Seminaire: Alpage (Roberto Basili) lundi 9 novembre
Thierry Hamon
thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Nov 6 20:26:40 UTC 2009
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 15:49:36 +0100
From: Benoit Crabbé <bcrabbe at>
Message-Id: <1897B7C1-A3A1-424B-877E-76A5CCA0A420 at>
******************* Séminaire Alpage *******************
Séminaire de l'école doctorale de Paris 7
Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, Alpage est une équipe mixte Inria --
Paris 7 qui centre ses intérêts scientifiques autour de l'analyse
syntaxique automatique et du traitement du discours pour la langue
Le séminaire se tiendra ce lundi de 14.30 à 16.30 en salle Orange 1
à l'antenne INRIA Italie
23 avenue d'Italie
75013 Paris
Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.
Lundi 9 novembre 2009, Roberto Basili (University of Roma II) nous
parlera de :
"Harvesting Multilingual Information for Frame Semantics"
Résumé :
Frame semantics has been recently suggested as a relevant information
in several language processing tasks, such as question answering or
ontology learning. However, several limitations have been noticed when
resources related to Framenet are applied to multilingual tasks. Most
of them are strictly oriented to English, and, more importantly, even
the current coverage over English is limited in view of its uses on
real applications. Research carried out in the AI labs of the
University of Roma, Tor Vergata has focused on the use of
distributional models of frame semantics able to provide flexible
solutions to the above problems.
The seminar will survey research on three different tasks: predicate
induction, semantic transfer of role information across language pairs
and automatic argument classification. In the first task, the role of
vector space models for inducing predicates from large scale corpora
will be discussed as a way to augment the coverage for English
phenomena as well as to develop systems of lexical units in another
language, e.g. Italian. In the second, methods devised to
semi-automatically acquire large sets of annotated sentences in
Italian through semantic transfer methods over a bilingual English-
Italian corpus will be presented. Finally, more recent results on a
weakly supervised distributional model for argument classification in
semantic role labeling, whose effectiveness is close to fully
supervised models will be presented.
Séminaires à venir :
16/11 : Le séminaire de G. Lapalme est annulé
23/11 : L. Barque (Lille)
30/11 : P. Merlo (Genève)
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