Appel: FG-2008

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Wed Feb 20 20:33:20 UTC 2008

Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 13:48:55 +0100
From: "Laura Kallmeyer" <lk at>
Message-ID: <fc76b9ca0802200448n27580010veb6206583a4d914c at>

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                The 13th Conference on Formal Grammar
                 Hamburg, Germany,  August 9-10, 2008

              Collocated with the European Summer School
                  in Logic, Language and Information


    FG-2008 is the 13th conference on Formal Grammar, to be held in
    conjunction with the European Summer School in Logic, Language and
    Information, which takes place in 2008 in Hamburg, Germany.

    Previous Formal Grammar meetings were held in Barcelona (1995),
    Prague (1996), Aix-en-Provence (1997), Saarbruecken (1998),
    Utrecht (1999), Helsinki (2001), Trento (2002), Vienna (2003),
    Nancy (2004), Edinburgh (2005), Malaga (2006) and Dublin (2007).

    Aims and Scope

    FG provides a forum for the presentation of new and original
    research on formal grammar, mathematical linguistics and the
    application of formal and mathematical methods to the study of
    natural language.  Themes of interest include, but are not limited

    o formal and computational phonology, morphology, syntax,
      semantics and pragmatics;

    o model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics;
    o logical aspects of linguistic structure;
    o constraint-based and resource-sensitive approaches to grammar;
    o learnability of formal grammar;
    o integration of stochastic and symbolic models of grammar;
    o foundational, methodological and architectural issues in
    o mathematical foundations of statistical approaches to linguistic

    Previous conferences in this series have welcomed papers from a
    wide variety of frameworks.

    Submission Details

    We invite **electronic** submissions of original, unpublished
    30-minute papers (including questions, comments, and
    discussion). Papers should report original work which was not
    presented in other conferences.  However, simultaneous submission
    is allowed, provided that the authors indicate other conference to
    which the work was submitted on the paper submission form. Of
    course, accepted papers can only be presented in one of the

    Papers, written in English, should be **anonymous** and refrain
    from self-reference. They should be no longer than 18 A4 pages,
    with wide margins so that the printed area is not larger than
    11x18 cm., single column, point size 11 or 12.
    Preparation of the manuscript in LaTeX, using the available style
    files at, is
    highly recommended.  Revised versions will be required to be in
    LaTeX. The format of submissions is PDF.

    The submission deadline is **April 20th,** 2008. Papers must be
    submitted electronically at


    Submissions will be blindly reviewed by at least three reviewers.
    Full, revised versions of accepted papers will be published before
    the conference as CSLI Publications Online Proceedings at

    Important Dates

    April 20th, 2008: Deadline for paper submission
    June 1st, 2008: Notification of acceptance
    June 29th, 2008: Final version due
    August 9-10, 2008: Conference dates

    Program Committee

    Pierre Boullier (INRIA, France)
    Wojciech Buszkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
    Miriam Butt (Universitat Konstanz, Germany)
    Alexander Clark (Royal Halloway University of London, UK)
    Berthold Crysmann (DFKI, Germany)
    Alexander Dikovsky (Universite de Nantes, France)
    Denys Duchier (Universite d'Orleans, France)
    Annie Foret (IRISA - IFSIC, France)
    Nissim Francez (Technion, Israel)
    Gerhard Jaeger (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
    Makoto Kanazawa (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
    Stephan Kepser (University of Tubingen, Germany)
    Glyn Morrill (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
    Richard Moot (Universite Bordeaux 3, France)
    Larry Moss (Indiana University, USA)
    Stefan Mueller (Universitat Bremen, Germany)
    Mark-Jan Nederhof (University of St. Andrews, UK)
    Joakim Nivre (Växjö University, Sweden)
    Frank Richter (Universitat Tuebingen)
    Sylvain Salvati (INRIA, France)
    Ed Stabler (UCLA, USA)
    Hans-Jorg Tiede (Illinois Wesleyan University, USA)
    Jesse Tseng (CNRS - CLLE-ERSS, France)
    Shuly Wintner (University of Haifa, Israel)

    Organizing committee

    Philippe de Groote, Inria-Lorraine, France
    Laura Kallmeyer, University of Tuebingen, Germany
    Gerald Penn, University of Toronto, Canada
    Giorgio Satta, University of Padova, Italy

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