Projet: CoNLL (EACL Workshop)

Philippe Blache pb at
Fri Apr 16 11:14:32 UTC 1999

From: "Osborne M." <osborne at>

Dear corpora list reader,

This is for people interested in (shallow) parsing and
machine learning:

The organizers of the EACL workshop on Computational Natural Language
Learning (CoNLL-99, Bergen, Norway, 12th June 1999) invite you
to take part in a shared task: recognising arbitrary noun phrases
in free text annotated with part-of-speech tags. Details of the task
can be found at:

Participants in the shared task will be given the opportunity to
present their results in a short talk (10 minutes) at the CoNLL-99
workshop. They can present their intention to make such a presentation
by sending a short abstract (maximum 15 lines) to erikt at
on or before the 2nd June 1999.

The abstracts and the results will be presented on the CoNLL-99
website ( after the workshop.

Miles Osborne				Erik Tjong Kim Sang

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