
Rhône-Alpes), James R. Hurford (University of Edinburgh), Judy Kegl*
(University of Southern Maine), Simon Kirby (University of Edinburgh),
Chris Knight (University of East London), André Langaney (Musée de l'Homme),
Frederick J. Newmeyer (University of Washington), Michael Studdert-Kenedy*
(Haskins Laboratories), Luc Steels (Sony CSL & Vrije Universiteit Brussel),
Bernard Victorri (ENS Ulm).
					 * [to be confirmed]

Submission Instructions
Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts or short papers
(from 1 to 4 pages, max. 2000 words).
Submitted papers will be refereed and selected for oral presentation (25/30 min)
on the basis of quality and relevance to the Conference topics.
Accepted abstracts and papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings
and will be made accessible through the web. Copies of the proceedings will be
available at the Conference. Authors of accepted contributions will be asked
to submit full length papers for a volume to be published after the Conference
by an international publisher.

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically
(MS Word preferred, but most formats will be recognised).

Please email your submission to evolang at
Don't forget to include the submission form in your message.

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The deadline for submission is November 8th, 1999.
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If you cannot send your submission through email, please send four
copies (and the submission form) to:

	J-L Dessalles
	ENST / Dep. InfRes
	46 rue Barrault
	F-75013 Paris - France

If you are planning to submit a paper or abstract, or if you simply
plan to attend the Conference, please send a mail to

	evolang at

You will be kept informed through e-mail of further useful information.

Submission Form
[ The first author should fill in the submission form
  and e-mail it to evolang at ]

Last NAME :
First Name :
Laboratory :
Organization/Affiliation :
Street Address :
City :
Postal code:
State/Province :
Country :
E-mail address for correspondence :
Fax :
Paper title :


Conference web site:
Call for papers:
EMAIL:               evolang at

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