Ecole: Training Workshop in Lexicography and Lexical Computing

alexis nasr alexis.nasr at
Tue Feb 20 15:45:48 UTC 2001

			     lexicom at itri

		       A new Training Workshop in
		  Lexicography and Lexical Computing


	    The Information Technology Research Institute
			University of Brighton
		   and The Lexicography MasterClass

			  Brighton, England
			   16-20 July 2001

	     Sue Atkins, Adam Kilgarriff, Michael Rundell

Bringing together

      computer scientists

to enable them to develop the skills needed for creating, managing
and exploiting lexical data.

      building and working with text corpora
      dictionary/lexical databases
      writing lexical entries (for people and computers)

All sessions will include practical work at a computer terminal.

The workshop will be tailored to participants' interests; people will
be encouraged to bring data from, and explore issues in current projects.
For programme see


Brighton is a cosmopolitan city by the sea, one hour from London,
30 minutes from London's Gatwick Airport. A brochure and map will be sent
to you on receipt of your registration.

The workshop will take place on the University of Brighton's
Moulsecoomb campus. The campus is 10 minutes by bus from Brighton Sea
Front and city centre. There are inexpensive coffee bars and canteens
on site. We shall use the IT Faculty Computer Suite which is equipped
with over 100 modern PCs.


University accommodation has been reserved for registrants, in newly
built units near the city centre, at a rate of GBP 27.50 per night
(including breakfast).  A booking form will be sent to you on receipt
of your registration, or email conferences at

                            Related events

The course will be the week after ACL/EACL in Toulouse, France, two
weeks before CogSci in Edinburgh, Scotland, and two weeks after
COMPLEX 2001 in Birmingham, England.


The registration fee for the course is GBP 600.  Second and subsequent
participants from the same institution are eligible for a 33% (GBP 200)
discount.  There is a late registration surcharge of GBP 100 for
registrations received after 1st April 2001.

Registrations now being accepted.  For registration form, go to

Sue Atkins was General Editor on the Collins-Robert English-French
dictionaries and Lexicographic Consultant on the Oxford-Hachette. She
is a Founder Member and Past President of Euralex, was the initiator
of the British National Corpus and has co-developed the Frame
Semantics paradigm with Charles Fillmore. Michael Rundell was Managing
Editor of, amongst others the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary
English (1987 and 1995 editions), the Longman Lanugage Activator, and
the Bloomsbury/Macmillan Dictionary for Learners of English
(forthcoming). He has lectured extensively on lexicography and
language teaching. Atkins and Rundell have extensive experience of
training many teams of lexicographers, for example for the
newly-official African languages of South Africa. Adam Kilgarriff has
published extensively on lexical computing and the interactions
between lexicography and language engineering. He has been a
consultant to Longman, Random House, Oxford University Press and
Bloomsbury. He is currently President of ACL-SIGLEX.

                               Supported by
                      EURALEX, ELSNET and ACL SIGLEX
   European Association for Lexicography; European Language and Speech
   Network; Lexicons Special Interest Group of the Association for
   Computational Linguistics.


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