Conf: SEPLN 2014, Girona, Spain, 16th-19th September 2014
Thierry Hamon
hamon at LIMSI.FR
Fri Jun 13 19:59:58 UTC 2014
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 21:26:26 +0200
From: Horacio Saggion <horacio.saggion at>
Message-ID: <CABxRTCyM_W9ONsPF1WrNaYEytHp69_49MZ61_uD9gM2wCFrs+Q at>
The 30th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language
processing will be held in Girona, Spain on 16th-19th September 2014.
The 16th September 2014 will feature two workshops and a tutorial (see
SEPLN Web page for details)
The 17th to 19th September 2014 will feature the full SEPLN technical
program; see detailed program at the end of this message or check the
SEPLN Web site.
To register to SEPLN 2014 you will need to fill in a form (see below).
After submitting your data, you will receive by e-mail instructions on
how to pay the registration fees.
SEPLN fees are as follows:
*** Until 30th June 2014 ***
SEPLN Member : 210 euro
Not SEPLN Member + Membership : 235 euro
Not SEPLN Member : 260 euro
STUDENT : 170 euro
*** From 1st July 2014 ***
SEPLN Member : 270 euro
Not SEPLN Member + Membership : 295 euro
Not SEPLN Member : 320 euro
STUDENT : 230 euro
Use the following link to register:
Or consult the SEPLN 2014 Web site at:
The full SEPLN technical program is as follows:
*30th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing
**** Workshops and Tutorial : 16th September 2014 ****
*(Program to be announced)*
**** Main Conference; 17th-18th September 2014 ****
*(Full program below)*
*Scientific Program*
*Main Conference – 17th, 18th, and 19th September 2014*
*17th September 2014*
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:00 Opening
10:00-11:00 Invited Talk: *Enrique Alfonseca* (Google)
*News understanding through event pattern clustering*
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Full Papers: Information Extraction
11:30-12:00 *Análisis morfosintáctico y clasificación de entidades
nombradas en un entorno Big Data.* Pablo Gamallo; Juan Carlos Pichel;
Marcos Garcia; José Manuel Abuín;Tomás Fernández Pena
12:00-12:30 *Entity-Centric Coreference Solving of Person Entities for
Open Information Extraction.* Marcos Garcia; Pablo Gamallo
12:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-16:30 Full Papers: Word Sense Disambiguation / Corpus Analysis
15:00-15:30 *Etiquetado de metáforas lingüísticas en un conjunto de
documentos en español*. Fernando Martínez Santiago, Miguel Ángel García
Cumbreras, Arturo Montejo Ráez, Manuel Carlos Díaz Galiano
15:30-16:00 *Methodology and evaluation of the Galician WordNet
expansion with the WN-Toolkit*. Xavier Gómez Guinovart & Antoni Oliver
16:00-16:30 *An unsupervised Approach for Person Name Disambiguation in
Web People Search*. Agustín D. Delgado, Raquel Martínez, Soto Montalvo,
Víctor Fresno
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Project’s Presentations (Round Table, 10 mins each)
*Tratamiento inteligente de la información para ayuda a la toma de
decisiones.* Sonia Vázquez, Elena Lloret, Fernando Peregrino, Yoan
Gutiérrez, Javier Fernández, José Manuel Gómez
*Proyecto FIRST (Flexible Interactive Reading Support Tool): Desarrollo
de una herramienta para ayudar a personas con autismo mediante la
simplificación de textos.* María-Teresa Martín Valdivia, Eugenio
Martínez Cámara, Eduard Barbu, L. Alfonso Ureña-López, Paloma Moreda,
Elena Lloret
*Open Idea: Plataforma inteligente para gestión de ideas innovadoras.*
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García, Rafael Valencia-García, Gema
Alcaraz-Mármol, César Carralero
*ATTOS: Trend Analysis and Thematic through Opinions and Sentiments.* L.
