Seminaire: Alpage, lundi 8 septembre 2008 (Helge Dyvik)

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Aug 19 18:58:44 UTC 2008

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:00:50 +0200
From: Benoit Crabbé <bcrabbe at>
Message-ID: <1219086050.48a9c6e22a3f6 at>

******************* Séminaire Alpage *******************

        Séminaire de l'école doctorale de Paris 7

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, Alpage est une nouvelle équipe mixte
Inria -- Paris 7 issue de la fusion des équipes Atoll et Talana.
L'équipe centre ses intérêts scientifiques autour de l'analyse
syntaxique automatique et du traitement du discours pour la langue

Ce séminaire remplace l'ancien séminaire Talana. Il se tient le lundi
de 14.30 à 16.30 tous les 15 jours.
Il a lieu en salle 131 au 30 rue du Chateau des Rentiers 75013 Paris
(premier étage)

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.

Lundi 8 septembre 2008 Helge Dyvik (Univ. Bergen, Norvege)

nous parlera de :

Deep Grammars in Hybrid Machine Translation

Resume :

The topic of the talk is a proof-of-concept machine translation
demonstrator translating tourism-related texts from Norwegian into
English. The system is developed within a project called LOGON
( in cooperation between groups at the
universities of Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim. It is a hybrid transfer
system in which the backbone is rule-based, with statistical
processing interspersed. The Norwegian analysis is performed by a
comprehensive Norwegian Lexical-Functional grammar developed on the
Xerox Linguistic Environment (XLE) platform, in conjunction with
morphological analysis and other modules. The grammar is augmented
with a Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS) component, whose
representations are the input to transfer. An unusual feature of the
system is that it combines two grammatical models: the English target
grammar is the English Resource Grammar (ERG), which is based on the
HPSG framework. Statistical processing is responsible for parse
selection, ranking of transfer outputs, and ranking of generator

The presentation will focus on the analysis component of the system,
including LFG grammar development, the development of the MRS
component, and the development of a treebank tool called a 'Parse
Banker', which is a discriminant-based system for selecting the
desired analysis efficiently in treebank construction. The Parse
Banker was used to produce training material for the derivation of the
statistical model for parse selection.

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Cursus Linguistique informatique de Paris 7 :

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