November 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Nov 1 00:06:45 UTC 2009
Ending: Mon Nov 30 14:02:57 UTC 2009
Messages: 143
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- Cursus: Erasmus Mundus Master en TAL -- Masters in NLP and HLT
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Multimodal Approaches to Language Acquisition, 26-28 November 2009, RCEAL, Cambridge UK
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: EKAW 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
Thierry Hamon
- Livre: Morphologie, lexique et TAL, l'analyseur DeriF
Thierry Hamon
- Revue: TAL, numero 49:3, Phonetique et Phonologie
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Compte-rendu d'ouvrage (MARIANI)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Compte-rendu d'ouvrage (LECOLLE)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Compte-rendu d'ouvrage (BLIN)
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Symposium International "Deflexivite", Universite Lille 3, 19-20 novembre 2009
Thierry Hamon
- Dear ln at 72% 0FF on Pfizer.
VIAGRA ® Official Site
- Dear ln at 73% 0FF on Pfizer.
VIAGRA ® Official Site
- Job: 2 Postdocs in SMT and/or CLIR, Xerox Research Centre Europe
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: JSM'10
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: LATA 2010, last call for papers
Thierry Hamon
- Info: Lancement du portail UIMA-FR.ORG
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Natural Language Processing for the Social Sciences (Argentina)
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Alpage (Roberto Basili) lundi 9 novembre
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: MLIA Technology Transfer Day, 8 Dec 2009, Berlin
Thierry Hamon
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- Dear ln at MensHealth Discount ID 64262757
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- Dear ln at 70% 0FF on Pfizer.
© VIAGRA ® Official Site
- Increase rod's stiffness. Treatment of male problems.
Gavin Leach
- Appel: Journee Speciale Jeunes Chercheurs CORIA-CIFED
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: TIA 2009, Toulouse, France, 18-20 novembre 2009, dernier appel a participation
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Informatique Linguistique le 16/11/2009, Marne-la-Vallee
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CEDIL2010, extension deadline
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: TALN 2010
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de These: PhD position in pragmatics and corpus linguistics at U. of Geneva
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoc position in corpus linguistics at U. of Geneva
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Information Retrieval Facility Conference
Thierry Hamon
- Those young people taking the position you deserve because you lack a Degree?
Rigoberto Mcclure
- Dear ln at 80% 0FF on Pfizer.
© VIAGRA ® Official Site
- Start earning the salary you deserve by obtaining the appropriate University Degree.
Paulette Marino
- Eliminate weenie's feebleness. Give your meat a boost.
Penny Hilliard
- reply
Blanche Willard
- You have the experience but lack the proper University Degree.
Craig Hughes
- Appel: Chapter Proposals on Conversational Agents and Natural Language Interaction
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Workshop on Matching and Meaning: Automated development, evolution and interpretation of ontologies
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: PhD Studentship in NLP at Idiap
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Description Logics 2010
Thierry Hamon
- Habilitation: Delphine Battistelli, La temporalite linguistique
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: TOTh 2010
Thierry Hamon
- notice
Troy Mason
- Stop paying so much for what you know already.
Kirk Lambert
- change
Alva Morin
- Need a Promotion.
Matthew King
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Nelson Hoffman
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Lacy Bermudez
- Appel: AI, Cognitive Semantics and Computational Linguistics : New Perspectives
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Stage Developpements linguistiques pour l'analyse d'opinions, Xerox
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Multilinguisme et TAL
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: PhD Studentship in Natural Language Processing, University of Geneva
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CICE-2010
Thierry Hamon
- Job: URGENT - offre d'emploi CDD annotation
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: EvalECD'10
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: JPC3, cloture des inscriptions le 22/11
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Alpage (Antonio Balvet, Lucie Barque, Rafael Marin) lundi 23 novembre
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: CICLing 2010 - Natural Language Processing - Romania - Springer LNCS
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoctoral Research Position in EURECOM: Speech recognition / Semantic Web / Video Accessibility
Thierry Hamon
- Job: ingenieur R&D, agents conversationnels animes, Dialonics
Thierry Hamon
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- Appel: CIFED-CORIA 2010, Nouvelle date limite
Thierry Hamon
- These: Kevin Sejourne, Question Reponse et Interaction
Thierry Hamon
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Thierry Hamon
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- Appel: Numero special Revue Document Numerique
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ACL 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, Preliminary Call for Papers
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Compte-rendu d'ouvrage (NAMER)
Thierry Hamon
- Info: stage intensif NooJ, fevrier 2010
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Alpage (Paola Merlo) lundi 30 novembre
Thierry Hamon
- Info: Experience, petit jeu d'evaluation en semantique lexicale
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: i-Society 2010
Thierry Hamon
- These: Nicolas Bechet, Descripteurs morpho-syntaxiques pour la Fouille de Textes
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ESSLLI'10, Workshop on Theories of Information Dynamics and Interaction and their Application to Dialogue
Thierry Hamon
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Tommie Metz
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 14:02:57 UTC 2009
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:16:01 UTC 2022
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