Appel: Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound) RIAO'2007 (First CFP)

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Apr 19 08:54:19 UTC 2006

Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 18:52:55 +0200
From: "GREFENSTETTE Gregory 206823" <gregory.grefenstette at>
Message-ID: <28C81D1080B38F4890D5E9D34F0352199BA90A at>

First Call for Papers

RIAO 2007 - 8th RIAO Conference

Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video and Sound) 

May 30 to June 1, 2007

Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Carnegie Mellon) <> 


Important dates:

     Deadline for paper submission  December 1, 2006        

     Acceptance letters sent        February 15, 2007                   

     Program published              February 27, 2007      

     Camera-Ready copies due        April 1, 2007           

     Conference dates               May 30, May 31, June 1, 2007 


Scope of the Conference


Papers are invited on recent, substantial, original and unpublished
research that has been validated to the level of the creation of a
functioning prototype. We are interested in large-scale solutions to
the problem of accessing the semantic content found in unstructured
text, images, video and audio. Research describing solutions to these
problems >From the following perspectives:

* Automatic indexing of video, images, and speech

* Improved indexing of text, image, video and sound

* Ontologies and unstructured data

* Semantic Web and Ontologies for Full-Scale Information Retrieval

* Automatically producing textual descriptions of images

* Automatically adding metadata to video and sound

* Indexing and retrieval of mixed-media documents

* Indexing interactive documents

* Natural interface dialogue

* Multimedia question answering systems

* Competitive Intelligence

* Intelligent Search Agents

* Multimodal search

* Architectures for semantic treatment of very large databases

* Algorithms for semantic treatment of very large databases

* Comprehension-based question answering and summarization

* Cooperative indexing between media

* Semantics for less studied languages

* Semantic representations and standards

* Collaborative construction of semantic resources

* Indexing multilingual collections

* Automatic extraction of ontologies from unstructured data

* Aligning multilingual ontologies

* Language resources for multimedia indexing

* Extracting semantic resources from raw data

* Semantic annotation of blogs and videoblogs

* Exploiting large-scale resources for e-learning

* Structuring cultural heritage

* Technological, commercial, industrial watch systems

* Semantic access to large and open archives



Program Chairs     

* David A. Evans (Americas)

* Chantal Soulé-Dupuy (Europe)

* Sadaoki Furui (Asia)



Paper Submission


We welcome submissions both from the research community and industry
treating the main conference theme of treating the semantic content of
large quantities of text, images, videos, and sound.

Submitted papers should describe original work, emphasizing completed
or well advanced, rather than intended, research. The state of
completion of the reported work must be clearly indicated. Where
appropriate, results should be rigorously evaluated; the assessment of
statistical significance for quantitative results is encouraged.

Submissions should contain original material that has not been
previously presented to the scientific community. A parallel
submission to other publications for a as well as a significant
overlap in contents with previously published work should be clearly
indicated to the program committee.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least three program committee
members. The submissions will be judged on originality, relevance,
technical quality, and presentation.

Papers can be submitted in two categories: full papers and short
papers, where full papers are appropriate for describing substantial
research with well-evaluated results and short papers will typically
describe ongoing research and preliminary results. All accepted papers
in both categories will be published in the conference proceedings. At
the conference, full papers will be presented as a talk and short
papers will be presented as a poster.

The long papers must not be more than 20 pages, on one column,
starting with an abstract. The short papers must not be more than 6
pages, on one column, starting with an abstract. Submissions should be
in Microsoft Word format or in PDF.

The conference proceedings will be available to conference attendees
and through the CID after the conference.




RIAO'2007 will be held at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA from May 30 until June 1, 2007. This triannual
international conference is the 8th RIAO after conference held at
Grenoble (1985), MIT (1988), Barcelona (1991), Rockefeller University
(1994), Montreal (1997), Paris (2000), and Avignon (2004).

