[ln] Appel: Workshop on MT at RANLP 2005 (second call)

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Jun 3 14:17:17 UTC 2005

Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 14:03:24 +0200
From: Cristina Vertan <cri at nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Message-Id: <a06020443bec5f6d56c75@[]>
X-url: http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/view/RANLPMT2005/WebHome
X-url: http://lml.bas.bg/ranlp2005/
X-url: http://nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~crit

*** Apologize for multiple postings ***

*** Deadline Extension  29 june 2005 ****

International Workshop

Modern Approaches in Translation Technologies

- Workshop in conjunction with the international Conference "Recent
Advances in Natural Language Processing- RANLP 2005"-

In the current globalized communications scene, both machine and
computer-aided translation have become key technologies. Indeed, a
recent survey regarding ten emerging technologies that will change the
world, placed Machine Translation at the leading number one
position. It is expected that with the increased number of official
languages in Europe, and the continuing growth of non-English Internet
resources, machine translation and computer-aided translation systems
will become indispensable tools in everyday work.

Machine Translation is a complex scientific task involving almost
every aspect of natural language processing. Following the
developments in language technology, during the last 10 years,
corpus-based approaches to machine translation (statistical or
example-based) tried, and partially succeeded to replace traditional
rule-based approaches. The main advantage of corpus-based machine
translation systems is that they are self-customising in the sense
that they can learn the translations of terminology and even stylistic
phrasing from previously translated materials.

However, after a first enthusiastic period it turned out that pure
corpus-based methods also have limitations, which can only be overcome
by introducing linguistic knowledge. Therefore current research
focuses on hybrid methods, combining data-driven (corpus) and
rule-driven methods. On the other hand, more practical CAT
applications such as translation memories and bilingual concordancers
along with the extensive use of electronic dictionaries and term
tools/banks, emerged as popular, vital tools for professional

The current workshop aims to bring together researchers working in
machine and machine-aided translation. The workshop will alternate
paper presentations with panel discussions.  Main topics of interest

o	Hybrid approaches to machine translation
o	Recent advances in machine aided translation
o	Evaluation of MT and CAT systems
o	Impact of Semantic Web activities on MT and CAT systems.
o	Tools for professional translators

We welcome original papers related (but not
limited) to one or more of the following topics:

o	Learning from parallel aligned corpora
o	Integration of statistical and example-based approaches
o	Statistical support for rule-based machine translation
o       Dynamic combination of example-based machine translation or
        translation memories with rule-based approaches
o	Template learning in example based machine translation
o	Integration of Termbases, Translation Memories, and Parallel
o	Evaluation criteria for MT and CAT systems
o	Usage of semantic web-ontologies for machine translation
o	Usage of semantic web annotations in corpus-based machine
o	Perspectives of grid technologies for MT and CAT systems.
o	Practical MT systems (MT for professionals, MT for
        multilingual eCommerce, MT for localization
o	Automatic and semiautomatic acquisition of bilingual and
        multilingual lexicons
o	Practical CAT tools (Translation memories, bilingual
        concordancers, terminology tools and resources)
o	Use of corpora in translation

We also encourage demonstrations of developed tools. Submissions for a
demonstration session should include a 2 page demo-note describing the
system-architecture and performance as well as technical requirements.

Invited Speaker :  Makoto Nagao (NICT, Tokyo)

Workshop organisers :
Walther v. Hahn (University of Hamburg)
John Hutchins (EAMT)
Cristina Vertan (University of Hamburg)

Programme Committee includes:
Galia Angelova (Bulgarian Academy of Science)
Michael Carl (Institut für Applied Information Research, Saarbrücken)
Chris Callison-Burch (Linear B/ University of Edinburgh)
Yves Champollion (Wordfast)
Daniel Grasmick (SAP, Germany)
Walther von Hahn (organiser) (University of Hamburg)
John Hutchins (organiser) (EAMT)
Susanne Jekat (Technical University Winterthur)
Vladislav Kubon (Charles University Prague)
Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton)
Paola Monachesi (UIL/OTS - University of Utrecht)
Andrea Mulloni (Interlanguage Ltd./ University of Wolverhampton)
Victor Pekar (University of Wolverhampton.)
Gabor Proszeky (Morphologic, Budapest)
Harold Somers (University of Manchester)
Cristina Vertan (Organiser) (University of Hamburg)
Andy Way (Dublin City University)
Yorick Wilks (University of Sheffield)

*** Paper Submission 29 June 2005 ***
Notification of acceptance 20 July 2005
Camera Ready Papers 15th August 2005

Workshop 24 September 2005

Submission guidelines

Submissions should be A4, one-column format and should not exceed
seven pages, including cover page, figures, tables and
references. Times New Roman 12 font is preferred. The first page
should state the title of the paper, the author's name(s),
affiliation, surface and email address(es), followed by keywords and
an abstract. Continue with the first section of your paper.

Papers should be  submitted electronically in **PDF** format to
cri at nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de .

Each paper will be reviewed by up to three members of the program
committee. Authors of accepted papers will receive guidelines
regarding camera-ready versions

Parallel submissions to the main conference and the workshop are
allowed but the review process will be coordinated.  Please declare
this in the notification form.

Dr. Cristina Vertan
Natural Language Systems Division
Computer Science Department
University of Hamburg
Vogt-Koelln-Str. 30
22527 Hamburg GERMANY

Tel. 040 428 83 2519
Fax  040 428 83 2515


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