Appel: Evaluating Human Language Technology - new deadline for submission

Alexis Nasr alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Tue Jun 4 15:02:02 UTC 2002

*****Apologies for multiple postings*****

Due to many requests, especially from participants

to  conferences and meetings held during May 2002, we are pleased

to revise the submission information as below:


  Last Call for Papers


New Deadline for submissions, June 21, 2002


Evaluating Human Language Technology:

General Applications to Information Access and Management

A Special Issue of Knowledge Organization on
Evaluation of HLT

Guest Editor: Widad Mustafa El Hadi,
University of Lille 3


Call for papers

The last few years have seen a growing interest in evaluating human
language technology (HLT) in general and its applications to information
access and management in particular. Several initiatives have been
conducted in Europe and in the United States. The first initiatives on
HLT evaluation can be traced back to the Defence Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Japanese programs on Machine Translation
Evaluation. The DARPA/NIST (National Institute of Standards and
Technology) Projects continued on a more regular basis and particularly
with the Text Retrieval Conferences (TREC) and the Message Understanding
Conferences (MUC). More projects are gaining momentum, be they
independent or part of the famous TREC Tracks (Language Engineering
Track, Question & Answering (Q & A) track), or within the context of the
Translingual Information Detection, Extraction, and Summarization (TIDES)
Document Understanding Conference (DUC), Cross-Language Information
Retrieval (CLIR), Text Summarization Systems, Filtering, or Spoken
Document Retrieval.

Some evaluation projects have been supported within the programs of the
European Commission (EAGLES, ELSE, ISLE, SQALE, etc.) others have been
conducted within national programs (the French evaluation projects: GRACE
Project for evaluating part-of-speech taggers, the AUF four Projects on
evaluating Text Retrieval Systems, Alignment Technology, Terminology
Acquisition System Evaluations, and Message Understanding). These many
endeavours show the relevance of HLT evaluations. Researchers and
practitioners in the field of information are interested, by an
assessment of the contribution of these technologies in order to measure
the progress achieved, to compare different approaches to a given problem
and to assess system usability and user satisfaction.

This Special Issue of Knowledge Organization (scheduled as volume 29,
number 3/4) will aim at bringing together the community of researchers in
the field of HLT from the perspective of Knowledge Organization,
Information Access and Management. Moreover, it will look forward to
providing an overview of the state-of-the-art of HLT, discuss problems,
exchange information on the use of this technology in monolingual and
multilingual environments, discuss evaluation methodologies and metrics
and promote initiatives for international cooperation in these areas.

We invite original and unpublished submissions to the special issue
covering any of, but not limited to, the following topics. Contributions
previously published in a language other than English may be

Possible Topics

General Issues on Evaluation

Historical and theoretical backgrounds of HLT evaluation

Evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures

Benchmarking of systems and products

Linguistic Quality

Information Access

Automated Question & Answering

Monolingual and Cross-Language Information Retrieval

Machine Translation in IR environments

Document Understanding

Multimedia document and image retrieval

Information Management

Automatic tracking and detection of emerging topics from
unstructured data (Text Mining)

Evaluating methods for knowledge extraction and acquisition (e.g.

Information Filtering

Knowledge mapping and access (lexical information, language modelling)

Text Summarization


International Refereeing Committee

Clare Beghtol, Faculty of Information Studies, U. of
Toronto, Canada

Stephane Chaudiron, U. Paris 10 and MENRT, France

Khalid Choukri, ELRA-ELDA, France

Marianne Dabbadie LingPro, Paris, France

Jean-Pierre Descles, LaLIC, U. Paris IV Sorbonne, France

Christian Fluhr, CEA, France

Brigitte Grau, LIMSI-CNRS, France

Tony Hartley, Centre for Translation Studies, U. of Leeds, UK

Michele Hudon, Ecole de biblioth=E9conomie et des l'information, U.
de Montreal, Canada

Rebecca Green, College of Information Studies, U. of Maryland, USA

Donna Harman, NIST - TREC Group, USA

Margaret King, ISSCO, U. of Geneva, Switzerland

Bente Maegaard, Center for Sprogteknologi-Copenhagen, Denmark

Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, and MENRT France

Jean-Paul Metzger, ERSICO, U. Lyon III, France

Adeline Nazarenko, LIPN - CNRS, U. Paris XIII, France

Peter Ohly, Social Science Information Centre (IZ),  Bonn, Germany

Florence Reeder, MITRE Corporation, USA

Gerhard J.A. Riesthuis, U. of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI-CNRS, France

Alexander Sigel, MT Management & Technologies Consulting GmbH, Cologne,

Karen Ward, Department of Computer Science, U. of Texas at El Paso, USA

Submission Information

New Deadline for submissions, June 21, 2002.

Submissions will be refereed by a special committee of experts in the

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in Word, WordPerfect or
RTF format in English only and should be accompanied by an indicative
abstract of 100-200 words.

Submission via e-mail are preferred; submissions will be accepted via
post provided that four copies are submitted or that submissions are
accompanied by a 3.5" diskette encoded in Word, WordPerfect or RTF

Please refer to the instructions for authors provided in the attached

Please use the subject line: KO HLT

Submissions should be directed to:


E-mail: mustafa at

Or at


Universit Charles De Gaulle Lille 3

BP 149, 59653 Villeneuve D'Ascq,



Widad Mustafa el Hadi


Universite Charles-De-Gaulle-Lille 3

BP 149

59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

Tel: 33 (0) 3 20 41 68 15

Fax: 33 (0) 3 20 41 63 79

e-mail: mustafa at


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