The RIAO conferences have always treated robust and large-scale
scientific and industrial solutions to information processing. The
conferences are composed of peer-reviewed scientific sessions and
demonstrations of innovative industrial applications and advanced
research prototypes.



Program Committee Members

BELLOT Patrice, Université d'Avignon, France

BERRUT Catherine, IMAG, France

BOUGHANEM Mohand, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, France

BOUJEMAA Nouzha, INRIA, France

BRAJNIK Giorgio, University of Udine, Italy

CALLAN Jamie, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

CHEN Hsin-Hsi, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

CHEN Yixin, University of New Orleans, USA

CHEVALIER Max, IRIT, Université Paul Sabatier, France

CHRISTMAS William, University of Surrey, UK

CRESTANI Fabio, University of Strathclyde, UK

de JONG Franciska, University of Twente, The Netherlands

DOWNIE Stephen J., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

DUYGULU Pinar, Bilkent University, Turkey

ELLIS Daniel, Columbia University, USA

ENSER Peter, University of Brighton, UK

FEDERICO Marcello, ITC-IRST, Trente, Italy

FLUHR Christian, CEA/LIST, France

FUHR Norbert, University of Duisberg, Deutchland

FUNG Pascale, University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong, China

GALLINARI Patrick, LIP6 Paris, France


GAUSSIER Eric, XEROX France, France

GAUVAIN Jean-Luc, LIMSI, France

GEOFFROIS Edouard, DGA, France

GONZALO Julio, UNED, Spain

GRAU Brigitte, LIMSI - CHM - LIR, France


GROSKY William, Michigan Dearborn University, USA

HAINDL Michael, IITA, Czech Republic

HALIN Gilles, LORIA, France

HANSEN John H. L., University of Dallas, USA


HIRTLE Stephen C., University of Pittsburgh, USA

KOTROPOULOS Constantine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

KURIMO Mikko, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

LAGUS Krista, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

LALMAS Mounia, Queen Mary University of London, UK

LAM Wai, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

LEUNG Howard, City Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China

LIDDY Elisabeth, Syracuse University, USA

LIU Hugo, MIT Media Laboratory, USA

LU Hanging, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Institute of Automation, China

MAAREK Yoelle, IBM, Haifa, Israel

MARCOTEGUI Beatriz, École des Mines, France

McCOWAN Iain, CSIRO, Australia

MENG Helen, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

NIE Jian-Yun, Université de Montréal, Canada

OARD Douglas, University of Maryland, USA

OUNIS Iadh, University of Glasgow, UK

PACHET Francois, SONY, France

PARDAS Montse, Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya, Spain

PASI Gabriella, CNR - ITM Milan, Italy

PAUWELS Erik, CWI Amsterdam, Belgium

PETEK Bojan, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

PETERS Carols, CNR, Italia

PINON Jean-Marie, LIRIS - INSA Lyon, France

POPAT Ashok, Google, USA

PUN Thierry, CUI - Université de Genève, Switzerland

QU Yan, Clairvoyance Corporation, USA

RAUBER Andreas, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

RENALS Steve, University of Edinburgh, UK

SAKAI Tetsuya, Knowledge Media Lab., Toshiba Corp. R&D Center, Japan

SASAKI Yutaka, ATR, Japon

SARACEVIC Tefko, Rutgers - State University of New Jersey, USA

SAVOY Jacques, Université de Neuchatel, Switzerland

SMEATON Alan, Dublin City University, Ireland

TAKENOBU Tokunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

TZANETAKIS George, University of Victoria, Canada

van RIJSBERGEN Keith, University of Glasgow, UK

WILKINSON Ross, CSIRO, Australia

XU Guangyou, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

ZHANG Zhengyou, Microsoft Research, USA

ZHAO Rong, State university of New York, USA

ZHOU Ming, Microsoft Research, Hong Kong, China

ZREIK Khaldoun, Université de Caen, France


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