Doc/Post-Doc : 3 offres
alexis nasr
alexis.nasr at
Thu Jun 28 14:07:27 UTC 2001
1/ 2 new funded PhD studentships in Computing - University of Sunderland
2/ NLP postdoc position - University of Maryland
3/ PhD positions on "Information and Communication Technologies" - The
University of
Trento and ITC-irst
With respect to this email list I would like to encourage applications
from computing students for 2 PhD studentships in intelligent systems
(e.g. neural networks, hybrid systems, cognitive neuroscience,
neuro/fuzzy systems, machine learning, with applications in e.g.
in natural language processing or robotics)
General application text for all areas of interest below
Stefan Wermter
Funded Phd Opportunities in
Computing, Engineering & Technology
The School of Computing, Engineering & Technology at the University of
Sunderland is seeking high quality, motivated applicants wishing to
gain a PhD or MPhil in the disciplines of Computing, Mathematical
Sciences, Engineering and
Technology. The school has a strong and growing research profile with
EPSRC-funded research, numerous EU-funded projects and a vibrant
community of over 100 researchers. The School is well-resourced and
offers excellent facilities with much state-of the art computing
equipment and not only offers high quality postgraduate but also
undergraduate programmes accredited by professional societies.
We look for applications in both computing and mathematics as well as
general engineering for two fully-funded PhD studentships. Students
wishing to apply for
the 2 funded places should look at the list of proposed projects
available at
and indicate in their application which of these projects they would
wish to undertake. The closing date for the 2 funded places is 8/7/01.
Self-funding MPhil & PhD students are also welcome to apply at any
time for full-time, part-time and distance learning research degrees
in any of the areas
detailed below.
The main research groups in computing & mathematics are:
intelligent systems (major strengths in neural networks, natural
language engineering, hybrid systems, cognitive neuroscience,
neuro/fuzzy systems, machine learning: Professor Stefan Wermter -
stefan.wermter at +44 191 5153279);
human computer systems (includes themes such as multimedia,
computer-aided learning, computing for the disabled and human computer
interaction evaluation methodologies: Professor Gilbert Cockton -
gilbert.cockton at +44 191 5153394);
software engineering (focussed on practical areas especially software
testing·and the organisational·risks of implementing information
systems, methodologies and solutions for industry: Professor Helen
Edwards helen.edwards at +44 191 5152786 or Professor
Barrie Thompson barrie.thompson at +44 191 5152769);
electronic commerce (encompasses the development and promotion of
standards in this·dynamic area with a special interest in the area of
electronic procurement: Kevin Ginty - kevin.ginty at or
Albert Bokma albert.bokma at +44 191 5153233);
decision support systems (covers a diverse range of activities·in
statistics & mathematics at the boundary of·Computer Science and
Statistics and Operational Research: Professor Eric Fletcher
eric.fletcher at +44 191 5152822
or Professor Alfredo Moscardini alfredo.moscardini at
+44 191 5152763);
In order to apply please send a full CV (including 2 referees and
indicating the
project for which you wish to apply) to the address below. You may
also find out more about either our PhD or MPhil research degrees, the
current studentships and grants available by looking at:
or getting in touch with:
Dr. Chris. Bowerman - Principal Lecturer in Research Student Management
School of Computing, Engineering & Technology, University of Sunderland,
Informatics Centre, St Peter's Way, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, GB-SR6 0DD
Email: chris.bowerman at
Professor Stefan Wermter
Research Chair in Intelligent Systems
University of Sunderland
Centre of Informatics, SCET
St Peters Way
Sunderland SR6 0DD
United Kingdom
phone: +44 191 515 3279
fax: +44 191 515 3553
email: stefan.wermter at
The University of Maryland is seeking a bright and energetic postdoc
to work on research in computational linguistics, information
retrieval, and related areas. Our laboratory has several cutting-edge
projects that explore a wide range of natural language processing
issues. Some of our top current interests include:
- Acquisition of lexicons
- Computational psycholinguistics
- Cross-language information retrieval
- Human-computer interaction
- Lexical semantics
- Machine learning in NLP
- Multimedia search
- Question answering
- Statistical machine translation
- Stochastic parsing
- Web as a linguistic resource
- Word sense disambiguation
We offer a friendly working environment with extensive interaction
across academic departments and neighboring institutions.
To apply, please send a resume and a description of your research
interests to Denise Best (denise at
We're looking forward to hearing from you.
David Doermann (
Bonnie Dorr (
Rebecca Hwa (
Gina Levow (
Doug Oard (
Philip Resnik (
Amy Weinberg (
UMIACS strongly encourages applications from minorities and women.
The University of Trento and ITC-irst announce the availability of PhD
positions on "Information and Communication Technologies". Of particular
interest for users of this list might be the possibility of applying for
positions in the "Human Language Technology", and "Pattern Recognition"
areas, directly financed by ITC-irst.
More information can be found at the following address:
Best regards
alberto lavelli
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