Appel: International Conference Conjoint perspectives on the text
alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Mon Sep 1 14:51:17 UTC 2003
Call for papers
International Conference
Conjoint perspectives on the text
Organized at the University of Cyprus
18th, 19th and 20th March 2004
Deadline (abstracts): 30th September 2003
D. Klingler : dominique.klingler at (ILPGA, Paris III, France),
S. Porhiel : sylvieporhiel at (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Call for papers
On an everyday basis it is impossible to escape texts. We deal with
them regularly and they play an important role at different levels:
everybody produce texts, understand/decode and appreciate them either
posted or verbally.
One can consider that the text is a global unit of verbal production
(written or spoken), the emergence of which is based on mental
activities. Such a production also conveys organized information aimed
at an addressee. As a communicative occurrence, the text is a set of
sentences linked by a network of relations we are liable to interpret,
to understand and to produce: this is linked to everybody's capacity
to distinguish between what is coherent and what is not. Indeed, if
there exist relations between adjacent sentences (local coherence),
they also intervene between other parts of the text (global
coherence). It is this particular interaction between two types of
relation that makes it possible to access the meaning of the
text. Likewise it is our ability to set on procedures creating such
relations that prompts textual production and assures its
communicative efficiency.
Whatever the syntactic theory considered, a finished set of relational
and positional constraints weigh on the sentence. And yet, beyond the
phrasal system we enter the textual system, the organisational
principles of which have nothing to do with syntax. One can then
legitimately wonder how one goes from short spans (the sentence being
the most representative example) to wider spans, and what cognitive
processes come into play during such transitions, what linguistic
markers code the coherence relations. Such is the aim of this
conference with a view to conjoining interdisciplinary perspectives
about the text regarding its interpretation/comprehension and
The direction of this conference is then to conjunct points of view
and to compare how linguistics, psycholinguistics but also Natural
Language Automatic Treatment that uses the outcomes of linguistic
analyses, consider the text and deal with it.
We invite authors to:
submit abstracts taking into consideration the topics of the
submit research that will have the text as object and will not have
been published;
envisage the text from perspectives that can be diverse and possibly
present robust methodological tools, hypotheses, opening perspectives
and present results.
Languages of the conference: French and English
Scientific committee:
Alain Berrendonner (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Guy Denhière (Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, Université Aix-Marseille
1, France)
Manuel I. Cabozas Gonsáles (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Bruce Fraser (School of Education, Boston University, USA)
Daniel Gaonac'h (Laboratoire Langage et Cognition, Université de
Poitiers - CNRS, France)
László Hunyadi (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
Jean-Marie Pierrel (ATILF(Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la
Langue Française), CNRS-Université de Nancy, France)
Tamás Váradi (Linguistic Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
will have to be sent by 30th September 2003
will state on a separate page:
Your name and surname
Phone number
E-mail address
Title of abstract
should be limited to two pages in Times New Roman, font 12 (notes
references included)
will be anonymous
will be preferably in French, however English abstracts are also
will be sent, as an attachment via e-mail in rtf WORD format, to the
two organisers, sylvieporhiel at and
dominique.klingler at, specifying 'Conjoint/conjunct
perspectives on the text' in the subject line. If, for any reason, you
are unable to submit the abstract by e-mail, please contact the
Invited speakers
Michel Charolles (University of Paris III, team LaTTiCe (Langues,
Textes, Traitements Informatiques et Cognition), France)
Liesbeth Degand (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Jean-Luc Minel (CNRS, LaLLIC (Langage, Logique, Informatique,
Cognition et Communication), France)
Important deadlines
deadline for submitting abstracts: 30th September 2003
Notification of acceptance to authors: 30th November 2003
Dates of the conference: 18th, 19th and 20th March 2004
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