Conf: FG 08

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Aug 19 17:41:10 UTC 2008

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 09:07:14 +0200
From: "Laura Kallmeyer" <lk at>
Message-ID: <fc76b9ca0807140007i3d2b8611laae67215150b8095 at>

 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (deadline for early registration is July 18):
FG-2008: The 13th Conference on Formal Grammar

Hamburg, Germany, August 9-10, 2008

Collocated with the European Summer School in Logic, Language and

 FG-2008 is the 13th conference on Formal Grammar, to be held in
conjunction with the European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information, which takes place in 2008 in Hamburg, Germany. Previous
Formal Grammar meetings were held in Barcelona (1995), Prague (1996),
Aix-en-Provence (1997), Saarbruecken (1998), Utrecht (1999), Helsinki
(2001), Trento (2002), Vienna (2003), Nancy (2004), Edinburgh (2005),
Malaga (2006) and Dublin (2007).

 Aims and Scope:

 FG provides a forum for the presentation of new and original research
on formal grammar, mathematical linguistics and the application of
formal and mathematical methods to the study of natural
language. Themes of interest include, but are not limited to,

   - formal and computational phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics
     and pragmatics;
   - model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics;
   - logical aspects of linguistic structure;
   - constraint-based and resource-sensitive approaches to grammar;
   - learnability of formal grammar;
   - integration of stochastic and symbolic models of grammar;
   - foundational, methodological and architectural issues in grammar;
   - mathematical foundations of statistical approaches to linguistic

Previous conferences in this series have welcomed papers from a wide
variety of frameworks.


Saturday, August 9th

   - 9.30 a.m. - 9.40 a.m. opening
   - 9.40 a.m. - 10.40 a.m. Invited talk: Philipp Koehn
   - *coffee*
   - 11.10 a.m. - 11.50 a.m. Geoffrey Pullum and Hans-Jörg Tiede:
     Inessential Features and Expressive Power of Descriptive
   - 11.50 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Yael Sygal and Shuly Wintner: Type
     Signature Modules.
   - *lunch*
   - 2.30 p.m. - 3.10 p.m. Wolfgang Maier and Anders Søgaard:
     Treebanks and mild context-sensitivity.
   - 3.10 p.m. - 3.50 p.m. Stephan Kepser: A Landscape of Logics for
     Finite Unordered Unranked Trees.
   - *coffee*
   - 4.20 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Anne Bjerre and Tavs Bjerre: Danish
     there-constructions with intransitive verbs

 Sunday August 10th

   - 9.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. Invited talk: Markus Egg
   - *coffee*
   - 11.00 a.m. - 11.40 a.m. Mehdi Manshadi, James Allen and Mary
     D. Swift:
     Toward a Universal Underspecified Semantic Representation.
   - 11.40 a.m. - 12.20 p.m. Alain Lecomte: Semantics in
     Minimalist-Categorial Grammars12.20 p.m. 
   - 12.30 p.m. closing

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