Appel: IWCS-4

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu Oct 12 11:40:32 UTC 2000

From: Harry Bunt <Harry.Bunt at>

    |                                                                |
    |  IWCS-4: CALL FOR POSTERS/SHORT PAPERS                         |
    |                                                                |
    |  The deadline for submitting full papers has passed, but it    |
    |  is still possible to submit 3-page abstracts for a poster     |
    |  presentation combined with a very short, lightning-speed      |
    |  presentation of the essence of the work in a plenary session  |
    |  (see below).                                                  |
    |                                                                |

                    Fourth International Workshop on

                    COMPUTATIONAL SEMANTICS (IWCS-4)

                         January 10-12, 2001
                       Tilburg, The Netherlands


                         Sponsored by SIGSEM,
          the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Semantics


The Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence Unit at
Tilburg University will host the Fourth International Workshop on
Computational Semantics (IWCS-4), that will take place from 10-12
January 2001. The aim of the workshop is to bring together
researchers interested in any aspects of the computation of
meaning in natural language or in language-based multimedia

                     |    INVITED SPEAKERS:   |
                     |                        |
                     |      James Allen       |
                     |     Jan van Eijck      |
                     |    Alex Lascarides     |
                     |                        |

                         TOPICS OF INTEREST

Topics of interest for the workshop will be computational aspects
of formal semantic theories as well as theoretical issues in
building natural language understanding systems, including systens
where language is used in a multimedia setting. Papers are invited
in areas which include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

      * working with underspecified representations of meaning
      * modelling and using context for interpretation
      * the relations between semantics and pragmatics
      * dynamic interpretation in text and dialogue
      * interpretation and games
      * computational lexical semantics
      * interpretation and inference
      * meaning in multimedia objects
      * interpretation and optimality
      * speech acts and interpretation
      * incrementality and monotonicity in interpretation
      * knowledge representation and reasoning in meaning computation

                       SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS

The deadline for submitting papers for full plenary presentation has
passed, but it is still possible to submit 3-page abstracts for a
poster presentation combined with a very short, lightning-speed
presentation of the essence of the work in a plenary session. The
3-page abstracts of the accepted submissions will be published in the
workshop proceedings.

Authors are invited to submit an abstract of maximally 3 A4 pages
before Monday 6 November by email to Computational.Semantics at
in Postscript form. Submissions should be in standard LaTeX in the
same style as full papers - see the guidelines for submissions at the
IWCS-4 web site:


                        PROGRAMME COMMITTEE

                 David Beaver         Martha Palmer
                 Patrick Blackburn    Manfred Pinkal
                 Harry Bunt (chair)   Steve Pulman
                 Robin Cooper         James Pustejovsky
                 Jan van Eijck        Allan Ramsay
                 Giacomo Ferrari      Patrick Saint Dizier
                 Jerry Hobbs          Mark Steedman
                 Daniel Kayser        Enric Vallduvi
                 Paul Mc Kevitt       Wlodek Zadrozny
                 Reinhard Muskens     Henk Zeevat
                 John Nerbonne

                         ORGANISING COMMITTEE

         Harry Bunt        Reinhard Muskens       Huub Prust
             Ielka van der Sluis        Elias Thijsse

                           IMPORTANT DATES

          6 November   2000 Deadline for short presentation/poster
                            abstract submission
         15 November   2000 Notification of acceptance
         22 November   2000 Deadline for submitting final version of
                            abstract for proceedings
         10-12 January 2001 Workshop

                         FURTHER INFORMATION

         Conference Secretariat: Carol McGregor
                                 Department of Linguistics
                                 Tilburg University
                                 PO Box 90153
                                 5000 LE Tilburg
                                 The Netherlands
         Email: Computational.Semantics at
         Phone: +31-13 466 30 60
         Fax:   +31-13 466 31 10



 Harry C. Bunt
 Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science
 Tilburg University
 P.O. Box 90153
 5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands
 Phone: +31 - 13 466.3060 (secretary Anne Andriaensen)
                     2568 (Dean's office)
                     2653 (office, room B 310)
 Fax: +31 - 13 466.3110
 Harry.Bunt at

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