Appel: MTT 2011, 8-9 septembre, Barcelone

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Mar 18 20:49:08 UTC 2011

Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:56:15 +0100
From: Sylvain Kahane <sylvain at>
Message-Id: <1BEEFE64-5CB0-417D-9B51-C42F6503EA96 at>

   Fifth International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (MTT '11)
                 8-9 September 2011, Barcelona, Spain

The Meaning-Text Theory is a holistic linguistic theory characterized
in particular by the central position of the lexicon, the primacy of
semantics, the importance of the communicative (= information)
structure, and the reliance on dependencies on all levels. MTT has
been extensively developed over the last four decades with respect to
its coverage of linguistic phenomena and application in a variety of
research fields - in particular, natural language processing.

After MTT '03 in Paris, MTT '05 in Moscow, MTT '07 in Klagenfurt and
MTT '09 in Montreal, this conference is the fifth in a series that
aims at bringing together researchers working on MTT and related
frameworks and their implementation in the framework of different
natural language processing applications. The conference will be held
in conjunction with the International Conference on Dependency
Linguistics ( to take place immediately before
MTT '11.  Unlike the previous MTT Conferences, MTT '11 will be
organized in terms of thematic tracks. This new format shall help
center the conference and stimulate in-depth contributions and
discussions at the conference. Submissions are invited on one of the
following themes, approached from the perspective of MTT or any other
related framework:

1. Fundamentals (semantics, syntax, morphology, phonology and their
   interaction), Chair: Sylvain Kahane
2. Dictionaries and Lexical Semantics, Chairs: Valentina Apresjan and
   Tilmann Reuther
3. Collocations, Chairs: Margarita Alonso Ramos and Leo Wanner
4. Semantic Derivation and Morphology, Chair: Maarten Janssen
5. Computational Applications, Chair: Igor Boguslavsky
6. Terminology, Chairs: Amparo Alcina and Marie-Claude L'Homme


Submissions must be in English. They may not exceed 10 pages in length
(including all figures, data, notes, and bibliography) using a 12
point font, printed in one column) and should indicate to which track
they are submitted. Style files for LaTeX and Word will be published
later in the website of the conference. All submissions will be
electronic in pdf format via EasyChair.


Submission deadline:         June, 1st    2011
Notification of acceptance:  June, 22nd 2011
Final version due:           July, 15th 2011
Main conference:             September, 8th-9th 2011

      Igor Boguslavsky, Politechnical University of Madrid
      Leo Wanner, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

      Lorraine Baqué, Autonomous Unviversity of Barcelona


Track chairs and

Lorraine Baqué, Autonomous Unviversity of Barcelona
Maria Auxiliadora Barrios Rodriguez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
David Beck, University of Alberta
Bernd, Bohnet, University of Stuttgart
Margarita Correia, ILTEC
Béatrice Daille, LINA Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes
Dmitry Dobrovolsky, Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of  
Pamela Faber, Universidad de Granada
Kim Gerdes, Sorbonne Nouvelle
Boris Iomdin, Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences
Leonid Iomdin, Russian Academy of Sciences
Lydia Iordanskaja, University of Montreal
Anne-Laure Jousse, University of Montreal
François Lareau, Macquarie University
Roman Laskowski, Polish Academy of Sciences
Patrick Leroyer, Aarhus Business School
Irina Levontina, Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of  
François Maniez, Université Lumière Lyon 2
Igor Mel'cuk, University of Montreal
Jasmina Milicevic, Dalhousie University
Alain Polguère, Université Nancy 2
Owen Rambow, Columbia University
Agnès Tutin, Université Grenoble 3
Serge Verlinde, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Daniel Weiss, University of Zurich
Robert Zangenfeind, University of Munich

For further information, please contact mtt2011 at

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