June 2005 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jun 1 08:05:15 UTC 2005
Ending: Thu Jun 30 20:40:49 UTC 2005
Messages: 200
- 0Q: Unique Logo design!
Nathaniel Stubbs
- 1 a day for your man's sexual health!
Katharine Snyder
- 30 seconds refinance
Gerardo Wang
- [ln] Actes: TALN 1999 a 2003 sur le site Web de l'ATALA
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2006)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Journee Jeunes chercheurs en linguistique appliquee, AFLA (2eme appel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: LREC 2006
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: OMT05 Workshop on Ontology Mining & Engineering and its Use for Virtual Reality (new deadline)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue TAL, Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages (Alamargot)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue TAL, Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages (Aurnague)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue TAL, Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages (KUBLER)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Revue TAL, Modeles et algorithmes pour la resolution d'anaphores (2eme appel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: RJC Paroles 2005 (2eme appel)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Semaine de la connaissance (appel a manifestation)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Summarization Workshop / RANLP 2005 (deadline extended 10th of June)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Translating & the Computer 27
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: VORTE'05, International EDOC Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: Workshop on MT at RANLP 2005 (second call)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Appel: WORM0'5, 3rd Workshop on Regulatory Ontologies
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: Coldoc.05, 16-17 juin 2005, Paris 10, Nanterre
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: JETOU'2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: JILC 2005, Lorient, 15 - 17 septembre 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: JRC Workshop on Exploiting parallel corpora in up to 20 languages, 26-27 September 2005, Ispra (Italy)
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: SARA'2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Conf: WACA'01, 1er atelier francophone sur les Agents Conversationnels Animes, 13-14 juin 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Cursus: International Masters and National Masters in Natural Language
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Cursus: Mastere en Linguistique et Informatique, Universite Marc Bloch de Strasbourg
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Cursus: Master professionnel, Technologies du Langage, Universite de Provence, Aix-en-Provence
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Cursus: Masters TAL et ECIL Universite de Toulouse2
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Divers: Realisation d'une base de donnees de voix d'enfant
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Info: Nouvelle rubrique de Terminometro, TERMINONAUTE
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Job: sabbatical positions, Tarragona, Spain
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Journees: Journees franco-suedoises de linguistique, 24-25 juin 2005
Thierry Hamon
- [ln] Seminaire: Lalicc, M. Freund, problemes de gradation dans la theorie de l'appartenance et de la typicite, 28 Juin 2005
Thierry Hamon
- Account holder notice
Porfirio Covington
- AIM ? Rolex, Cartier and Breitling
- Appel: JADT 2006
Thierry Hamon
- Attention SmallCap Stox Players.
Brianna Kay
- Best Pharmacy Today 8prE3
Angela Gillis
- Bling Bling watches
- Boost sexual performance Genaro
- Can You Last 36 Hours? 3bEIFp
Kellie Irvin
- Can You Last 36 Hours? chY
Rosalinda Betts
- Can You Last 36 Hours? p5
Joe Valle
- Can You Last 36 Hours? vRpW
Angelita Powell
- Can you last for 4 hours and drive her crazy?
Damon Hall
- Carmen Electra prefers Rolex, Cartier and Breitling
- Cia-llis Softabs is the Best D79j
Marisa Pena
- Cia-llis Softabs is the Best MFS
Tamera Crum
- Cia-llis Softabs is the Best Y1o5
Luke Burr
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 1U
Colby Crosby
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 6i8XG
Cindy May
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 arbiter
Derrick Ryan
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 fzR
Francis Stafford
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 mccall
Adriana Winn
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 nicety
Isabelle Crouch
- Ciallis Softabs Onlly $3.99 SHfP
Charmaine Pierson
- cover her with...
- cover her with...
- Cum again and again Faye
- Dear Sir
Clara Horne
- Discover how sex should be!
Merle Patterson
- Doctors Use This Too y9Ts
Andres Wells
- Does 8-incches Enough 4 U? wie
Araceli Sands
- Does Ur Cock Hard Enough? Rg46
Mario Haynes
- Don't Buy Viia-gra 3iQdrM
Reyna Harmon
- Don't Buy Viia-gra Ih
Jake Coon
- Don't let aging get in the way of an Erection!
Carey Michel
- Don't worry about Erectile Dysfunction.
Flora Hancock
- Don`t buy her flowers, give her milk...
- Don`t buy her flowers, give her milk...
- Don`t buy her flowers, give her milk...
- Do not lose the chance
Denis Booker
- Do not lose the moment
Leonard Hamlin
- Do not miss the opportunity
Kerry Mercado
- do you have "small" problem? brave
- Do You Like Penny Stocks
Bernadine Keene
- e-Rolex
- Ejaculate like a porn star Frances
- Ejaculate like a porn star Jonathan
- Erectile Dysfunction ruining your sex life?
Cameron Givens
- EXTRA-TIME - last 5-10 times longer!
Bernadette Burke
- February Lowest
Kevin Walsh
- Fix your situation Lyle
Helena Colvin
- Fix your situation Rita
Kristi Lacey
- Fix your situation Robyn
Audra Weeks
- Gain the Erection, Lose the risk with 100% natural viagra!
Alexandra Marks
- Get a Strong Natural Erection!
