Appel: Workshop on Terminology design: quality criteria and evaluation methods at LREC 2006

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Jan 20 13:01:54 UTC 2006

Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 09:37:46 +0100
From: Adeline Nazarenko <nazarenko at>
Message-Id: <89baf0f359b08796dfbc0e1b54ba1264 at>

Workshop on Terminology design: quality criteria and evaluation
methods (TermEval)

Magazzini del Cotone Conference Centre - Genoa - Italy

In Association with the
5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
LREC 2006
28th May 2006


Terminology is undeniably at the heart of many human and machine
activities but the method and practice of terminology design have
considerably evolved over the last two decades. The attention and
importance granted to texts and corpora, which is directly related to
the exponential increase of texts freely circulating on the Internet,
have promoted a corpus-based terminological approach and terminology
design is now often considered as a computer-assisted task. On the
other hand, the development of e-commerce and e-business has
contributed to increase the demand for terminological products and top
highlights the importance ofmultilinguism, since products and services
must be offered in target market languages

This new state of affairs requires to evaluate the different resources
and tools originating from terminology and research in terminology
processing. What can be considered as a good terminology? On which
criteria do terminologists asses the quality of their work in
practical applications? How should terminological tools such as
terminology extractors be evaluated? How are the resulting
terminologies considered in their context of use? Although some
campaigns have been carried out in different settings, there is not
yet an international forum where practitioners, researchers from the
academia and industrials producing terminology tools and products can
meet in order to discuss best practices, evaluation procedures and set
up benchmarks. It is important to address these questions in the
perspective of the development of multilinguality. This is the aim of
the current workshop organised within the LREC 2006.


Issues which the workshop wishes to address concern the quality of
results produced by terminological tools (thesaurus, lexicon, term
base, ontology, index, glossary, dictionary, taxonomy, classification)
and their relevance vis-à-vis the target tasks or applications,
whether the products are used by humans or by machines. Also, the
quality of software programs for producing terminology products or for
assisting their production needs to be evaluated. Special attention
will be granted to the multilingual aspect of terminological design.


Autors are invited to submit articles which discuss and analyse the
questions of quality criteria and evaluation methods in designing
terminologies. Concrete experimental feed-back will be sought. Various
terminological tasks can be considered:

* Language planning
* Localisation
* Market-driven language and economy
* Ontology building
* Standardization
* Terminology policies
* Tools for terminology management
* Translingual terminological support
* ...

In each case, terminology design can be considered either as a manual
or as a computer-assisted task.


Rute Costa (Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 
Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Unité de Recherche en Science de l'Information 
et du DOCument, France)
Susanne Lervad (Danish Center for Terminology, Denmark)
Marie-Claude L'Homme (Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, Canada)
Adeline Nazarenko (Laboratoire d'Informatique de ¨Paris-Nord, France)
Henrik Nilsson (Terminologiecentrum, Sweden)


Adeline Nazarenko (adeline.nazarenko at

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (* to be confirmed)

Olivier Bodenreider, NLM (USA)
Antia Bassey, University of Maiduguri (Nigeria)
* Gerard Budin, Universität Wien (Austria)
Teresa Cabre, University Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
* Georgeta  Ciobanu, Universitatea Politechnica  (Romania)
Anne Condamines, ERSS (France)
Rute Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
Claude de Loupy, (France)
Valérie DeLavigne, DYALANG (France)
  Patrick Drouin, Université de Montréal (Canada)
* Natividad Gallardo, Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Université de Lyon 3 (France)
Kyo Kageura, Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Marie-Claude L'Homme, OLST (Canada)
Susanne Lervad, Danterm (Denmark)
Teresa Lino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)
Marie-Pierre Mayar, CTB  (Belgium)
Adeline Nazarenko, LIPN (France)
Fidelma Ni Ghallchobhair, NSAI (Ireland)
Henrik Nilsson, TNC (Sweden)
* Anita Nuoppenen, University of Vaasa (Finland)
Maria Pozzi, El Colegio de México (Mexico)
* Martin Rajman, EPFL (Switzerland)
Raquel Silva, Centro de Linguística da Universidade Nova de Lisboa 
Arvi Tavast, ETER (Estonia)
* Bertha Toft, University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
* Sue Allen Wright, ANSI (USA)


* 17 February 2006: Deadline for submissions
* 17 March 2006: Acceptance of notifications and preliminary programme
* 4 April 2006: Deadline for final version of acceptance papers
* 28 May 2006: Workshop


Participants are invited to submit an article related to one or more
topics of interest (between 3 to 6 pages). Papers may describe
research results as well as work in progress and experimental feed
back.  Submissions of papers for oral and poster presentations should
follow the same stylesheet as the ones for regular LREC paper. Final
papers should be no longer than 6 pages. Each paper accepted will be
afforded a slot for presentation at the workshop. Each submission
should show: title; author(s); affiliation(s); author's e-mail
address; postal address; telephone and fax number(s). Submissions must
be sent electronically in PDF format to Rute Costa (m.rutecosta at and Adeline Nazarenko (adeline.nazarenko at

Authors are encouraged to send a brief e-mail indicating their
intention to participate, including their contact information and the
topic they intend to address in their submission as soon as possible.
The LREC Local Organising Committee will print proceedings of the


LIPN - CNRS UMR 7030	       Tel.  33 - 01 49 40 40 89
Universite Paris-Nord          Fax.  33 - 01 48 26 07 12
99, av. J-B. Clement           Email nazarenko at
93430 Villetaneuse FRANCE

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