August 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Aug 19 17:41:10 UTC 2008
Ending: Fri Aug 29 14:49:50 UTC 2008
Messages: 27
- Appel: Colloque international Theorie, pratique et didactique de la traduction specialisee
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESSLLI, Call for Course and Workshop Proposals (deadline Monday September 1st)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: GW 2009
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: LATA 2009, 2nd call for papers
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: LATA 2009, April 2-8, 2009, Tarragona, Spain
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: LSA-TEL'09
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue CORPUS numero 8
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: WWW2009, 18th Int. World Wide Web Conference, 20-24 April 2009, Madrid, Spain
Thierry Hamon
- ATALA: En hommage a Rose DIENG-KUNTZ
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: 2nd International Symposium on Universal Communication (Dec 15-16, 2008) - Extended Deadline
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Colloque La question polyphonique ou dialogique, 8-10 septembre 2008
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: FG 08
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Journee scientifique de Realiter, 6 octobre 2008, Gatineau (Canada)
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: MMIES2 / COLING 2008 : Multi-source, Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization Workshop
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: TAMA CANADA 2008, Terminology in Advanced Management Applications, 9-10 oct., Gatineau, CANADA
Thierry Hamon
- Ecole: Ecole d'Automne en Linguistique (ENS, Paris 16-25 sept.)
Thierry Hamon
- Info: International Calendar of Events for the language industry
Thierry Hamon
- Info: Recherche participants pour une collecte de SMS
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Chef de projet GED, Sesin
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Coordinator of the Master (MA multi-LEARN), University of Luxemburg
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Research position, learning sciences, University of Luxembourg (pre-announcement)
Thierry Hamon
- message: Hi ! this Olga
Josefa Elkins
- Ressources: ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update
Thierry Hamon
- Revue: Applied Ontology, Special Issue Ontological Foundations of Conceptual Modelling
Thierry Hamon
- Revue: Discours 2
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Alpage, lundi 8 septembre 2008 (Helge Dyvik)
Thierry Hamon
- These: Marianna Apidianaki, Desambiguisation et la selection lexicale en traduction
Thierry Hamon
Last message date:
Fri Aug 29 14:49:50 UTC 2008
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:15:59 UTC 2022
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