[ln] Appel: LREC 2006

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Jun 14 15:45:48 UTC 2005

Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 17:09:14 +0200
From: Hélène Mazo <mazo at elda.org>
Message-Id: < at pop.easynet.fr>
X-url: http://www.lrec-conf.org
X-url: http://www.elra.info
X-url: http://www.elda.org/

[Apologies for multiple postings]

LREC 2006 - 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation


Magazzini del Cotone Conference Center,  GENOA - ITALY

MAIN CONFERENCE: 24-25-26 MAY 2006

WORKSHOPS and TUTORIALS: 22-23 and 27-28 MAY 2006

Conference web site: http://www.lrec-conf.org

The fifth international conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, LREC 2006, is organised by ELRA in cooperation with a wide
range of international associations and organisations.


In the Information Society, the pervasive character of Human Language
Technologies (HLT) and their relevance to practically all fields of
Information Society Technologies (IST) has been widely recognised.
Two issues are considered particularly relevant: the availability of
Language Resources (LRs) and the methods for the evaluation of
resources, technologies, products and applications. Substantial mutual
benefits are achieved by addressing these issues through international

The term language resources refers to sets of language data and
descriptions in machine readable form, such as written or spoken
corpora and lexica, annotated or not, multimodal resources, grammars,
terminology or domain specific databases and dictionaries, ontologies,
multimedia databases, etc. LRs also cover basic software tools for
their acquisition, preparation, collection, management, customisation
and use. LRs are used in many types of
components/systems/applications, such as software localisation and
language services, language enabled information and communication
services, knowledge management, e-commerce, e-publishing, e-learning,
e-government, cultural heritage, linguistic studies, etc. This large
range of usages makes the LRs infrastructure a strategic part of the
e-society, where the creation of a basic set of LRs for all languages
must be ensured in order to bring all languages to the same level of
usability and availability.  The relevance of the evaluation for
language technologies development is increasingly recognised. This
involves assessing the state-of-the-art for a given technology,
measuring the progress achieved within a programme, comparing
different approaches to a given problem, assessing the availability of
technologies for a given application, product benchmarking, and
assessing system usability and user satisfaction.

The aim of the LREC conference is to provide an overview of the
state-of-the-art, explore new R&D directions and emerging trends,
exchange information regarding LRs and their applications, evaluation
methodologies and tools, ongoing and planned activities, industrial
uses and needs, requirements coming
>>From the new e-society, both with respect to policy issues and to
technological and organisational ones.  LREC provides a unique forum
for researchers, industrials and funding agencies from across a wide
spectrum of areas to discuss problems and opportunities, find new
synergies and promote initiatives for international cooperation in the
areas mentioned above, in support to investigations in language
sciences, progress in language technologies and development of
corresponding products, services and applications.


Examples of the topics which may be addressed by papers submitted to
the conference are given below.

Issues in the design, construction and use of Language Resources (LRs)

* Methodologies and tools:

* Guidelines, standards, specifications, models and best practices for

* Methods, tools, procedures for the acquisition, creation,
  annotation, management, access, distribution, use of monolingual and
  multilingual LRs.

* Methods for the extraction and acquisition of knowledge (e.g. terms,
  ontologies, lexical information, language modelling) from LRs, and knowledge transfer among

* Definition and requirements for a Basic and Extended LAnguage
Resource Kit (BLARK, ELARK) for all languages.

* Documentation and archiving of languages, including minority and
endangered languages.

* LRs for linguistic research in human-machine communication.

* LRs construction & annotation:

* Metadata descriptions of LRs and metadata for semantic/content

* Ontologies and knowledge representation, especially with respect to

* Terminology and NLP tools and methodologies for terminology and
ontology building or mapping, term extraction, domain-specific

* LRs for machine translation.

* LRs for ubiquitous processing.

* Availability and use of generic vs. task/domain specific LRs.

* Multimedia and Multimodal LRs - Integration of various media and
modalities in LRs (speech, vision, language).

* LRs exploitation:

* Industrial production of LRs.

* Industrial LRs requirements, user needs and community's response.

* Exploitation of LRs in different types of applications (information
extraction, information retrieval, speech dictation, translation,
summarisation, web services, semantic web, semantic search, text
mining, inferencing, etc.).

