Appel: Generation, Systematicity, ...

Philippe Blache pb at
Mon Aug 2 10:16:54 UTC 1999

From: Erradi Mohammed <erradi at>

International Colloquium :
Generation, Systematicity of Language and Automatic Translation

Rabat, November 15-17, 1999

Generation plays an important role in the formation of language
expressions, in the activation of their productivity, and in their use
to name new notions or concepts. While these expressions are derived
from a limited alphabet expressing unlimited meanings, the composition
of the elements of this alphabet, their fusion, and the recursive
composition of the derived entities lead to the generation of new
expressions. This allows for more and even unlimited possibilities of
forms of expressions. The significance could firstly be seen as a
limited alphabet regarding the conceptual/intentional stratum. However,
the mechanism of generation allows the transformation of this limited
system into an unlimited product.

This approach, which is based on the shift from the limited to the
unlimited, has important consequences in determining the systematicity
of language, its acquisition, its adequate processing, and the
development of appropriate tools to illustrate its memorization, and
what is stored as associations of sounds and meanings (in relation to
the general or specialized language).

It also enables us to measure similarities and differences between
languages in a comparative multilingual framework. Computational
generation is then an active mechanism of the language, which reflects
its life and dynamism. It also allows to test its systematic reality,
and to measure the deviation of its genius from its reality, riddled
with mistakes, exceptions, and incoherence, as well as to identify the
degree of arbitrariness in the association between meaning and form,
generating words, synonyms, antonyms, and other association forms due to
a limited vocabulary, but not limited meanings. It is indeed a matter of
compressed structures that acquire their meaning only in a computational
and compositional system. Finally, generation is also a mechanism
permitting the passage from one language to another according to certain
parametric values. This is then a new way to treat multilingualism
(namely translation).

In fact, at the time of the revolution of technologie and the
spectacular and permanent development of information, the transfer of
knowledge requires, more than ever before, resorting to automatic (or
computer assisted) translation. In an environment dominated by Internet
and glorbalisation, automatic and computer assisted translation becomes
an unavoidable resource to cope wiith the flow of information and insure
time and cost savings.

Different aspects of the problem will be addressed in this colloquium
through the following topics:

Morphological generation
Generation in syntax
Semantic generation
Terminological generation
Multilingualism, automatic translation and comparative generation
Language learning and generation
Structure of electronic dictionary and automatic translation
Contribution of linguists in the development an automatic translation
Automatic translation : state of arts in Arabic  countries

Although The colloquium will focus mainly on the Arabic language, it
will be also interested in result studies and available tools for other

An exhibition of automatic softwares related to generation (including
those related to automatic translation) will be set up with the
participation of concerned researchers and societies.

Presentations will be given in Arabic, French, or English.

The colloquium will take place from 16 to 18 June 1999. Participants are
requested to send abstracts in 3 copies to the address below before 15
September 1999, and the full texts before 10 October 1999.

The organizing committee of the colloquium on generation
The Institute of Study and Research on Arabization
Allal El-Fassi Avenue
B.P. 6216
Rabat-Institutes, Morocco.
Tel :  (212) (7)   77.30.12
Fax : (212) (7)  77.20.65
e-mail: erradi at


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