Seminaire: Alpage, James Pustejovsky, 2 seances (28 mars et 4 avril), Computational Models of Events

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Fri Mar 14 13:20:02 UTC 2014

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:18:37 +0100
From: Marie Candito <marie.candito at>
Message-ID: <CAKCM-9F7x2uNHKAOZLaR9irf-Q=YzKoSrXAk2SNa=q8qOeft9w at>

************* Séminaire de l'équipe Alpage *********

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, équipe mixte INRIA - Paris Diderot,
spécialisée en traitement automatique des langues.

James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, professeur invité à Alpage),
donnera 2 séances liées :

- vendredi 28 mars
- vendredi 4 avril

de 11h à 12h15,

Attention : lieu inhabituel :

salle 265E
*Bâtiment Halle aux Farines*
10 rue Françoise Dolto
75013 Paris

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.

James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University :

Computational Models of Events (Two Lectures)

Abstract :

The notion of event has long been central for both modeling the
semantics of natural language as well as reasoning in goal-driven tasks
in artificial intelligence. This talk examines developments in
computational models for events, bringing together recent work from the
areas of semantics, logic, computer science, and computational
linguistics. The goal is to look at event structure from a unifying
perspective, enabled by a new synthesis of how these disciplines have
approached the problem. This entails examining the structure of events
at all levels impacted by linguistic expressions: (a) predicate
decomposition and subatomic event structure; (b) atomic events and the
mapping to syntax; (c) events in discourse structure; and (d) causation
in the macro-event structure of narratives and scripts.

This talk outlines a unified theory of event structure. The demands on
such a theory require it to both facilitate the systematic mapping from
semantic forms to syntactic representations and support event-based
inferences in texts. What emerges is a framework that represents a
situation and its participants in terms of subevents, modeled
dynamically through time and space. In addition, the theory must
identify events as part of larger scenarios and scripts. The course
covers recent work in this direction and models unifiying these
representational levels for event-based reasoning.

Common to all traditions is the view that events are the means by which
we model situations and changes in our world. We first examine the
subatomic structure of events from the perspective of hybrid modal
logic, using dynamic and linear temporal logics as our means of encoding
change.  Then, we look at the properties of atomic event structure, and
the effects of discourse relations on temporal inferencing.  Next, we
examine the problem of identifying where events happens, which is
critical for any deep causal reasoning involving events and their
participants.  We will develop a procedure for "event localization",
which is the process of identifying the spatial extent of an event,
activity, or situation.  Finally, we examine events above the level of
the sentence and local discourse. That is, we study how events are
structured within larger narratives and scripts, reflecting
conventionalized patterns of behavior and causal and coherence relations
within texts and discourse.

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