* Exploitation of LRs in different types of interfaces (dialogue
systems, natural language and multimodal/multisensorial interactions,

Issues in Human Language Technologies (HLT) evaluation

* Methodologies, tools and standardisation:

* Evaluation, validation, quality assurance of LRs.

* Evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures.

* Benchmarking of systems and products, resources for benchmarking and
evaluation, blackbox, glassbox and diagnostic evaluation of systems.

* From evaluation to standardisation.

* User centered design tools and methods.

* Evaluation of ontologies and knowledge bases by means of LR-related

* Evaluation in written language processing: (document production and
management, text retrieval, terminology extraction, message
understanding, text alignment, machine translation, morphosyntactic
tagging, parsing, semantic tagging, word sense disambiguation, text
understanding, summarization, question answering, localization, etc.).

* Evaluation in spoken language processing: (speech recognition and
understanding, voice dictation, oral dialogue, speech synthesis,
speech coding, speaker and language recognition, spoken translation,

* Evaluation of multimedia document retrieval and search systems
(including detection, indexing, filtering, alert, question answering,

* Evaluation of multimodal systems.

* Usability evaluation of HLT based user Interfaces:

* Usability and user satisfaction evaluation.

* Psychophysical and cognitive evaluation.

* User experience assessment.

* Heuristic evaluation.

* Multimodal interaction evaluation.

* Evaluation of usability in mobile services/applications, etc.
General issues

* National and international activities and projects.

* Open architectures for LRs.

* LRs and the needs/opportunities of the emerging industries.

* LRs and contributions to societal needs (e.g. e-society).

* Priorities, perspectives, strategies in national and international
policies for LRs.

* Needs, possibilities, forms, initiatives of/for international
cooperation, and their organisational and technological implications.

* Organisational, economical and legal issues in the construction,
distribution, access and use of LRs.

Special Highlights

LREC targets the integration of different types of LRs (spoken,
written, and other modalities), and of the respective communities. To
this end, LREC encourages submissions covering issues which are common
to different types of LRs and language technologies, such as dialogue
strategy, written and spoken translation, domain-specific data,
multimodal communication or multimedia document processing, and will
organise, in addition to the usual tracks, common sessions
encompassing the different areas of LRs.

The 2006 Conference emphasises in particular the importance of promoting:

- synergies and integration between (multilingual) LRs and Semantic
Web technologies,

- new paradigms for sharing and integrating LRs and LT coming from
different sources,

- communication with neighbouring fields for applications in
e-government and administration,

- common evaluation campaigns for the objective evaluation of the
performances of different systems,

- systems and products (also industrial ones) based on large-size and
high quality LRs.

LREC therefore encourages submissions of papers, panels, workshops,
tutorials on the use of LRs in these areas.


The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral
presentations, poster presentations, peer- reviewed demonstrations and
panels.  There is no difference in quality between oral presentations
and poster presentations. Only the appropriateness of the type of
communication (more or less interactive) to the content of the paper
will be considered.


Submitted abstracts of papers for oral and poster or demo
presentations should consist of about 1000 words.

A limited number of panels, workshops and tutorials is foreseen:
proposals will be reviewed by the Programme Committee.

For panels, please send a brief description, including an outline of
the intended structure (topic, organiser, panel moderator, tentative
list of panelists).

For workshops and tutorials, see the dedicated section below.

Only electronic submissions will be considered. Further details about
submission will be circulated in the 2nd Call for Papers to be issued
at the end of July and posted on the LREC web site


The Proceedings of the conference will include both oral and poster
papers.  Printed Proceedings will be published only on
demand. Proceedings on CD will be provided to all.
In addition a book of Abstracts will be printed.


* Submission of proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials: 14
  October 2005

* Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers, referenced
demos: 14 October 2005

* Notification of acceptance of panels, workshops and tutorials
proposals: 7 November 2005

* Notification of acceptance of oral papers, posters, referenced
demos: 16 January 2006

* Final versions for the proceedings: 20 February 2006

* Conference: 24-26 May 2006

* Pre-conference workshops and tutorials: 22 and 23 May 2006

* Post-conference workshops and tutorials: 27 and 28 May 2006

Internet connections and various computer platforms and facilities
will be available at the conference site.
In addition to referenced demos concerning LRs and related tools, it
will be possible to run unreferenced demos of language engineering
products, systems and tools. Those interested should contact the
organiser of the demonstrations (details will be posted on


Pre-conference workshops and tutorials will be organised on 22 and 23
May 2006, and post-conference workshops and tutorials on 27 and 28 May
2006. A workshop/tutorial can be either half day or full day.
Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be no longer than three
pages, and include:

* A brief technical description of the specific technical issues that
the workshop/tutorial will address.