Alfonso Ureña, Rafael Muñoz, José A. Troyano y Mª Teresa Martíon
*NewsReader project. *Rodrigo Agerri, Eneko Agirre, Itziar Aldabe,
Begoña Altuna, Zuhaitz Beloki, Egoitz Laparra, Maddalen López de
Lacalle, German Rigau, Aitor Soroa, Rubén Urizar
*Análisis Semántico de la Opinión de los Ciudadanos en Redes Sociales en
la Ciudad del Futuro.* Julio Villena-Román, Adrián Luna-Cobos, José
Carlos González Cristóbal
*TrendMiner: Large-scale Cross-lingual Trend Mining Summarization of
Real-time Media Streams.* Paloma Martínez, Isabel Segura, Thierry
Declerck, José L. Martínez
*Utilización de las Tecnologías del Habla y de los Mundos Virtuales para
el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Educativas*. David Griol, Araceli Sanchis,
José Manuel Molina, Zoraida Callejas
*Establishing a Linguistic Olympiad in Spain, Year 1.* Antonio Toral,
Guillermo Latour, Stanislav Gurevich, Mikel Forcada, Gema
18:30-20:00 Break
20:00-22:00 Reception
*18th September 2014*
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-11:00 Full Papers: Machine Learning for Natural Language
09:30-10:00 *Translating sentences from 'original' to 'simplified'
Spanish*. Sanja Stajner
10:00-10:30 *Descripción y Evaluación de un Sistema de Extracción de
Definiciones para el Catalán.* Luis Espinosa-Anke, Horacio Saggion
10:30-11:00 *The aid of machine learning to overcome the classification
of real health discharge reports written in Spanish.* Alicia Pérez,
Arantza Casillas, Koldo Gojenola, Maite Oronoz, Nerea Aguirre, Estibaliz
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Invited Talk: *Roberto Navigli* (La Sapienza)
*(Digital) goodies from the ERC Wishing Well: BabelNet, Babelfy, video
games with a purpose and the Wikipedia bitaxonomy*
12:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-16:30 Demonstrations and Industry Papers
*ADRSpanishTool: a tool for extracting adverse drug reactions and
indications.* Santiago de la Peña, Isabel Segura-Bedmar, Paloma
Martínez, José Luis Martínez
*ViZPar: A GUI for ZPar with Manual Feature Selection*. Isabel Ortiz,
Miguel Ballesteros, Yue Zhang
*Desarrollo de portales de voz municipales interactivos y adaptados al
usuario.* David Griol, María García-Jiménez, José Manuel Molina, Araceli
*imaxin|software: PLN aplicada a la mejora de la comunicación
multilingüe de empresas e instituciones.* José Ramom Pichel Campos,
Diego Vázquez Rey, Luz Castro Pena, Antonio Fernández Cabezas
*Integration of a Machine Translation System into the Editorial Process
Flow of a Daily Newspaper.* Juan Alberto Alonso Martín, Anna Civil Serra
*track-It! Sistema de Análisis de Reputación en Tiempo Real.* Julio
Villena-Román, Janine García-Morera, José Carlos González Cristóbal
*Aplicación de tecnologías de Procesamiento de lenguaje natural y
tecnología semántica en Brand Rain y Anpro21. *Oscar Trabazos, Silvia
Suárez, Remei Bori, Oriol Flo
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 SEPLN General Assembly
18:30-20:00 Break
21:00-24:00 Conference Dinner
*19th September 2014*
09:00-09:30 Registration
09:30-11:00 Full Papers: Natural Language Processing Tools
09:30-10:00 *ParTes. Test Suite for Parsing Evaluation*. Marina
Lloberes, Irene Castellón, Lluís Padró, Edgar Gonzàlez
10:00-10:30 *PoS-tagging the Web in Portuguese. National varieties, text
typologies and spelling systems*. Marcos Garcia; Pablo Gamallo; Iria
Gayo; Miguel A. Pousada Cruz
10:30-11:00 *Document-Level Machine Translation as a Re-translation
Process.* Eva Martínez Garcia, Cristina España-Bonet, Lluís Màrquez
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Full Papers: Terminology Extraction and Opinion Lexicons
11:30-12:00 *ML-SentiCon: Un lexicón multilíngüe de polaridades
semánticas a nivel de lemas.* Fermín L. Cruz, José A. Troyano, Beatriz
Pontes, F. Javier Ortega
12:00-12:30 *Unsupervised acquisition of domain aspect terms for Aspect
Based Opinion Mining.* Aitor García Pablos, Montse Cuadros, German Rigau
12:30-13:00 *Boosting Terminology Extraction through Crosslingual
Resources.* Sergio Cajal, Horacio Rodríguez
13:00-13:30 Closure
Looking forward to see you in Girona in September!
Kind regards,
Horacio Saggion
SEPLN 2014 Chair
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