Q: Looking for nlp and legal corpora specialists
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Nov 22 16:19:42 UTC 2002
[Note: Le message a deja ete diffuse en francais, il est ici
principalement destine aux membres anglophones de la liste -- TH]
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 12:02:50 +0100 (CET)
From: chodkiew at lli.univ-paris13.fr
Message-ID: <1037962970.3dde0edab097a at www-lli.univ-paris13.fr:443>
Dear List Members,
I am a Researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(C.N.R.S.) in the Laboratoire de Linguistique Informatique (dir. : Pr. Gaston
Gross). I have a PhD in law, and I have studied linguistics (and more
specially computer linguistics) at the Sorbonne. I would like to get in touch
with researchers in France (I already have contacts, here, of course... but
certainly not with all persons involved in this field) and abroad who study
computer linguistics or natural language processing APPLIED TO THE LAW. I am
also very interested in knowing what research has been undertaken (or is
underway) - again in France and abroad - on Artificial Intelligence AND THE
LAW. Any information (bibliography, websites etc...) would be very much
welcome. Our team of research - "Axe Langue du Droit du Laboratoire de
Linguistique Informatique" - brings together lawyers, linguists and computer
scientists... and we would be very happy to launch new projects on a national
or an international level. Of course, all the answers to this message will be
put on the List in the near future. And, the Laboratoire would be very happy to
organize (on a rather informal basis)a Conference next Spring bringing together
researchers involved in these three fields (law, linguistics, computer science)
in order to exchange informations... and perhaps set up new projects.
Best regards to all
Christine Chodkiewicz
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