Appel: Workshop on Multilingual and Comparative Perspectives in Specialized Language Resources

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Jan 5 10:36:43 UTC 2008

Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 10:51:22 -0500
From: "L'Homme Marie-Claude" <mc.lhomme at>
Message-ID: <9880C869F04BDF4787220D63CB54D6F3031CE91F at>

Workshop on Multilingual and Comparative Perspectives in Specialized
Language Resources

26 May 2008 (Afternoon session)

To take place within the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
(LREC 2008)
Marrakech, Morocco

Béatrice Daille LINA-CNRS, Université de Nantes
Kyo Kageura, Library and Information Science, University of Tokyo
Marie-Claude L'Homme, Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte,
Université de Montréal


We are currently witnessing an increasing interest in multilingualism
in many different fields including IR (CLEF: Cross language Evaluation
Forum, annual), summarization (DUC), semantic aspects (SemEval 2007
Task 1: Evaluating WSD on Cross-Language Information Retrieval),
textual corpora, etc. Although issues related to multilingualism have
been debated in different workshops (as those listed above), they are
often considered from a computational perspective and for specific
applications. Seldom have multilingual resources and the different
problems related to their development and modelling have been
considered as such.

Also, the importance of assessing the quality of language resources is
increasingly recognized as far as monolingual resources and tasks are
concerned. Regarding specialized language resources the usual emphasis
put on scale is gradually shifting towards a concern about quality of
corpora and language resources. Also, as we start emphasizing the need
to assess the quality of multilingual resources, a set of new issues
arises, such as quality criteria, more detailed classification of
factors that apply to monolingual as well as multilingual resources,
typologies of specialized corpora, terminological characteristics that
may appear in a language but not in another. There is an acute need
for addressing these issues and to explore multilingual and
comparative approaches in specialized language resources. These
approaches will come from different fields, including - but not
limited to - linguistics, terminology, information science and
computational linguistics.

This workshop aims at bringing together experts from different
backgrounds concerned by the acquisition and modelling of multilingual
specialized information. The workshop will provide an opportunity to
share experience on multilingual and comparative approaches to the
processing of specialized information. It will also be a forum for
discussing issues of a more fundamental nature.


- Equivalence in specialized resources and specialized corpora;

- Multilingual and comparative approaches to the processing of
specialized corpora;

- Corpus-based approaches to multilingual modelling of
terminological data;

- Multilingual resources for terminology processing;

- Linguistic evidence for multilingual NLP such as identification
of cognates, transliteration, morphological evidence, etc.

- Comparative approaches to terminological variation and semantic

- Comparative approaches to discourse analysis;

- Comparative and multilingual approaches to document

- Modelling of multilingual data in ontologies or other
terminological resources;

- Evaluation of multilingual resources and methods for acquiring


Abstracts should be 5 pages long and sent in PDF format to
Marie-Claude L'Homme (mc.lhomme at Authors are requested
to send an anonymized version of their abstract. Accepted papers will
be published in the workshop proceedings and should adhere to the
stylesheet that will be adopted for the LREC Proceedings (to be
announced later on the conference web site).

Important dates

Submission of abstracts: 10 February 2008
Notification of acceptance: 10 March 2008
Final version for the proceedings: 12 April 2008

Scientific committee

Marc van Campenhoudt (Université de Bruxelles, Belgium)
John Humbley (Université Paris-Diderot, Paris)
Oliver Kraif (Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, Grenoble, France)
Olivia Kwong (City University of Hong Kong, China) 
Kyung Soon Lee (Chonbuk National University, Korea)
Jorge Antonio Leoni de Leon (University of Geneva)
Jeanine Lilleng (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Emmanuel Morin (LINA; Université de Nantes, France)
Margaret Rogers (University of Surrey, UK)
Gilles Serasset (University of Grenoble, France)
Serge Sharoff (University of Leeds, UK)
Monique Slodzian (ERTIM-INALCO, Paris)
Rita Temmerman (Erasmushogeschool Brussel)
Takehiro Utsuro (University of Tsukuba, Japan) 
Leo Wanner (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain) 
Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI-CNRS, Paris)

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