Cursus: Fouille de textes - Nouveau diplome a Manchester

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Apr 4 12:24:41 UTC 2006

Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:30:26 +0100 (BST)
From: John McNaught <John.McNaught at>
Message-Id: <200603311730.k2VHUnFp028666 at>

                      Masters in Text Mining

                       School of Informatics

                    University of Manchester, UK

Text mining is concerned with finding previously unsuspected knowledge
through large-scale processing of unstructured text. It involves
identifying relevant information (information retrieval), extracting
facts of interest to the user from the identified texts (information
extraction) and discovery of associations among the facts extracted
from many different texts (data mining).

Text mining finds application in many areas: competitive intelligence
for business, hypothesis generation for scientists, predictive
toxicology, patent searching, provision of metadata for digital
libraries to enable conceptual search, sentiment analysis, database
curation, fraud detection, disaster planning and defence against
terrorism, to mention a few.

It is an exciting growth area that supports scientists and knowledge
workers in academia, business and government. It is interdisciplinary,
as it leverages techniques from different fields, and it serves very
practical needs in many domains. There is currently a lack of people
with advanced training in text mining.

This programme helps you to develop expertise in the methodologies and
technologies for developing text mining software. The programme
focuses upon natural language processing, data mining and information
retrieval approaches.

An additional course unit on industrial applications of text mining
helps you to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and the
deployment of that knowledge in organisations. The course unit
introduces you to a wide variety of external speakers and real
case-studies, and encourages you to develop report-writing and
presentational skills to analyse cutting-edge text mining technology
issues across the public and private sectors.

The course runs from early October to mid-September, with teaching
taking place in over 2 semesters followed by research on a
dissertation topic for around 3 months over the summer period.

Careers include specialists in knowledge and information management,
in use of IT in archives, libraries, and knowledge analyst to support
researchers in a wide variety of disciplines.

This MSc also leads directly into PhD level research in the area.

The University of Manchester hosts the National Centre for Text Mining
(funded by the JISC, BBSRC and EPSRC), the first such publicly-funded
centre in the world. Academic members of the Centre (
will be closely involved in the teaching of this course, thus you will
benefit from both theoretical and practical experience and from
exposure to robust, efficient, scalable text mining tools.

Entry requirements:

Computing-related first degree. Degree class of 2i (or overseas
equivalent).  Applicants are required to provide evidence of ability
in both spoken and written English, and one of the following minimum
qualifications should be held: GCSE English Language (Grade C or
higher), TOEFL>570/230 or IELTS>6.5.

Course Units:

Data Mining
Information Management
Information Retrieval
Knowledge Representation and Semantic Web
Natural Language Processing
Research and Professional Development
Text Mining Applications and Systems 

The MSc Admissions Office
School of Informatics
The University of Manchester
PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD
Telephone: +44 (0)161 306 1299
Email: pg-informatics at


Further information:



John McNaught
Associate Director
National Centre for Text Mining

School of Informatics
University of Manchester      	mail: John.McNaught at
PO Box 88	           
Sackville Street          	tel: +44.161.306.3098
Manchester                	fax: +44.161.306.1281
M60 1QD				web:

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