Appel: Special Issue - Journal of Natural Language Engineering

alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Tue Mar 11 16:29:11 UTC 2003

                           CALL FOR PAPERS
                      Special Issue of Journal
               Journal of Natural Language Engineering

           Software Architecture for Language Engineering

              Editors: Hamish Cunningham, Donia Scott

A number of researchers argued in the early and middle 1990s that the
field of computational infrastructure, or architecture, for Natural
Language Processing, merited an increase in attention. The reasoning was
that the increasingly large-scale and technologically significant nature
of NLP science was placing increasing burdens of an engineering nature
R&D workers seeking robust and practical methods. Over the intervening
period a number of significant systems and practices have been developed
in what we may call Software Architecture for Language Engineering. Of
the most prominent are:

  * RAGS, Reference Architecture for Generation Systems
    (Brighton and Edinburgh)
  * LT XML (Edinburgh)
  * TEI, CES, XCES (Oxford, Vassar, etc.)
  * Galaxy Communicator Software Infrastructure (Mitre)
  * JENA (Hewlett Packard)
  * Protégé (Stanford)
  * GATE, a General Architecture for Text Engineering (Sheffield).

This special issue represents an opportunity for pracititioners in this
area to report their work in a coordinated setting. The value to the
community at large will be to get a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in
infrastructural work, which may indicate where further take-up of these
systems can be of benefit. A wide range of topics are relevant, from
reference architectures to web services, from component repositories to
language resource standardisation, from grid-based distribution to
comparative studies of different architectures.

Important dates:

1st July 2003           deadline for submission of papers
1st November 2003       notification of acceptance
15th December 2003      final copy due
1st June 2004           special issue publication date


Initial submissions should be sent electronically in PDF format to

              Hamish Cunningham  -  hamish at

Formatting instructions for final submissions are available from CUP at

Editorial Committee:

Steve   Appleby
Steven  Bird
Kalina  Bontcheva
Chris   Brew
Hennie  Brugman
Jean    Carletta
Walter  Daelemans
Robert  Dale
David   Day
Thierry DeClerck
Marin   Dimitrov
Roger   Evans
Nancy   Ide
Atanas  Kiryakov
Diana   Maynard
David   McDonald
Chris   Mellish
Jon     Patrick
Thomas  Rist
Laurent Romary
Valentin Tablan
Yorick  Wilks

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