Conf: 6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium
Alexis Nasr
alexis.nasr at
Thu Oct 18 16:59:24 UTC 2001
2nd C a l l f o r P a r t i c i p a t i o n
* NLPRS-2001 *
6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium
Sponsored by NLPRS Organization, Japan
Co-Sponsored by The Association for Natural Language Processing,
Supported by SIG-NLP of Information Processing Society Japan,
27-30 November, 2001
Tokyo, Japan
6th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS-2001) will
be held at National Center of Science located in the central part of
Tokyo from 27th to 30th November, 2001.
Four excellent invited talks and 45 highly qualified technical papers,
etc. will be presented. You can find the newest academic and
technological results of natural language processing and its future
direction by attending NLPRS-2001.
November is a little bit cold but one of the pleasant time of the year
in Tokyo, with average daytime temperatures of around 15 degrees
Centigrade and average nighttime low of 7 degrees C.
* Julia Hirschberg (AT&T Labs-Research)
"Audio Browsing and Search in the Voicemail Domain"
* Benjamin K. Tsou (City University of Hong Kong, HongKong)
"Corpus, Information Mining and the New Global Village"
* Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"From Read Speech Recognition to Spontaneous Speech
* Sanda M. Harabagiu (University of Texas, Austin)
"Just-in-Time Textual Question Answering"
Panel discussion
"Are NLP technologies really ready for application?"
Co-Ordinator : Junichi TSUJII (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Panelist : Robert Dale (Centre for Language Technology,
Macquarie University, Australia)
Gary Geunbae Lee (POSTECH, Korea)
Joe Zhou (Intel, China Research, China)
Three days of: - four invited talks ( shown above )
- 45 papers of oral presentations
- 26 posters
- 21 project note ( 6 with demo )
- one panel discussion ( shown above )
One day of the following four workshops.
* The Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Neural
* Workshop on Language Resources in Asia
* Automatic Paraphrasing: Theories and Applications
* NLP and XML
Exhibition and Demonstrations of NLP technologies during 27th - 29th
List of Demonstration/Exhibition
1. "SummaryBIFF: An E-mail Summarizer for Mobile Phones"
by T. Hasegawa, T. Yamazaki and Y. Hayashi
(NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
2. "Kura: A Lexico-Structural Paraphrasing Engine"
by R. Iida, K. Inui, T. Iwakura, A. Fujita And T. Takahashi
(Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
3. "LiLFeS/GENIA Project --- NLP Tools and A Biology Domain Corpus ---"
by T. Ninomiya, Y. Tateisi, H. Mima, J.-D. Kim, J. Tsujii,
(CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation and Graduate School
of Information Science and Technology, University of Tokyo)
T. Ohta, Y. Miyao, T. Makino, Y. Mitsuishi, K. Nishida,
J. Kazama, N. Yoshinaga, A. Yakushiji, and S. Shimpuku
(Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, University of
4. "XML Transformation-based three-stage pipelined Natural Language
Generation System" by Y. Seki
(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio Univ.)
5. "Collaborative Translation Environment `Yakushite.Net'"
by T. Sukehiro, M. Kitamura, and T. Murata
(Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.)
6. "Associative Information Access using DualNAVI"
by A. Takano (National Institute of Informatics),
Y. Niwa, S. Nishioka, T. Hisamitsu, M. Iwayama, O. Imaichi
(Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.)
7. "Text Mining and Site Outlining Projects"
by K. Takeda, H. Nomiyama, T. Nasukawa, M. Kobayashi, T. Sakairi,
H. Matsuzawa, T. Nagano, A. Murakami and H. Takeuchi
(Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Research)
8. "JSPS project: Natural Language Understanding and Action Control"
by H. Tanaka
(Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
9. "AZALEA: A KE-Free ICALL (intelligent computer assisted language
System for Japanese-English Translation " by N. Tokuda, L. Chen and Q.
(R&D Center, Sunflare Co. Ltd)
10. "Tools for exploring natural language"
by M. Utiyama and H. Isahara
(Communications Research Laboratory)
11. "Text Entry/Conversion Systems for Mobile Phones"
by T. Watanabe, Y. Inutsuka, K. Tanaka-Ishii and H. Nakagawa,
(The University of Tokyo)
12. "Korean Langage Processing Workbench"
by Key-Sun Choi
(KAIST, Korea)
* See the Program page at *
Registration and Accomodation:
Early registration is possible until October 20. Registration fee of
NLPRS-2001 conference (excluding workshops) is 20,000yen (almost 190
After that date the registration fee will be higher.
Registration fee for one workshop is 3,000yen (almost 27 USD).
Please register online using web pages at
At the web site you can also find information about accomodation and
other relevant information. Since hotel capaity is limited, please
make reservation soon.
