Appel: 3rd Tbilisi Symposium
Philippe Blache
pb at
Fri Apr 16 11:14:19 UTC 1999
From: ingrid at (Ingrid van Loon)
* Apologies for multiple copies*
The Third International Tbilisi Symposium
on Language, Logic and Computation
Batumi, Georgia
September 12-16, 1999
Second Announcement and Call for Papers
In 1999, the Tbilisi International Symposium on Language, Logic and
Computation, will be held in the Black Sea coast resort Batumi from 12th to
16th of September. The Symposium is organized by the Centre for Language,
Logic and Speech (Tbilisi State University), in conjunction with the
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of
Amsterdam. The 1999 meeting is the third installment of a series of
biannual Symposia. The first meeting was held in the Georgian mountain
resort Gudauri and the second took place in the capital of Georgia Tbilisi.
The Third Symposium is dedicated to the memory of the prominent Georgian
logician Shalva Pkhakadze.
The Symposium welcomes papers on current research in all aspects of
Linguistics, Logic and Computation, including but not limited to:
Natural language semantics/pragmatics
Algebraic and relational semantics
Natural language processing
Logic in AI and natural language
Natural language and logic programming
Automated reasoning
Natural language and databases
Information retrieval from text
Natural language and internet
Constructive logic and modal systems
In line with the main trend in this field we strongly encourage the
submission of papers concerning applications of logic to computation and
the application of logic and computation to language description and
Abstracts of papers submitted for presentation should not exceed 2 000
words. The abstracts should include, on the first page: title, author's
name, affiliation, complete mailing address, phone, fax and e-mail address,
an abstract of 200 words maximum, and up to five key- words. The abstracts
should be submitted electronically (ASCII, LaTeX, or PostScript) to the
following e-mail addresses:
dekker at
The collection volume of the short versions (Theses) will be available
during the Symposium. The Proceedings with full size (8-12 pages) papers
are planned immediately after the Symposium.
Submission deadline: May 1, 1999
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 1999
Symposium: September 12-16, 1999
In parallel with the Symposium three tutorials are given by outstanding
scholars for students and post-graduates. These tutorials are explicitly
meant to address interdisciplinary issues in the fields of logic and
language, algebraic logic, and computation and morphology.
The Symposium will be immediately preceded by the Conference on Logical
Programming and Automatic Reasoning (LPAR) which will be held in Tbilisi
from 6th to 10th of September 1999. Some of its participants plan to be
present on the both forums. The web site of LPAR is
J. van Benthem (University of Amsterdam)
G. Gottlob (Vienna University of Technology)
J. D. McCawley (University of Chicago)
I. Hodkinson (Imperial College, London)
I. Melchuk (University of Montreal)
V. Pratt (Stanford University)
A. Zaenen (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble); to be confirmed
W. Blok (University of Illinois at Chicago); to be confirmed
L. Karttunen (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble); to be confirmed
D. Westerstahl (Göteborg University); to be confirmed
D. de Jongh (University of Amsterdam)
Th. Gamkrelidze (Tbilisi State University)
A. Voronkov (Uppsala University)
A. Anisimov (Kiev State University)
Ju. Apresjan (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
J. van Benthem (University of Amsterdam)
W. Blok (University of Illinois at Chicago)
N. Chanishvili (Tbilisi State University)
R. Cooper (Göteborg University)
Ju. Ershov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk)
J. Ginzburg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
R. Goldblatt (Victoria University of Wellington)
E. Hajicova (Charles University, Prague)
L. Jablonskij (Moscow State University)
Z. Khasidashvili (Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva)
V. Matrosov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk)
H. Ono (JAIST, Ishikawa)
B. Partee (University of Massachusetts)
G. Sambin (University of Padua)
E. Vallduvi (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
C. Vogel (Trinity College, Dublin)
I. van Loon (University of Amsterdam, Chair)
P. Dekker (University of Amsterdam)
G. Erbach (Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken)
V. Finn (Institute for Scientific & Technical Information, Moscow)
G. Gaprindashvili (University of Minnesota)
T. Kutsia (Institute of Symbolic Computation, University of Linz)
D. Pearce (GmbH, Saarbrücken)
E. Tavadze-Melini (Royal Technical High School, Stockholm)
T. Khurodze (pro-rector of the Tbilisi State University, Chair)
J. Antidze, R. Asatiani, M. Abashidze, G.Bezhanishvili, R. Grigolia,
E. Soselia, L. Chkaidze, G. Chikoidze, L. Godabrelidze,
N. Javashvili, L. Lortkipanidze, M. Tandashvili
(all Georgian Academy of Sciences)
Kh. Rukhaia, K. Phkhakadze, N. Shengelaia (Tbilisi State University)
D. Baladze, M. Putkaradze, N. Soselia (Batumi University)
The participant's fee is 200 EURO. This fee is not obligatory for
participants from Central and Ceastern Europe and the Newly Independent
States. The costs for accommodation, including three meals a day, are 40
EURO per day. Prices for accommodation may fluctuate in the future.
Batumi can be reached in two ways:
By plane to Tbilisi and then by bus (6 hours) or by train (1 night) to
Batumi; a special bus trip is planned, which includes a visit to Zestafoni,
the place of birth of the prominent Georgian logician Shalva Phakadze to
the memory of whom the Symposium is dedicated. By plane via Trabzon, a
Turkish city close to the Georgian frontier, and then a 3 hours trip by a
comfortable bus, which leaves each half hour for Batumi. A third
possibility, by direct flight from Moscow to Batumi, is being investigated.
A visa can be obtained at the airport.
Georgia is an ancient country situated between Black and Kaspian Seas,
Caucasus Mountains and Turkey. This is the country of the Golden Fleece,
myth of Argonauts, Jason and Medea, Promethee, chained to the Caucasus
Mountains. Georgia is famous for its high quality wines, exquisite cuisine
and cordial hospitality.
The Symposium will be hosted by the Tbilisi State University, the chief
centre of education in the country which has several outstanding scholars
in science, art and politics among its graduates. The conference's
venue---Batumi University---is the main educational centre
of the region.
The Symposium will be held in Chakvi, a sea resort near Batumi, which is
the main city of Georgian subtropical region Adjara. Batumi is encircled by
the Black Sea resorts: Makhindjauri, the Green Cape, Tsikhisdziri, aand
Kobuleti. The environment of the city abounds with citric and tea
plantations, magnolia, palm, eucalyptus and bay tree groves. Near the Green
Cape the famous Botanical Garden is situated. The climate is mild, seawater
warm, the bathing season lasts from May to October.
Information on registration and accommodation will appear in future
announcements. For more information you may take a look at:
or contact:
George Chikoidze
Dept. of Language Modelling
Inst. of Control Systems
Georgian Academy of Sciences
34, K. Gamsakhurdia
380060 Tbilisi
phone: +995 32 382136
fax: +995 32 942391
chiko at
Ingrid van Loon
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
University of Amsterdam
Plantage Muidergracht 24
1018 TV Amsterdam,
he Netherlands
Tel: +31 (20) 5256051
Fax: +31 (20) 5255206
ingrid at
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