Conf: CIAA 2002 Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata

Alexis Nasr alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Tue Jun 4 15:02:16 UTC 2002

(Please, could you pass on to the persons interested in automata research.)

*                            CIAA 2002
*                      Seventh International
*  Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
*                        University of Tours
*                  July, Wednesday 3  Saturday 6, 2002
*                    mailto:ciaa2002 at

********** CIAA 2002 : CALL FOR PARTICIPATION **********

CIAA 2002 will be held at Tours on July, 3-6 2002, organized by the LI
(Computer Science Laboratory of the University of Tours) in collaboration
with the LIFAR (Computer Science Laboratory of the University of Rouen).

The conference includes 18 full paper presentations, 3 invited speakers, 7
short paper presentations, 5 posters and 3 software demonstrations. We have
received 43 paper proposals: the ratio of full papers is 42%.

This conference concerns research on all aspects of implementation and
application of automata and related structures , including theoretical aspects.

Automata theory is the foundation of computer science. Its applications
have spread to almost all areas of computer science and many other
disciplines. In addition, there is a growing number of software systems
designed to manipulate automata, regular expressions, grammars, and related
structures; examples include AGL, AMORE, Automate, FADELA, FinITE,
FireLite, FLAP, FSM, Grail, INR, Intex, MONA and Turing's World.

The purpose of this conference is to bring together members of the
academic, research and industrial community who have an interest in
implementation and application of automata to demonstrate and analyze their
work and to explain the problems they have been solving.

********** TOPICS **********

We solicit papers and demos on all aspects of implementation and
application of automata and related structures, including theoretical
aspects, as but not limited to:

   o Bioinformatics and automata
   o Complexity of automata operations
   o Compilers and automata
   o Computer-aided verification and automata
   o Concurrency and automata
   o Data structure design for automata
   o Data and image compression and automata
   o Design and architecture of automata software
   o Digital libraries and automata
   o Document engineering and automata
   o Editors, environments and automata
   o Experimental studies and practical experiences
   o Industrial applications and automata
   o Natural language processing and automata
   o Networking and automata
   o New algorithms for manipulating automata
   o Object-Oriented Modeling and automata
   o Pattern-matching and automata
   o Speech and speaker recognition and automata
   o Structured and semi-structured documents and automata
   o Symbolic manipulation environments for automata
   o Teaching and automata
   o Text processing and automata
   o Techniques for graphical display of automata
   o VLSI and automata
   o Viruses, related phenomena and automata
   o World-wide web and automata

********** CALENDAR **********

Notification to authors: 5/17/2002
Pre-proceedings version due: 5/31/2002
Conference : 7/3-6/2002
Proceedings version due: 9/27/2002

********** SUBMISSION PROCEDURE **********

The maximum length for papers is 10 pages, using 11-point font, including
figures, examples and references.

The format that MUST be used is the LNCS one, available on the Springer web

Authors should send their submission as a ps or pdf file attached to an
e-mail, containing the following information:
	TO: ciaa2002 at
	FROM: one of the authors
	SUBJECT: CIAA submission
	ATTACH: ps or pdf file
	BODY: submission title and author's names

Only in case electronic submission is not possible, 4 hard-copies of the
paper must reach the organizing committee at the following address:
CIAA 2002
E3i, 64, avenue Jean Portalis
37200 Tours

********** SELECTION CRITERIA **********

Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work and
should provide sufficient details to allow the Program Committee to
evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance to the conference.

Submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 specialists in the domain.
Decisions will be based on the following criteria:
   o Importance and originality of the paper
   o Accuracy of the scientific and technical content
   o Comparison of the results obtained with other relevant work
   o Layout and clarity of the paper
   o Relevance to the topics of the conference

********** DEMOS **********

We encourage the submission of software demos. Developers wishing to
demonstrate their software should submit according to the same rules as of
paper submission, BUT must not exceed 6 pages.

********** POSTERS **********

One specific session for posters (85 x 120 cm) will be scheduled. Poster
submission follows the same rules as of paper submission, BUT must not
exceed 6 pages.

********** TALKS **********

Paper presentations will be of a 20 minutes duration, followed by 10
minutes dedicated to answering questions.
It will be possible to use an overhead projector or a video-projector.

********** PROCEEDINGS **********

Accepted papers will be published in the pre-proceedings and in the
proceedings of the conference.

We will distribute the pre-proceedings to the participants at the
conference and we will send the proceedings as soon as they are printed.

We expect the proceedings to appear in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in
Computer Science Series after the conference. Today available: LNCS 1260
(WIA'96), LNCS 1436 (WIA'97), LNCS 1660 (WIA'98) and LNCS 2088 (CIAA?2000).

Extended versions of selected papers from the proceedings of the conference
series are usually retained for publication in special issues of either
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) or International Journal of Foundations
of Computer Science (IJFCS), alternating each year. Today available: TCS
231 (WIA'97) and TCS 269 (WIA'98). The CIAA 2002 special issue will appear

********** PROGRAMME COMMITTEE **********

Salah Aït-Mokhtar, Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, France
Marie-Pierre Béal, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, France
Bernard Boigelot, Université de Liège, Belgium
Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Université de Rouen, France
Maxime Crochemore, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, France
Gérard Duchamp, Université de Rouen, France
Jacques Farré, CNRS, Université de Nice, France
José Fortes Gálvez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Oscar Ibarra, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Nils Klarlund, AT&T Labs-Research, New-York, USA
Tomasz Kowaltowski, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Igor Litovsky, Université de Nice, France
Carlos Martín-Vide, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Denis Maurel, Université de Tours, France
Mehryar Mohri, AT&T Labs-Research, New-York, USA
Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS, Université Paris 7, France
Kai Salomaa, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Helmut Seidl, Universität Trier, Germany
Sheng Yu, University of Western Ontario, Canada

********** ORGANIZING COMMITTEE **********

Béatrice Bouchou, LI
Jean-Marc Champarnaud, LIFAR
Michel Crucianu, LI
Nathalie Friburger, LI
Denis Maurel, LI

********** PREVIOUS CONFERENCES **********

   o CIAA 2001 website:

   o CIAA 2000 website:

   o WIA'99 website:

   o WIA'98 website:

   o WIA'97 website:
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