NLPRS-2001 Organization:
General Chair:
Jun-ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Programme Chair:
Keh-Yih Su (Behavior Design Corperation, Taiwan)
Program Co-Chairs:
Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST, Nara, Japan)
Tian-Shun Yao (Northeastern University, China)
Local Organizing Committee Chair:
Hiroshi Nakagawa (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Programme Committee:
Ananiadou, Sophia (University of Salford, UK)
Asanee, Kawtrakul (Kasetsart Univ., Thailand)
Boitet, Christian (CLIPS-GETA, France)
Chang, Jason S. (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Chang, Jing-Shin (National Chi-Nan Univ., Taiwan)
Chen, Hsin-Hsi (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Chen, Keh-Jiann (IIS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Church, Kenneth (AT&T Labs-Research, USA)
Dale, Robert (Centre for Language Technology, Macquarie University,
Dong, Zhendong (Chinese Information Processing Society of China, China)
Estival, Dominique (Syrinx Speech Systems, Australia)
Hovy, Eduard (USC Information Sciences Institute, USA)
Huang, Chu-Ren (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Inui, Kentaro (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Ishizaki, Masato (Japan Advanced Inst. of Science & Technology, Japan)
Kageura, Kyo (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Kashioka, Hideki (ATR-SLT / NAIST, Japan)
Kurohashi, Sadao (Kyoto University, Japan)
Lee, Gary Geunbae (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
Lee, Yong-seok (Conbuk National University, Korea)
Li, Hang (Microsoft Research China, China)
Lin, Dekang (University of Alberta, Canada)
Lua, Kim-Teng (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Macklovitch, Elliott (Universite de Montreal, Canada)
Molla Aliod, Diego (Macquarie University, Australia)
Myaeng, Sung Hyon (Chungnam National University, Korea)
Nagata, Masaaki (NTT Cyber Space Laboratories, Japan)
Ng, Hwee Tou (DSO National Laboratories, Singapore)
Ock, Cheol-Young (Univ. of Ulsan, Korea)
Okumura, Manabu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Palmer, Martha (Univ. Penn, USA)
Park, Jong Cheol (KAIST, Korea)
Park, Sangkyu (Linguistic Engineering Department, ETRI, Korea)
Pustejovsky, James (Brandeis Univ., USA)
Ra, Dong-Yul (Yonsei University, Korea)
Resnik, Philip (University of Maryland, USA)
Rim, Hae-Chang (Korea University, Korea)
Riza, Hammam (BPP Teknologi, Indonesia)
Sangal, Rajeev (Indian Institute of Information Technology, India)
Sarkar, Anoop (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Seo, Jungyun ( Inc., Korea)
Sornlertlamvanich, Virach (NECTEC, Thailand)
Sproat, Richard (AT&T Labs-Research, USA)
Sun, Maosong (Tsinghua University, China)
Swen, Bing (ICL, Peking University, China)
Tanaka, Kumiko (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Tokunaga, Takenobu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Tsou, Benjamin K. (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Uchimoto, Kiyotaka (Communications Research Laboratory, Japan)
Uszkoreit, Hans (University of Saarbruecken, Germany)
Vossen, Piek (Irion, Netherlands)
Wilks, Yorick (University of Sheffield, UK)
Wu, Dekai (HKUST, Human Language Technology Center, Hong Kong)
Wu, Lide (Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Yusoff, Zaharin (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
Zhou, Joe F (Intel China Research Center, Beijing, China)
Zhou, Ming (Microsoft Research, Beijing, China)
Local Organization Commitee:
Hiroshi Nakagawa (University of Tokyo)
Jun-ichi Tsujii (University of Tokyo)
Kyo Kageura (National Institue of Informatics)
Koh-ich Takeuchi (National Institue of Informatics)
Kumiko Tanaka (University of Tokyo)
Sadao Kurohashi (University of Tokyo)
Takenobu Tokunaga (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Manabu Okumura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Tatsunori Mori (Yokohama National University)
Yoshihiko Hayashi (NTT)
Toru Hisamitsu (Hitachi)
Fumihito Nishino (Fujitsu)
Koh-ichi Takeda (IBM Japan)
Akitoshi Okumura (NEC)
Naoyuki Nomura (Hosei University and Justsystem)
Hidetaka Masuda (Tokyo Denki University)
Takashi Ninomiya (University of Tokyo)
Hirosi Nakagawa
Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo
e-mail nakagawa at
Web Page http://www.r.dl.itc.u-tokyo/~nakagawa/
tel 03-5841-2729
fax 03-5841-2745
postal ZIP Code 113-0033
Digital Library Division, Information Technology Center
in Library, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, JAPAN
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