* The reasons why the workshop/tutorial is of interest this time.

* The names, postal addresses, phone and fax numbers and email
addresses of the workshop/tutorial organising committee, which should
consist of at least three people knowledgeable in the field, coming
from different institutions.

* The name of the member of the workshop/tutorial organising committee
designated as the contact person.

* A time schedule of the workshop/tutorial and a preliminary

* A summary of the intended workshop/tutorial call for participation.

* A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any special
room requirements.

The workshop/tutorial proposers will be responsible for the
organisational aspects (e.g. workshop/tutorial call preparation and
distribution, review of papers, notification of acceptance, assembling
of the workshop/tutorial proceedings, etc.). Further details about
submission will be circulated in the 2nd Call for Papers and posted on
the LREC web site (www.lrec-conf.org).

Proceedings will be produced for each workshop/tutorial.


Consortia or projects wishing to take this opportunity for organising
meetings should contact the ELDA office, lrec at elda.org (further
details are given at the end of the document).


Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR,
Pisa, Italy (Conference chair)
Khalid Choukri, ELRA, Paris, France
Aldo Gangemi, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del
CNR, Roma, Italy
Bente Maegaard, CST, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France
Jan Odijk, ScanSoft, Merelbeke, Belgium and UIL-OTS, Utrecht, The
Daniel Tapias, Telefonica Moviles, Madrid, Spain

The composition of the committees as well as instructions and
addresses for registration and accommodation will be detailed on the
LREC web site at www.lrec-conf.org and will be announced in the 2nd
Call for Papers.


For more information about ELRA (European Language Resources
Association), please contact:

Khalid Choukri, ELRA CEO
55-57 Rue Brillat-Savarin,
75013 Paris - France
Tel: + 33 1 43 13 33 33
Fax: + 33 1 43 13 33 30
Email: choukri at elda.org
Web: http://www.elra.info or http://www.elda.org/

The first LREC was organised in Granada (Spain) in 1998: 197 papers
and posters were presented, with about 510 registered participants
from 38 different countries from all continents. Among these, the
largest group came from Spain (81 participants), followed by France
(75), USA (73), Germany (47), UK (43) and Italy (41). Registered
participants belonged to over 325 different organisations.

LREC 2000, in Athens, had 129 oral papers and 152 posters presented,
with around 600 participants from 51 different countries from all
continents. Among these, the largest group came from Greece (117),
followed by USA (70), France (59), Germany (45), UK (43), Japan (35)
and Italy (29). Registered participants belonged to 319 different

LREC 2002, which took place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain),
attracted over 700 representatives, coming from 38 countries around
the world. The following figures illustrate how successful it proved
to be: for the main conference, 460 papers had been submitted and
reviewed, of which 365 were presented at the conference. Most of the
areas in HLT were covered (about 280 papers dealt with written
resources, about 100 with spoken resources, 25 with multimodal and
multimedia resources, around 50 dealt with evaluation of HLT, and 16
with terminology).

The 4th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
was held in memory of two dear friends and colleagues we lost in 2003,
Angel Martin Municio and Antonio Zampolli.
LREC 2004, which took place in Lisbon (Portugal), attracted almost
1000 participants, coming from 50 countries from all the
continents. Close to 800 submissions for poster and oral presentations
were reviewed by the Scientific Committee: 519 were actually
presented, a majority dedicated to written resources (260), 116 dealt
with spoken resources, 40 with terminological issues, 57 with
evaluation, 17 were on general issues, and 29 on multimodal-multimedia
ones. In addition, a total of 18 satellite workshops covering various
fields were organised before and after the main conference.  A new
award in HLT was launched on that occasion: the ELRA Board created a
prize for "Outstanding Contributions to the Advancement of Language
Resources and Language Technology Evaluation", to honour the memory of
its co-founder and 1st president, Antonio Zampolli.  The Antonio
Zampolli Prize was awarded for the first time at LREC 2004 to Fredrick
Jelinek, from John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.

A similar number of participants is expected at LREC 2006.

If you want to know the state-of-the-art in LT and LRs and their
application in all aspects of e-society , this is the Conference to go

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