Appel: Workshop on Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural Language Data, COLING'2004

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Mar 5 16:59:04 UTC 2004

Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 18:30:46 -0100 (MET)
From: <Amalia.Todirascu at>
Message-ID: <38790. at>

Call For Papers [Submission Deadline: March, 31st 2004]

3rdÊ workshop on RObust Methods in Analysis of Natural language Data

A satellite event of COLING 2004
Geneva - August 29th 2004

Robustness in Computational Linguistics has been recently recognized
as a central issue for the design of interactive applications based on
natural language communication. If a failure of the system can be
acceptable in batch applications requiring a human intervention, an
on-line system should be capable of dealing with unforeseen situations
in a more flexible way.  When we talk about system failure we do not
think at inherent program failures like infinite loops or system
exception, we consider, rather, failures related to the processing of
the input and its assimilation in the system's knowledge base. A
failure of this kind means simply that the system does not
"understand" the input. The automated analysis of natural language
data has become a central issue in the design of Intelligent
Information Systems. Processing unconstrained natural language data is
still considered an AI-hard task. However, various analysis techniques
have been proposed in order to address specific aspects of natural
language. In particular, recent interest has been focused on providing
approximate analysis techniques, assuming that when perfect analysis
is not possible, partial results may be still very useful.

ROMAND 2004 is the third of a series of workshops aimed at bringing
together researchers and students that work in fields like artificial
intelligence, computational linguistics, human-computer interaction,
cognitive science and are interested in robust methods in natural
language processing and understanding. The term "natural language" is
intended as all the possible modalities of human communication and it
is not restricted to written or spoken language. Theoretical aspects
of robustness in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Understanding
(NLU) are welcome as well as engineering and industrial
experiences. We are also interested in research works that investigate
different types of linguistic modules integration, in order to
characterise their advantages and disadvantages with respect to
different types of applications, and works that propose different
types of NLP/NLU systems, ranging from sequential/pipelined
architectures to more loosely-coupled multi-level distributed

We invite papers on all topics related to robustness in natural
language processing, including, but not limited to:

Natural Language Architectures
Robust Morpho-Syntactic Parsing
Robust Semantics
Robust Discourse Analysis
Robust Computational Pragmatics
Complexity of linguistic analysis
Spell checking and automated spell correction
NLP and Soft Computing
Hybrid methods in computational linguistics
Information Extraction
Multimedia Document Analysis
Spoken Language Understanding
Multimodal Human-Computer Interfaces
Cognitive Linguistics
Dr. Frank Keller Ð University of Edinburgh: "Gradient Grammaticality:
Applications in Robust Parsing"

Authors should submit an anonymous paper (avoiding, as much as
possible, hints for the identification of authors) of at most 10 pages
(including pictures and references), intended for talks with a
duration of 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for discussions. The paper
should follow the COLING formatting style available on the main
conference web site (, and the
authors must also send us a wrapper e-mail message indicating:

the AUTHOR'S NAMES, AFFILIATION, ADDRESS, and E-MAIL address of (at least)
the contacting author,
an ABSTRACT of the submitted paper (less than 500 words),
a list of KEYWORDS (no more than 5).
The papers should be submitted electronically in PDF (preferred) or
postscript format to:

mailto:romand at

Papers submission: March 31st
Acceptance notification: May 7th
Final version: June 4th
Workshop: August 29th

Vincenzo Pallotta (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne,
International Computer Science Institute - Berkeley)
Amalia Todirascu (University of Troyes and University of Iasi)

Afzal Ballim
Alberto Lavelli
Alexander Clark
Atro Voutilainen
Bangalore Srinivas
C.J. Rupp
Dan Cristea
Diego Molle-Aliod
Eric Wherli
Jose Iria
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Fabio Rinaldi
Frank Keller
Giovanni Coray
GŸnther Gšrz
Hatem Ghorbel
Jean-Cédric Chappelier
Jean-Pierre Chanod
Joachim Niehren
John Carroll
Kay-Uwe Carstensen
Manuela Boros
Maria Teresa Pazienza
Martin Rajman
Michael Hess
Patrick Ruch
Roberto Basili
Rodolfo Delmonte
Salah Ait-Mokhtar
Susan Armstrong
Wolfgang Menzel
Yuji Matsumoto

Violeta Seretan (University of Geneva)
Hatem Ghorbel (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Lausanne)

All inquiries should be sent to [romand at]. Please note that general
organizational details (registration, accommodation, etc.) are taken care
of by COLING 2004, not by the workshop organizers.

More information are available the workshop's Web page at

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