Appel: Technology Enhanced Learning (Tel'04) Workshop

alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Mon Feb 9 17:37:00 UTC 2004

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Call For Papers: Technology Enhanced Learning (Tel'04) Workshop - 18th
IFIP World Computer Congress -

"Raising the issues on School e-laboratories, utilizing novel
pedagogical and evaluation theories"

22 August 2004
Toulouse, France
TeL'04 - Technology Enhanced Learning

February 20, 2004: Submission of short and full papers(firm deadline)



Technology Enhanced Learning (TeL) has provided tools and
infrastructure to education and training disciplines for over a
decade. Related issues are as various as pedagogical and evaluation
theories, integrated learning environments, experiments, trials and
results from R&TD deployment. Relying on recent experiences and
promising results from R&TD projects, in particular EU endorsed
initiatives (e.g. IST Projects: Lab at Future, Laboratory of Tomorrow,
Mobilearn), the workshop will give educational institutions, experts,
practitioners and technologists an opportunity to share their
experience and possibly come up with a consensus on open issues.

Tel'04 is a one day workshop co-located with the WCC'2004
conference. It will take place among other WCC events in the Congress
Center (downtown Toulouse). The program will include refereed papers
and invited talks by distinguished researchers and practitioners.

The proceedings will be published by Kluwer, the official publisher of
IFIP conference.


This workshop will comply with the trend of most international
conferences relating to learning technologies today. Nevertheless the
distinct shaping factor will comprise the identification of the
enabling parameters to leverage the promotion of key initiatives in
putting the grassroots for TeL, especially for school e-laboratories
utilizing novel pedagogical and evaluation theories.

Papers are solicited in the following areas:
·Mobile learning
·Mixed and augmented reality in training
·Technologies in the school of tomorrow
·The learning citizen
·Collaborative learning
·Applying pedagogical theories
·The evaluation process of learning applications
·Shared virtual environments for learning
·Learning management systems
·Combining individualised with collaborative learning
·Applying and using eLearning standards
·Open learning environments
·Learning for All
·Technologies for science education
·Technologies for arts and humanities education

Accepted papers will appear in a book published by Kluwer.

February 20, 2004: Submission of short and full papers(firm deadline)
March 20, 2004: Notification of acceptance
April 20, 2004: Camera ready papers

For more details and submission visit:


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