Appel: Workshop on Child, Computer, and Interaction -- deadline extended to June 15, 2009

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat May 30 08:48:32 UTC 2009

Date:         Fri, 29 May 2009 18:20:39 -0500
From:         Yang Liu <yangl at HLT.UTDALLAS.EDU>
Message-ID:  <Pine.LNX.4.63.0905291817370.18315 at>

NOTE: submission deadline extended to June 15, 2009.

                           NOVEMBER 5, 2009


             post-conference worskshop of ICMI/MLMI 2009

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

The  Workshop on  Child,  Computer  and Interaction  will  be held  in
Cambridge,  Boston area,  on  November  5, 2009.   The  Workshop is  a
satellite event of the Eleventh International Conference on Multimodal
Interfaces,  this  year  jointly  with  Machine  Learning  Multi-modal
Interaction (ICMI-MLMI 2009) that will take place in the same venue on
November 2-4,  2009.  This  edition follows the  first edition  of the
Wocci Workshop which was held in Crete in October 2008.

This Workshop aims at  bringing together researchers and practitioners
from universities and industry working in all aspects of child-machine
interaction including computer, robotics and multi-modal interfaces.

Children are special both at the acoustic/linguistic level but also at
the interaction level. The  Workshop provides a unique opportunity for
bringing  together  different   research  communities  to  demonstrate
various  state-of-the-art  components  that   can  make  up  the  next
generation of child  centred computer interaction. These technological
advances  are increasingly necessary  in a  world where  education and
health  pose   growing  challenges  to  the  core   wellbeing  of  our
societies.  Noticeable examples are  remedial treatments  for children
with  or   without  disabilities,   and  first  and   second  language
learning. The Workshop should serve for presenting recent advancements
in all  core technologies for multimodal  child-machine interaction as
well as experimental systems and prototypes.


Kay Berkling, Inline GmbH, Germany
Diego Giuliani, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Shrikanth Narayanan, University of Southern California, USA
Alex Potamianos, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Elmar Noeth, University of Erlangen, Germany
Martin Russell, University of Birmingham, UK
Hiromichi Kawanami, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Justine Cassell, Northwestern University, USA
John Hansen, University of Texas, USA
Abeer Alwan, University of California LA, USA
Bryan Pellom, Rosetta Stone Inc, USA
Matteo Gerosa, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Serdar Yildirim, Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
Stefan Steidl, University of Erlangen, Germany


The technical  scope of the Workshop  includes, but it  is not limited

- Speech  Interfaces: acoustic and  linguistic analysis  of children's
   speech,  discourse  analysis  of  spoken language  in  child-machine
   interaction,  age-dependent   characteristics  of  spoken  language,
   automatic  speech  recognition  for  children  and  spoken  dialogue

- Multi-modality and  Robotics: multi-modal child-machine interaction,
   multi-modal   input  and   output   interfaces,  including   robotic
   interfaces, intrusive, non-intrusive  devices for environmental data
   processing, pen or gesture/visual interfaces.

- User  Modelling: user  modelling and  adaptation,  usability studies
   accounting for age preferences in child-machine interaction.

- Cognitive  Models:  internal  learning  models,  personality  types,
   user-centred and participatory design.

- Application  Areas: training  systems, educational  software, gaming
   interfaces, medical conditions and diagnostic tools.


Authors are invited  to submit papers in any  technical areas relevant
to  the  Workshop. The  technical  committee  will  select papers  for
oral/poster-presentation. Accepted papers will  be included in a CDROM
with proceedings of the Workshop.  Proceedings of the Workshop will be
published by ACM. Instructions  for paper submission will be available
at  the Workshop  website. The  official language  of the  Workshop is
English. Demos are especially welcome.


two-page abstract:                June 15, 2009
notification of acceptance:       July 7, 2009
final submission (4-page paper):  August 20, 2009

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