Appel: Error Correction Methods and Systems Workshop: ECOMS ’10, Workshop LREC

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Jan 5 21:10:28 UTC 2010

Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 12:13:06 +0100 (CET)
From: stdizier at
Message-ID: <ce03f10e86484ec350aa384af1616e10.squirrel at>

LREC Workshop, 22 May 2010, Malta

Error Correction Methods and Systems Workshop: ECOMS’10

Non-native speakers of a language producing documents in that language
often encounter lexical, grammatical and stylistic difficulties which
can make their texts difficult to understand. As a result, the
professionalism and the credibility of these texts are often
affected. In spite of the major progress of text editors in terms of
error correction, there is still a long way to go before such systems
can effectively help non-native authors produce texts which are fluid
and natural.

With the growth of international communication, e.g. via emails,
blogs, web pages, etc., there is an obvious need for efficient tools
that help authors to write in a variety of languages. Speakers of
languages which are structurally and lexically very different from
English often encounter tremendous difficulties in writing documents
in this language. In these cases, the use of transfer strategies can
be widespread.

When looking at the variety of errors produced by authors, whatever
their age, profession, target audience, etc., we notice that errors
are encountered across the whole range of linguistic areas:
morphology, lexicon, syntax and grammar, semantics and
stylistics. Attention must be paid to documents which might use
specialist language, as this could be the source of "false positives",
or abusive correction of a number of segments.
Besides what can be observed where major text editors are concerned,
error analysis and correction is an area which is becoming very active
again.  This is probably due to the emergence of widespread lexical
resources, and to more advanced language processing techniques.

We would like this workshop to be a meeting point for didacticians,
second language acquisition practitioners, cognitive linguists, as
well as for NLP practitioners, resource developers, users and
application providers.  Finally, in order to improve communication and
inter-disciplinary cooperation, we intend the workshop to include
regular talks, discussions and a panel that would be a first step in
defining a roadmap in this rapidly growing area.

The main topics are (but are not limited to):

- Linguistic and conceptual aspects :
(1) error analysis, in particular: classification of errors,
    processing of stylistics errors,
(2) mental lexicons, mentalist grammar aspects and error production,
    semantics and the lexicon,
(3) psycholinguistic aspects, such as transfer strategies,
    overgeneralization, analysis of error production, etc.

- Corpus-related problematics:

(1) methods for the construction of dedicated corpora and their
(2) analysis of types of corpora (learner corpora, corpus of technical
    productions, emails, etc.),
(3) corpus validation techniques.

- Corpus annotation:
(1) error annotation techniques,
(2) definition of guidelines and norms for annotating errors and their
(3) annotator training.

- Correction methods:
(1) detection, diagnosis and correction techniques,
(2) ambiguity and multiple correction management,
(3) collaborative approaches to correction, generation of tutorials,
(4) machine learning techniques,
(5) error correction and reasoning aspects, dedicated inference forms.

- Resources for error correction and learning:
(1) lexicons, grammars, ontologies,
(2) use of the web as a corpus
(3) lexical semantics aspects.

- Didactic aspects:

(1) production of explanations and argumentation schemes (e.g. for or
    against a certain correction), ergonomy of explanations, planning,
(2) user interactions and question-answering;

- Evaluation methods;

- Applications:

(1) improved correction systems,
(2) writing assistants (mono or multilingual),
(3) integration and interoperability, scalability.

Program Committee
Alice Chan, City University, Hong Kong.
Michael Gamon , Microsoft Research, USA
Marie Garnier, Université de Toulouse 2, France
Sylviane Granger , Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Volker  Hegelheimer,  Iowa State University, USA
Emi Izumi, National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, Japan
Patrick Saint-Dizier, IRIT-CNRS, France
Nathalie Spanghero, Université de Toulouse 2, France
Joel Tetreault, University of Rochester, USA.
Alexandra Volanschi , Université Paris Diderot, France
David Wible, National Central University, Taiwan

Dates and workshop organization, paper submission
Dates and submission deadlines will be defined according to LREC
All accepted papers (long and short) will be published in the workshop
Tentative schedule:

Submission deadline: February 18th
Acceptance/rejection: March 8th
Final paper due: March 17th

When submitting a paper from the START page at:

authors will be asked to provide essential information about resources
(in a broad sense, i.e. technologies, standards, evaluation kits,
etc.) that have been used for the work described in the paper or are a
new result of your research.

The goal of this workshop is to enhance cooperation between
participants with different backgrounds. Contributors must be open to
interactions with the different workshop areas. The program committee
will be careful to have a balanced number of participants from the
different areas concerned.  Although papers will obviously have a
dominant theme, it is important that they contain material from at
least two disciplines of the workshop (AI, NLP, language resources,
didactics, corpus construction, evaluation techniques ...).

To encourage an atmosphere appropriate for a workshop, we plan to:
    - have a 15mn discussion at the end of each session,
    - have a panel (e.g. defining elements of a road map) and an
      invited speaker,
    - plan demos on portable machines.

Submission format

We welcome short papers (max. 3 pages), describing projects or ongoing
research and long papers (max. 6 pages), that relate more established
results. Papers must be sent in .pdf format. The format to use for
papers and abstracts is the same as for LREC main conference.
The title page (no separate title page is needed, we do not require
anonymous submissions) should include the following information:

-	Title
-	Authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses
-	Topic(s) of the above list, as appropriate
-	Abstract (short summary up to 5 lines)

Submission page link: XX
Contact persons (co-chairs)
Patrick Saint-Dizier   IRIT-CNRS,  IRIT  118 route de Narbonne 31062
Toulouse cedex France. Phone : +33 5 61 55 62 44.  stdizier at
Marie Garnier, UTM, dept of English, 5 allées Antonio Machado
31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9, France. garnier at

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