Cristina Kinney
- Get free cable Ch's
Lourdes Byrd
- Get Hard In 15 Min koinonia
Isidro Lindsay
- Goodbye to the Excess inches
- Good news from Bank
Marsha Hicks
- Guys Need This simultaneity
Leticia Snyder
- Guys Need This vZFEc
Perry Reece
- Hard as Rock w0YZA
Carter Howe
- Hard Like Rock CW
Betty Huffman
- Hard Like Rock zB
Dudley Kenny
- Hello
Crystal Goldberg
- Hello
Kory Driver
- Hey now. Order all your meds here ,, . latitudinary gel
Melanie Ponce
- hidden camera in college bathroom Marcos
- Highly Recommended Ciialis yqqYK8
Mable Spivey
- Hot Shot St0ck Info
Theodore Cantu
- How are things. Obtain prescripti-on's here . . sire cultivable
Alfreda Parson
- How is the family. Find all your meds here . ,, traitorous embower
Penny Black
- How is the family. Obtain all of your Pres_cription's here . . edit torrid
Logan Tripp
- huge cumshot Dylan
- huge cumshot Ronda
- Huuge Penis E1mtBm
Mohammad Lin
- Increase stamina and endurance Eric
- Intrepid Investor Report
Humberto Boyd
- it`s julie here
Julie Early
- Italian Rolex order Lorene
Dorothea Swenson
- Italian Rolex order Lucas
Erick Bingham
- It doesn`t hurt to check Sydney
Carmen Benjamin
- It doesn`t hurt to check Tania
Anderson Sargent
- Ladies n Mens Love This B66
Rowena Marshall
- Large thighs please go away
- Logo your Business Identity (6152382)
Lemuel Beaver
- Make absolutely safe purchase with CanadianPharmacy
Magdalena Herrera
- Mens and Ladies real replica watches
- MicroCap Profile
Vern Kramer
- MicroCaps can Equal Macro Gains
Mohamed Mason
- Mortgage qualified on 6/15/05
Sam Brown
- Never worry about Erectile Dysfuntion again!
Phillip Mcbride
- News : Rolex or Cartier or Breitling
- NN: High-quality custom logos and business identities
Elijah Hilliard
- No room for thunder thighs in a bikini
- No subject
Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV administrator
- No subject
Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV administrator
- No subject
Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV administrator
- Offering Home Loans with ease
Valentin Smiley
- Only Ciiallis Help KmL0
Robby Keith
- Only Ciiallis Help nMUmog
Ryan Shapiro
- Only Ciiallis Help y7k
Trina Dolan
- Penis broken? This will fix it.
Lyle Blackmon
- Penis failure causes problems. Amplifico solves them.
Basil Schaefer
- Phamacy Online bucolic
Krista Arthur
- Phamacy Online panorama
Carolyn Houston
- Phamacy Online volatile
Evan Marion
- Platinum Stock Report
Gay Busby
- pornstars use it Emmett
- real college girls Sheena
- real college girls Valarie
- Regarding your application
Tristan Frye
- Register : Rolex or Cartier or Breitling
- Rolex is not for everyone, it`s for you Lilia
Buford Ramsey
- Rolex is not for everyone, it`s for you Pedro
Newton Kauffman
- Rolex Replica Elmer
Marvin Sizemore
- Rolex Replica Jeff
Lon Stover
- Say bye to the cellulite
- Say bye to the cellulite
- second notification Caleb
Deloris Reid
- Sell : Rolex or Cartier or Breitling
- Shed Fat
- she loves you misogynist
- she loves you mizar
- Small Cap For You to Watch
Marion Hatfield
- Stronger ejaculation Dennis
- Stronger ejaculation Nestor
- SU-per Hu^ge 0ffers Bse0
Clarissa Castaneda
- SU-per Hu^ge 0ffers ppNSnW
Lucia Barker
- Swiss Rolex, Patek Philippe, Panerai, Omega, Breitling, IWC, Tag Heuer From $199, Limited Stock! nvk
Adriane Delana
- Thank you
Felicia Moreland
- The Best Super Viaaggra Ynk7r
Efrain Samuels
- The longest most intense orgasms of your life Arnulfo
- The longest most intense orgasms of your life Carey
- The longest most intense orgasms of your life Emmanuel
- The Smallcap Journal
Addie Lynn
- those are real amateurs Malcolm
- those college chicks don`t know anything Nigel
- Unbelievable Opportunity for the USA!
Corey Dudley
- Unique-Logos! (290328100)
Mohammed Colon
- Urgent notice for you
Jimmy Chen
- Via-ggra is Lousy mrL
Marty Marshall
- Via-ggra is Lousy Tiu7
Della Farmer
- Wall Street Pulse
Vanessa Henderson
- Wanna see a nude college girls? Frederick
- Wanna see a nude college girls? Rhea
- Want more power in bed?
Pam Frazier
- We SelIs all Medss
Polly Mason
- what are you waiting for? darlene
- What is Better Cfialis or Vfiagra t
Sheri Ferrell
- Whats happenin. B u y all of your Pr-escription's here . . az consume
Agnes Valentin
- Whats happenin. Find all of your prescri ption's here . . toothbrush whale
Barbra Chamberlain
- where have you been grotesque
- where have you been poetic
- Will these Shares Go higher?
Ahmed Cortez
- Wow..Mens Love This ws
Cyrus Bolton
- Wow..Mens Love This XcZ
Nicolas Ross
- you`re a fool if you wont give it a shot rapt
- you can`t miss that Justin!
- you can`t miss that Maura!
- You No longer need drugs to get an Erection!
Ida Ervin
- your private invitation Anastasia
Jean Otero
- your private invitation Laverne
Debbie Park
- your private invitation Mae
Kathrine Nixon
- you won`t believe your eyes Tiffany
- you wont find anything better Edmond
Earnestine Tate
- you wont find anything better Marietta
Kenny Bergman
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 20:40:49 UTC 2005
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:15:55 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).