Appel: 14th Mini-EURO Conference - HCP'2003

Alexis Nasr alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Tue Jun 11 16:29:16 UTC 2002


                     14th Mini-EURO Conference
                        ****  HCP'2003  ****
                      Human Centered Processes
        Distributed decision making and man-machine cooperation
                            5-7 May 2003

****  Objectives ****

The Commission of the European Union, in its forthcoming sixth
framework Programme, specifically recognizes the necessity to place
human beings at the centre of future development of the
knowledge-based society and more specifically the emerging
e-government. In addition, a EURO working group on Human Centered
Processes has recently been created in order to tackle the study of
operational strategies and processes used by people in professional
contexts (

Such problems represent important challenges for both public
administrations and commercial firms. More generally, the analysis and
study of distributed decision making and man-machine cooperation
requires a multi-disciplinary approach involving cognitive psychology,
operational research, cognitive science and domain expertise. Indeed,
cognitive design and implementation approaches can complement more
traditional frameworks. They may allow design and analysis of more
complete, complex, robust and secure systems involving experienced
users with specific domain expertise as well as common users.

**** Purpose ****

The purpose of this conference is to bring together:

Practitioners from industry and administration who are confronted with
issues related to cognition and domain expertise and computer assisted
collaborative work,

Researchers who have expertise in Cognitive Psychology or more
generally Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence and Computer

Operational Researchers interested in discussing human centred
approaches applied to complex industrial and administrative problems.

In view of this, the Conference focuses on practical application
oriented themes where human centered approaches have already shown
their usefulness including planning, scheduling, decision making,
quality control, project and risk management, intelligent management
of multimedia documents, e-commerce and e-government.

Three plenary sessions with invited guest speakers such as Ola Svenson
(S) and Paul Slovic (USA) are planned.

Four half-day symposiums dedicated to special sessions on
multi-criteria decision aid, decision support systems and ethics in OR
are foreseen.

**** Institutional support ****

The Association of European Operational Research Societies,

Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg (



**** Programme Committee ****

Gustav Lundberg (chair), lundberg at, Duquesne University (USA)
Jean-Claude Asselborn, jcl at, Cunlux (L)
Jean-Yves Antoine, antoine at, Université Bretagne-Sud (F)
Jean-Pierre Barthélemy, JP.barthelemy at, ENST-Bretagne
Jean-Pierre Brans, jpbrans at, VUB, Brussels (B)
Raymond Bisdorff, bisdorff at, Cunlux (L)
Teresa Cerratto, tessy at, Royal Institute of Technology (S)
Igor Crévits, igor.crevits at, Université de
Valenciennes (F)
Gilles Coppin, Gilles.Coppin at, ENST-Bretagne (F)
Philippe Lenca, Philippe.Lenca at, ENST-Bretagne (F)
Photis Nanopoulos, Photis.Nanopoulos at, EUROSTAT (EC)
Elisabeth Le Saux, Elisabeth.Le-Saux at, Université
Bretagne-Sud (F)
Marc Roubens, m.roubens at, Université de Liège (B)
Marcus Selart, Marcus.Selart at, Växjö University (S)

**** Local Organizer ****

Raymond Bisdorff (chair), hcp2003 at, Cunlux (L)

**** Call for papers ****

Three kinds of submissions are welcome:

Proposal for a session of three short papers (maximum five pages)
dedicated to a given topic. After acceptance, the promoter will be
responsible for his/her session and will chair it.

Proposal for a panel discussion on a given topic (one hour). After
acceptance, the promoter will be responsible for his/her session and
will serve as session chair.

Free submission of short papers (maximum five pages). The accepted
papers will be published as Conference Proceedings by the Centre

Two types of sessions, panel discussions or papers are solicited:

Those discussing cognitive theories and practices from a practical
application perspective and those presenting administrative, business
or industrial applications. Suitable sessions, panel discussions and
papers include: distributed decision making, human expertise centred
decision aids, man-machine cooperation, intelligent assistance for
decision, knowledge extraction, representation and modelling,
intelligent management of multimedia documents, perception,
recognition and interpretation and intelligent operator guidance and
assistance systems.

Application reports may cover the following: practice and integration,
quality control, management of industrial and administrative
processes, scheduling and planning, industrial production, supervision
and control, public administration, transportation, health care,
banking, insurance, telecommunications, management of the environment,
new technologies for information and communication.

Authors' instructions may be found on the conference web site:

**** Publication ****

Selected papers will be proposed for publication (and refereed
separately) in a feature issue of the European Journal of Operational
Research (

A specific publication for French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese
versions of the accepted papers is also foreseen in a special issue of
the In Cognito journal (

**** Venue ****

The conference will be located at the Kirchberg Conference Centre, the
hemicycle of the European Parliament in Luxembourg

**** Registration fee ****

The conference fee is 220EUR before February 28, 2003 and 280EUR for
late registrations. It includes the proceedings book, coffee and tea
during breaks, three lunches, and a social event. For accompanying
persons a social program will be organized.

The conference fee for students is 150EUR if a copy of a student card
accompanies the registration formular.

Registering can me made by using the formular you may download from
the following url: (PDF

Please print out, fill in, sign and send it back to following address:
                     Centre Universitaire
                     Conference HCP'2003 secretary
                     162a, avenue de la Faiencerie
                     L-1511 Luxembourg

Remit your payment to:
                     Bureau des Chèques Postaux
                     L-1090 Luxembourg
                     EUROGIRO BIC: CCPPLULU
                     LIPSNET BIC: CCPL
                     IBAN: none
                     Account No: 135345-30
                     Account owner: Centre Universitaire
                     purpose: registration HCP'2003

Young researchers and PhD students may apply for financial support
directly at EURO (contact: Secretary at The Luxembourg
FNR offers special grants for young Luxemburgish researcher (contact:
fnr at  Some participants from Eastern European and African
countries may get special financial support directly from the
organizer (contact the conference secretary: hcp2003 at

**** Important dates ****

Short papers (max five pages), proposals for sessions or panel
discussions should be submitted by October 2002. Authors intending to
submit to EJOR or In Cognito must provide this information in their
short papers.  Notification of acceptance will be given by the end of
January 2003 for all types of proposals. Full papers for EJOR and IN
COGNITO should be submitted at the time of the conference, beginning
of May 2003.

                            Conference Secretary
                            Centre Universitaire
                       162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
                              L-1511 Luxembourg
                            mailto:hcp2003 at
                          Phone: +352 46 66 44 512
                            Fax:+352 46 66 44 508


Jean-Yves Antoine - Lab. VALORIA (U. Bretagne Sud)
Redacteur en chef revue In Cognito
IUP Vannes, rue Y. Mainguy, F-56000 VANNES
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