June 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jun 5 09:44:37 UTC 2014
Ending: Sun Jun 29 18:35:51 UTC 2014
Messages: 74
- Dear ln at listserv.linguistlist.org, Welcome to Submit Your Papers and Books to Us
- Dear ln at listserv.linguistlist.org, High quality Fast publication High visibility Open access
- Cursus: Master Pro TILDE, UFR LSHS Universite Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Cite
Thierry Hamon
- Journee: Premiere edition des Doctoriales de Linguistique (DOCTILING) du laboratoire STL, Lille, 12 juin 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Alignement multimodal de ressources educatives / Multimodal alignment of educational resources
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: FCA4AI Workshop at ECAI 2014 (extended deadline and last call)
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Post Doc en TAL, Laboratoire MoDyCo
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Numero special sur le traitement automatique du langage parle
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: INTERSPEECH 2014 Tutorials, Singapore, September 14-18, 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: TALN 2014, 1-4 Juillet 2014, Marseille
Thierry Hamon
- Ressource: FRMG Wiki, un wiki linguistique du francais
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Two Postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning for Machine translation
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: NLDB'2014, 18-20 June 2014, Montpellier, France
Thierry Hamon
- Livre: La comparaison et son expression en francais
Thierry Hamon
- Info: INTERSPEECH 2014, Grants and Awards
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Appel a candidatures financement de these, Vertus et faiblesses du crowd-sourcing
Thierry Hamon
- These: Driss Sadoun, Des specifications en langage naturel aux specifications formelles
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Open Positions in ASR, SyNTHEMA, Italy
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Modelisation des systemes ethiques, LIP6-Institut Mines Telecom
Thierry Hamon
- Info: Actes JADT'2014 (Paris) en ligne sur Lexicometrica
Thierry Hamon
- Ateliers: Ina DLweb, Saison 5, seance #5, Web archive et archives scientifiques, 13 juin 2014, Paris
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Envororisk'2014 (informatique et risque)
Thierry Hamon
- Info: TALN 2014 - Activite sociale
Thierry Hamon
- Cursus: Formation master TAL, Besancon
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Traces digitales, Serge Heiden et Milan Bouchet-Valat, 19 juin 2014, Universite de Paris Est Marne la Vallee
Thierry Hamon
- Habilitation: Xavier Tannier, Evenements dans les textes et ciblage d'information, 18 juin 2014, Orsay
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: Alpage / Google Tech Talk, Rich Washington, 13 juin 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: 37th Annual ACM SIGIR 2014 conference, Gold Coast Australia, July 6-11 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Ethiques individuelles et collectives d'agents autonomes (reponse avant le 30/06)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Appel a candidature, Organisation de JEP-TALN 2016
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Colloque 40 ans de Pratiques
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Ingenieur de recherche en TAL, Synapse, Toulouse
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SSST-8: 8th Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (EMNLP 2014)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: AusDM 2014, The 12th Australasian Data Mining Conference, Brisbane Australia, Nov 27-28 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Translating and the Computer Conference 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Deadline extension, LD4KD, ECMK/PKDD Workshop on Linked Data for Knowledge Discovery
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Resume automatique multi-documents dynamique, CEA LIST / LVIC
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoctoral position, IMMI-CNRS
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014)
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ToRPorEsp, Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish (Propor 2014)
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoc Labex EFL, Apprentissage et fouille de relations entre concepts pour l'enrichissement d'ontologies
Thierry Hamon
- Postdoc: Natural Language Processing at Aix-Marseille University
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: SEPLN 2014, Girona, Spain, 16th-19th September 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: IEEE CIM Special Issue on New Trends of Learning in Computational Intelligence
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: #di2014 Conference, September 17-19, 2014, Nantes
Thierry Hamon
- These: Maxime Lefrancois, Representation des connaissances semantiques lexicales de la Theorie Sens-Texte
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Call for System Participation, Shared Task on Automatic Arabic Error Correction (Registration Deadline: July 1st)
Thierry Hamon
- Seminaire: FIT Post Congress Seminars "Terminology Management" , 7-9 August 2014, Berlin
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Post-doc ou ingenieur en TAL, Universite de Tours
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: WACAI 2014, Workshop Affect, Compagnon Artificiel et Interaction, 30 juin-1er juillet 2014, Rouen
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: Problems in Terminological Work Workshop, Sept-Oct 2014, Spanish edition, Barcelone
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: DO 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Deadline extension, DMNLP ECML/PKDD, Workshop on Interactions between Data Mining and Natural Language Processing
Thierry Hamon
- Q: Recherche corpus / jeu de donnees en francais,
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Journal of Natural Language Engineering, Special Issue on Machine Translation Using Comparable Corpora
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: ECMK/PKDD Workshop on Linked Data for Knowledge Discovery
Thierry Hamon
- Job: 3 offres de post-doc, Traitement automatique des langues, LIMSI
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoc in IR at Idiap, Switzerland
Thierry Hamon
- These: Marilyne Latour, Du besoin d'informations a la formulation des requetes
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: INTERSPEECH 2014, Keynote spekers, September 14-18, 2014, Singapore
Thierry Hamon
- Revue: TAL, parution du numero 54-2, Entites Nommees
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Linguiste, Semantia Marseille
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Postdoc position, Knowledge Discovery for biomarker identification, LORIA/Inria Nancy Grand Est
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: SENTIRE, ICDM workshop series on opinion mining
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Post-doc de 6 mois, Annotation semantique d'information textuelle en biologie vegetale
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Revue TAL, Traitement automatique du langage parle (possibilite de mettre a jour article jusqu'au 15 juillet!)
Thierry Hamon
- These: Haithem Afli, La traduction automatique statistique dans un contexte multimodal
Thierry Hamon
- Job: Post-doctoral position on machine learning / data clustering, Lyon
Thierry Hamon
- Conf: COLING2014, Conference Programme Announced & 6 Days to Early Registration, Dublin, 25-29 August 2014
Thierry Hamon
- Appel: Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns 2014 and SWJ Fast-Track
Thierry Hamon
- Sujet de these: Proposition de these CIFRE en SDL
Thierry Hamon
- Start Publishing ---- 50% OFF for Book Publishing
- Dear ln at listserv.linguistlist.org, Looking for Part-time Work?
- Dear ln at listserv.linguistlist.org, Time Flies / Get Your Research Paper Published
Last message date:
Sun Jun 29 18:35:51 UTC 2014
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:16:07 UTC 2022
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